Chapter 32 ~ A Warning

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°• Lying Little Shit •°

We got off the train, Dracos present still in hand. I noticed my brother just ahead of us, and so did Draco. He quickend up his pace, catching up with the boy. "Suprised the ministry's letting you walk around free Potter. You better enjoy it while you can." I quickened up my pace knowing that Harry was not in the mood to deal with him right now.

"I expect" Malfoy started getting closer to harry "theres a cell in Azkaban with you name on it." My brother launched at the boy causing him to fly backwards in retreat. Ron grabbed harry as I stood in the middle of them. "Dont you dare!" I snapped at the boys like I was there mother, glaring at my boyfriend. I turned to Harry, shaking my head "sorry." I whispered apologetically, before pushing the blonde boy to move.

"Why do you have to be such a dick Draco?" I questioned eagerly, wacking him with his own box, causing him to flinch a bit. "come on y/n, he deserved it" he smirked. I just rolled my eyes "he didnt and you know that." "Well it's his fault for using magic outside of school." "He had no choice Draco!" I backed up my brother "if he didnt, I would be putting him and my cousin in the ground." I calmed down, recovering from my outburst, my arms crossed over my chest.

Draco walked up to me, lifting up my chin with his finger. "I'm sorry, y/n." His eyes now locked on mine. "Okay." I gave in. "But promise me Draco, you'll try and put up with him, for me." I watched his face ponder a moment, before finally coming up with an answer "I promise" he said kissing me gently on the forehead.

The cart finally arrived, but this time there was a horse pulling it. Well, It looked like a horse, but it was alot more dead looking. It was so skinny, the skin perfectly outlined the bones, showing every rib. And its wings were all jagged and boney. "What is it?" I asked, slowly walking up to the creature "what's, what?" Pansy asked confused, looking around. "the animal right infront of us, pulling the carriage." "Y/n, theres nothing there, the carriage is pulling itself like normal." Pansy confirmed. I looked at the horse confused. Why can I see it, but no one else can?


We made it to the Great Hall, and sat down at our house table. Just walking through the gate to the castle, resulted in millions of death glares from other students. So walking into the great hall and everyone stopped eating to stare at me, didnt come as a surprise.

Dumbledore did his usual speach that I wasnt really paying attention to. I eventually zoned back in when he announced one of the new teachers "we also wish to welcome our new, Defence of the Dark Arts teacher Professor Dolores Umbridge." The women was sat next to Professor Snape, all colourfully dresses in pink, with a massive grin on her face. To be honest it was painful for the eyes. "And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. As usual our caretaker Mr Filch as asked me to remind you," the headmaster was interrupted by a small giggle from the lady.

She slowly stood up, walking to the front of the stage. "Thankyou Headmaster," she said in an equally annoying voice "for those kind words of welcome, and how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces, smiling up at me." I looked around confused "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"what the hell is this women going on about." I whispered to Pansy, who sat opposite me. The girl just shrugged her shoulders. "The Ministry of Magic," the women continued " has always considered the education of young witches and wizards, to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something, new, to this historic school." She stated, slightly bowing her head to the grey haired man.

"Progress, for the sake of progress, must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that must be prohibited." She finished her little speach with a small giggle before leaving the stage, with see full of reluctant claps.

After we had eaten, we headed back to the common room. As soon I set foot in the door, all eyes turned and looked at me. I hesitated for a moment, before walking in with my head held high. "Lying little shit" I heard someone whisper next to me. Draco must have heard it too, as his head snapped in the direction "what did you just call my girlfriend?" He snapped, walking slowly up to them.

"I called her and her little mud blood brother, lying little shits." the girl said in his face "Draco" I interrupted "I can handle this myself" I took his position infront of the girl. "You should know Sinclair, that my brother and I arent lying." She was now stepping back as i moved closer towards her. "But deep down, you know that I'm right, your just to much if a pussy to exept that." Her back was now flat in the wall, a scared expression on her face as I pulled out my wand.

"You know full well what I am capable of, with this piece of wood in my hand." I snarled fiddling with it. "So, if you insult me, or my family, ever again, I am not afraid to go to Azkaban with your blood, on my hands" I stepped away from the girl putting the wand back in my robe. "Now, take this as warning to all of you. If anyone ever insults me like that, ever, again, you now know the consequences."

I pulled myself back into reality, and smiled "well," I said cheerily "I hope you all had a good summer, but I'm off to bed. Night" I said with a smile. I smirked at Draco, before heading up to my room with Pansy.

Hope you liked this chapter! Y/ns getting a bit annoyed with all the staring lol. Dont forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next!
~ Emily xx

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