Chapter 61 ~ Partners

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As I stood on the back patio, lightly sipping on my glass of Quintin Black, a stared out into the garden, contemplating everything I'm doing wrong with my life. Rain began to pour, landing perfectly on each of the statues that stood proudly.

My arm ached, mainly of regret, showing the desicion that stood out the most. I was now officially one of them. The most hated people in the wizard world, feared by all.

"Hey?" A soft voice said behind me "you okay?" A soft laugh escaped my lips as Draco joined me at the banister. "That question never gets old. To be honest Dray, I dont think I even have answer for it anymore." He slowly grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly "well get through this together. I promise."

He smiled softly, watching me take a sip from my glass, "I have something to show you." He stated "come with me" his grip tightened as he pulled his mask back over his face, and leading me back through the crowd.

Soon, we were stood were we once had stared. Among the trees and beautiful flowers of the garden. Infront of us sat a massive, gorgeous wood, the trunks stretching for miles. I looked up at him confused.

"Run." He simply said. "What?" I asked back, even more confused.
"Just run."

Before I knew it, I was being dragged into the forest. Swerving in and out of trees, just running. The feeling if freedom took a hold of me, desperately bot wanting me to go. It was all I ever wanted. Freedom. And now I finally had it, i wasnt ever wanting to let go.

The rain soaked into my skin, the coolness relaxing me, as my legs kept going as fast as they could. The sound of song and chattering grew further and further away.

Before I knew it, my skirt got court beneath my feet and I had crashed to the ground, dragging Draco down with me. I rolled onto my back, bursting into a fit of laughter. My dress was now covered in mud, but I didnt care.

I looked over at the blonde boy, him in and equal fit as mine, his smile going from ear to ear. I had never seen him like this before. He rolled onto his side, using his arms to lift his body above mine.

"You've got a bit of... erm" he softly wiped his thumb across my lip. His lips connected with mine. So quickly I hadn't had a chance to stop it. His hand moved from my face, to my waist deepening the kiss.

I pushed him away. "We cant do this." I said shaking my head. "Why not?" His question was blunt. "Becuse were." I hesitated for a moment, trying to fumble my words together. "Becuse were not to gather anymore Draco. We're just partners. Partners who should focus on their task, rather then their love life. I'm sorry."

I got, wiping my dress but I was no use. "Is that all we are y/n?" His tone was sad "just partners? Becuse I sure as hell thought we were much more than that." I just looked at him, not sure how to reply.

"Fine then. Just partners." And with that, he walked away quickly, back to the bustling crowd of the party. I didnt even try to call for him, I had no idea what to say to him. My feeling were every where, and so was my head.

I sat back down, resting my head on tree, letting the water soak me as it fell. I really messed up this time.


I stood silent, watching as they placed the casket into the ground. Despite it being summer, gloom had taken over. Rain poured heavily down onto the magic made umbrellas, as  I held back tears, wishing to just be alone.

It was a small ceremony. The Malfoys refused to go, so that left me, standing awkwardly with the rest of the order. I fiddled with the sleeve of my black dress, hoping that nothing could be seen of my new mark.

"Y/N, would you like to say a few words?" Remus asked, snapping me back into the now shameful reality. I took a deep breath, before stepping out infront of the small crowd.

"I didnt know Sirius for very long. But those three years that I did, he did so much more for me than i could ever ask for. He gave me a home, he gave me a family, although I knew, deep down, that i didnt deserve it. But he still made me feel like I belonged. He was the best Padfoot, any one could ever ask for. And I hope that he is off pulling some sort of prank with dad, or listening to Queen, because despite his name, he never was serious. We're gonna miss you Padfoot. I'm gonna miss you."

I quickly wiped the tears from my face, stepping away as quickly as possible. I kept walking, out of the cemetery, and straight to where Draco stood, hidden behind a wall. "That was quick." He stated.

"Speaking to me now are you?" I questioned bluntly " anyway, I couldnt be surround by people I betrayed. Especially Harry. He doesn't deserve a sister like me."

"Well, next years going to be fun isn't it. Killing Dumbledore and avoiding your brother at all costs. You really are one of 'his' followers now arent you!" He chuckled. I grimaced at him "what is your plan for that anyway."

He couldnt help but smirk "there a vanishing cabinet in Borgin and Burkes, its sister is at Hogwarts. One problem is, is that I dont think it works properly. I have a couple other things up my sleeve, but as he is one of the strongest wizards, they most likely wont work. But, nonetheless, it may keep the dark Lord a little bit happier to know that we are trying, rather than doing nothing."

He winked at me "hows that for a plan partner?" I sighed, hating the fact that he actually had a plan. "Let's just get this shit over with."

Hi guys! I am so so sorry at how long this took to publish, I have so much in my plate right now, and dont have time to write as much.

I am going to try and write when i can, but with mocks and revision it can be quite difficult.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also, Happy Pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
~ Emily xx

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