Chapter 5 ~ Muggle Music

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°•Avada Kedavra•°

It was the next morning, I was sat next to Pansy on the slytherin table eating breakfast. "Y/N Potter?" I turned around to see a tall boy with a weird shaped case. "Yes?" I replied. "I have a delivery for you." He said passing me the case. Smiled realising what it was. "Thankyou!" I said before beginning to unlach the sleek, black case. "What is it?" Pansy asked after I eventually opened it. I laid the box on the ground and took it out. There it was. My electric guitar. It was a mat black but with a galaxy covering. I held it and looked at it. I havent played in ages.

"Its my electric guitar" I said not taking my eyes off it. "Wow." She said admiring it with me. "Play something!" She exclaimed. "No." I shook my head. "Why not?" She wined. "One I have to tune it. And two were right in the middle of breakfast." I said stating the obvious. "What do you mean you have to tune it? Is not a wizard guitar." "Oh Merlin no. I prefer to do music the muggle way. Its alot more challenging." I said placing it slowly back in the case and closing it. "It was good timing though! I have Muggle music after my free period." "You are a strange one arent you Potter?" She teased "you'll grow to love it Parkinson." I said before heading to my room to tune it.

I was half way there when I heard someone behind me. "Still lugging that awful thing around Potter?" The girl exclaimed. I placed it down slowly , grabbing my wand out of my pocket. "What's that supposed to mean Delacour?" I said turning to face her. "Well what I mean is that," a smirk beginning to grow on her face "I think it was a good thing your parents died before they could hear your horrific noise!" I grabbed her by the collar of her blue blazer, pushing her against the wall with my wand against her neck. "Say anything about my parents again, and I swear to Merlin I will Avada Kedavra your fucking ass!" I said my voice now strong and harsh. I could see the girl shaking underneath me, a scared look across her face.

All of a sudden I felt these strong hands grab my shoulders and pull me back. I pulled out of there grip aggressively forcing them to let go. "Dont fucking touch me Zabini!" Yelled before walking away pulling my hood up above my head.

I was sat in my room tears now streaming down my face. Then there was a light knock at my door. "You forgot this." Said Zabini holding my guitar case. "Thankyou" I sniffled wiping tears away from my eyes and taking the case from him. "I'm so sorry Zabini, I dont know you well enough to talk to you like that. I know you were only trying to help." "Please call me Blaize." He replied politely "I understand you were mad and you have every right to feel like that" "no I didnt Blaize, it's just" I slumped on my bed " the last three years was spent her touring me and I hoped this year would be different. But the bitch followed me!" We laughed at the irony before Blaize spoke up "I shouldn't really be here so I better get going." " oh yeah, um, thanks again for bringing this to me." "No problem Potter" "Please, call me Y/N" I smiled at him before he left my room.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had mascara running down my face and I looked like a right mess. I looked at my skirt. "Merlin that's long." I said before grabbing my scissors and cutting it. I fixed my eyeliner, hair and lipstick and checked the length of the skirt in the mirror. "Perfect" I said before grabbing my guitar, throwing my robe over my arm and walking to muggle music.

On my way I got a few dirty looks from Beauxbatons girls but to be honest I didnt really care. I eventually got there and noticed there wasnt many in my class. I walked in and took a seat placing my guitar next to me. I looked over and saw the same hufflepuff boy from the other day. He looked over at me and smiled.

I hadn't really spoken to him yet but he seemed like a nice guy. He had kind greeny blue eyes and a soft smile and brown floofy hair sat upon his head. Professor Flitwick walked in and addressed the class. I only had this lesson once a week so it seemed to be a lesson I could take my mind off things with. "Ah, Miss Potter." He said walking over to me. "I'm curious to find out what muggle instrument you play?" He asked curiously. All eyes turned to me in the class, but to be honest there wasnt many. I needed up being the only slytherin in the class as most of them where taught to despise muggle and muggle studies from a young age.

"Electric guitar sir." I replied gesturing to my case. "Ah brilliant! We dont have one of those yet." His face beamed with excitement. "Now Miss Potter, would we be able to hear something?" I looked at him not sure what to say. "Um, do I have to sir?" I asked awkwardly. "Yes Miss Potter. Chop chop." I stood up reluctantly picking up my guitar and plugging it into the amp. I double checked my tuning and I was ready to go.

I looked out to the small class in front of me, trying my hardest not to look nervous. I locked eyes with Diggory and he just nodded his head signaling for me to go on. I took a deep breath and began playing one of the riffs I had been learning.

Once I had finished it was dead silent, until Diggory started everyone off clapping. "Wow!" Said the Proffessor. "You are definitely something this class needs!"

Hi guys! I hope your enjoying reading this book as much as I am reading it! I am sticking to the storyline as much as a can and obviously tweaking a few things. If your enjoying it, it would mean the world to me if you would give it a vote and comment what you want to happen! I will take all suggestions into consideration.
Thankyou guys!!
~ Emily xx

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