Chapter 45 ~ Petronus Charm

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°• Weasley & Weasley •°

I placed down the paper infront of me. The headline read 'Mass Breakout From Askaban' and the picture was of Bellatrix Le'strange. The whole news article was blaming Sirius for the whole thing. But of course, they were far from accurate, they just needed someone to blame that wasnt the Dark Lord.

"You alright there y/n/n?" Pansy asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah" I lied, knowing i couldnt really go into it, especially in the middle of the great hall during lunch. I stabbed at my food, trying to take my frustration out on that instead of the girl.

For some reason, I was constantly filled with anger. The sadness that filled me before, had now morphed into something far worse. The constant feeling of wanting to crucio someone, or punch a wall. But doing either one of those, wouldn't end well for me.

I saw Fred and George walk in, huge smiles on there faces. "What's got you guys all smiley?" I asked as they walked past "oh nothing." George said "just the fact we've come up with a brilliant idea." Fred took my hand, dragging me to the Griffindor table, knowing that if they joined me with the other Slytherins, it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Tell me, what is going on with you two?" I giggled. Fred quickly pulled out his joke box and opend it, revealing a huge book. On the front read 'Weasley & Weasley'. "So," Fred started "we want to open our own joke shop." He flung the book open, revealing pages and pages of different ideas. Starting from what the store front will look like, to there uniforms, and even down to different little sweets they would sell.

I flicked through the pages, admiring all the work the boys had put in. They talked me through every page, interrupting each other whilst doing so. I couldn't help but watch Fred, his grin grew wider with every idea, causing me, for some reason, to blush a little when he looked at me. "What do you think?" They asked in unison.

I hesitated a moment, building up anticipation "I think its brilliant!" I finally blurted out, causing the twins to sigh in relief. "I think, that I should be able to work there when I finish school" I teased "I mean I did help create half of this." "Of course Potter." George confirmed "there will always be a badge waiting for you at Weasley & Weasley, if you choose to exept it?" Fred asked. I nodded quickly.

" There is one problem though." Fred started "we may have to cut our time at Hogwarts a little short." The smiles fell from there faces. "Your leaving me, all on my own" I pouted sarcastically "We'll finish this year Potter, but dont think we'll stay for the next." George explained.
"Fair enough" I sighed "I guess I'll just have to suffer with you to until then."


"You have to Make it an extremely powerful memory. Let it fill you up, make it the happiest you've ever been" I called, teaching everyone around me. They had surrounded me in a circle, waiting for me to show them how perform the Petronus Charm. I held out my wand, taking a deep breath, filling myself up with my favourite memory.

It was my last concert at my old school. One of the biggest of the year. I was so nervous, I threw up backstage.

As i looked out to onto the crowd, the first person I laid my eyes on Sirius. He had just escaped from Askaban, and had explained to me everything.

As I scanned around, I also noticed the Knights sitting front row, smiling widely. I began to play, my band backing me up. I felt at home, for the first time ever.

There was something about playing on a stage, that brought me a sense of belonging. Even if noone liked the music.

"Expecto Petronum"

I opend my eyes and out flew a bright blue bat, looking just like Eclipse. It flew around everyone, weaving in out there heads, eventually landing on Fred's shoulder, slowly fading away.

Again, this caused me to blush, but I didnt really know why. "Now it's your turn." I smiled "take your happiest memory, and turn it into something beautiful."

Everyone broke away and began flicking there wands, blue animals running, flying and going everywhere "a full body patronus, is the hardest to produce," my brother started " but shield form can be as equally usefull, against a variety of opponents"

I walked around the hall, watching as the magical creatures danced around. "Fantastic Ginny" my brother beamed, as he watched the ginger girl form a horse from her wand.

"Just remember guys" I continued from my brother "the charm only works as long as you are focused." I stopped next to Neville, noticing he was struggling. I put my hand on his shoulder "I know you can do this Neville, just take a deep breath and focus"

"Expecto Petronum" the boy chanted, but nothing happend "I'm trying" he said in defeat "I know Nev. You get there soon" I looked up quickly, noticing the Chandelier start to shake, causing the room to fall dark.

The once lively, happy room, was now dark depressing. It was like someone had come and sucked all the happiness away. There was a loud crash coming from outside the door, causing me, for some reason, to step towards it. It continued. I looked at my brother, confusion filled both of our faces, not sure what was going on.

Suddenly all the glass shattered, making the room silent. Nigel stepped towards the hole in the door, peering through it "I'll make short work of this" as I looked through, I caught a glimpse of the pink devil, holding her wand towards were I was standing. I grabbed the second year and pulled him back as the women blew the door open.

The young boy fell into my arms, as I made sure to shield him from the blast. As the dust cleared, the horror became clear. There the beast stood, her little spies joining her behind. But the next moment hurt the worst. Out came Draco, Cho Chang in his grip, and a smug smile on his face. I could feel the little boy shaking with fear in my grip as I hugged him closer.

"Get them" 

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