Chapter 36 ~ Desicions, Desicions

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The winter air from the astronomy tower, caused my hair to flow sideways, causing a block of sight towards the entrance. My eyes were locked so intently on the view, that I didnt even notice. The leaves had now started to fall off the trees, making the forbidden forest now bare, looking more terrifying then before. The distant calls from thestrals filled the air, keeping me at piece, for a reason I didnt understand.

Arms snaked around my waist causing me to jump a little "dont do that" I joked, turning around in his arms "I'm not even sorry" Draco teased, his short blonde hair now joining mine, dancing in the wind. I put my arms around his neck, beginning to dance, to the whistle of the wind.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused "dancing" I simply said, not stopping my movement "potter, theres no music, I think your going mad." "Well, Ferret, we already new that." We continued to dance, Draco giving in and quite enjoying himself. It felt perfect, but I knew that wouldn't last long.

I had to tell him. Either that, or my loneliness would swamp me even more than it already had. I knew this probably wasnt a good idea. But I couldn't hold it any longer. "Draco." I finally plucked up the courage to say "yes, darling" he replied now looking deeply into my eyes. "I need to tell you something" I pulled away from his grip, now standing on my own picking at my nails "y/n, what is it" his voice now filled with concern, which inherently needed to be.

"The night of the..." Thud! We heard the door of the astronmy tower slam open "whoever is up here, needs to come down now!" Snapes voice filled the halls "I guess it'll just have to wait." He smirked walking to the edge of the tower "draco, what are you doing?" I asked panicked. he took my hand, dragging me to join him at the edge.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, flicking his wand and saying something under his breath, that I could make out. "What do you mean Draco?" "Jump on the count of three" "hell no, I'm not jumping!" I exclaimed "if you trust me, you'll jump" he snapped "or get caught by Snape. Your decision." I heard the footsteps get closer, nearly reaching the top.

"Fine" I answered nervously. Draco gripped my hand tighter "three" I braced my self "two" i took a deep breath "one!" I closed my eyes as we jumped off the building, bracing my self for the impact. The next thing I know, my arms are wrapped around Dracos waist, flying away from the tower on his broom. The wind continued to flow through my hair, but with the added feeling of freedom.

We landed, my feet now safely planted on the ground. I burst out laughing "that was amazing!" I exclaimed running my hands through my hair, trying my hardest to calm the bright blue mess. He smirked at me, grabbing my hand, swinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Your such a dork" he teased as we walked back to the common room. "Hey." I said, hitting him gently on the arm "it's cute" he finished off, making me blush slightly. "You know, Draco" I started "not many people see you like this, but, I love it when I do"


Something was leading me there, something that I didnt know. I had woken up in the middle of the night, nothing unusual there, but without a second thought, I put on my boots, snuck out of the castle. I was heading towards the forest. I didnt know were I was going, but I knew exactly where I needed to be at the same time.

I had arrived. I was stood aimlessly in the middle of the forbidden forest. Wolves howled in the distance, and the winter chill beginning to consume me. "Y/n Potter." I heard a calm voice from behind me. I span round in my spot to face the unknown. "Long time no see. Well for you anyway" the man said, stepping out of the darkness.

His dark robes, completely covered his body. The only thing visible was his pale, noseless face that struck terror on you instantly. "Wha-what do you want" I stuttered stepping backwards, trying my hardest to get away from the gruesome man. "Now y/n, that is no way to treat your future dark Lord, now is it?"

My back was now flat against a tree, causing the man to fill the space between us. "I trust y/n" he was
now face to face with me, causing my breath to hitch with fright. "You have made your decision." I just shook my head, not being able to form words. He stepped away from me and sighed. "Y/n you and I both know that you have made your decision" "I need more time to think about my Lord" I managed to gather up some words

"You have, until the end of the school year, to make your decision, or the boy will die" with that, he vanished in a puff of black smoke, leaving me stood helpless in the woods. What am I supposed to do? I cant let Draco die! I cant fight against my brother. I sat down on the floor of the forest. I buried my face in my hands, tears of frustration falling down my face.

"Miss Potter?" I looked up from my hands. There stood a familiar giant, his long hair and beard flowing in the wind. "What are you doing out here?" I stood up quickly, brushing off my legs "I'm sorry, Hagrid, I just" i hesitated, not sure what to say "I needed some fresh air, my nightmares are getting worse." I lied. Well it wasnt a complete lie, they were, but that wasnt the reason I was here.

"We better get you back Miss Potter. You do not want one of those creatures finding you out here, or worse, Professor Snape" he said, as we walked back towards the castle, a blanket now wrapped around my shoulders, from his bag.

I wonder what her decision should be? Should she tell Draco?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did vote and comment what you want to happen next!

I know the picture is of 'Tom Riddle' not 'Voldemort' but young Voldy is much better looking! Aha

~ Emily xx

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