Chapter 57 ~ Malfoy Manor

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°• Desta, was it? •°

An emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.

Something that was non existent in my new found home.

The moment you stepped through the 600ft gates, it was washed away in an instant.

The sun soon turned grey, casting a dark shadow along the walls of the grand manour. Tall roofs pointed your way to the heavens, even though the whole place let out the feeling that you were in the deep depths of hell.

Long, green hedges lined the gravel path, showing mine and Dracos direction perfectly. I walked up beside the bleach blonde boy, guitar in hand, ready to find out what was waiting for me the other side of the door.

As soon as we reached the magnificent, dark wood doors, they flung open, revealing a dark haired women, making her way down the large stairs. She smiles warmly, something I wasnt quite expecting.

"Hello, Miss Potter, how lovely to meet you at last. Draco has told me so much about you!" Her posh accent filled the hallway. I looked across to Draco, his cheeks glowing a light tinge of pink, before putting down my case, and responding.

"Its lovely to meet you too Mrs Malfoy." I smiled politely. She pulled me into a polite hug, much different from Mrs Weasleys. "Oh, call me Narcissa, Dear." She stated, before turning to her son.

"Now" she started "how about I show you too your room, and Draco here" she gestured to the boy "can give you the grand tour just before dinner" with a flick of her finger, out came scurrying a little house elf. "Desta, take Y/N case the too her room."

Without a second thought the house elf came scurrying towards me, reaching out to grab the handle. "Its okay." I smiled, grabbing the case "Desta was it? I'm quite alright taking this." I smiled warmly

"But Desta must do what Mrs Malfoy instructed or Master Malfoy will punish Desta" she squeaked.

"Desta, if Miss Potter here wants to take her case that is more than okay. You will not get punished for that." Mrs Malfoy reasured. Destas dark eyes widened, nodding her head quickly, causing her large ears to hit herself in the face.


"Here we are" Narcissa smiled, opening the door to my new bedroom. I walked inside awe struck due to the elegance of the room. A large four poster bed sat in the middle of the room. The roof of it pointing up, matching the roof of the manour, the mattress covered with a green, silk duvet, a large array of pillows covering half of it.

A gigantic fireplace sat in the corner, a beautiful tapestry sat upon it, candles lining the sill. To the right, a large wooden book case sat dormant, along with, on the far side of the room, a large matching wardrobe and chest of drawers. One large window filled the room with light, green drapes hanging at the sides.

"I hope it's much to your liking y/n" she said nervously. "Its gorgeous Narcissa," I stated " I love it, thankyou" I walked in and placed my case on the chair that sat by the window, the rest of my language sat next to it. "I'll leave you to get settled in" she smiled about to leave the room.

"Oh" she turned back "and before I forget, The Dark Lord has requested a meal with you and the rest of my family tonight, apart from my husband of course," her expression had changed "meet us in the dining hall at seven" she quickly left the room, leaving me standing, staring at were she had once been.


"And here is the library" Draco gestured to the large oak doors. He pushed them open, revealing shelves and shelves of books. I stepped inside, instantly feeling comfortable, unlike the rest of the house.

I walked towards the magnificent wooden shelves, running my hands along the many books. "Have you read all of these Dray?" I asked curious.
"Not all of them, but most" he smiled, reaching up to high shelf, and grabbing a book. "This one," he said handing it to me "is always my go to."

I held the book gently in my hand, the gental binding nearly falling apart. "Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. Really?" I questioned "I thought muggle books were, what did you call them 'awfully written, and not worth wasting your Precious time on'." I teased, handing the book back.

His face was guilty as he continued to walk down the isles "well I did quite enjoy it" he confessed "so, when we where about half way through it, I snuck to a muggle book shop during the school break." He turned into one of the break away isles, and handed me another.

'The shining' by Stephen King. "My parents dont know, if they did they'd go mental, but, they never come in here. I have this place all to myself. The muggle books are scattered randomly on shelves."

We continued to walk in silence, picking up a book every once in a while, admiring it, the continuing. "I never finished it by the way " I suddenly stated, the boy turning to me confused "the book. After you told me you didnt want to finish it, I felt awful reading it with out you. It's still only four chapters away in my trunk back at school."

There was a sudden ringing through out the room "that's dinner" Draco explained "we should go" he quickly placed down the book he was holding, and led me away to the dining hall.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is the start of my own free writing, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Also, RIP to the amazing Helen McCrory. I was so devastated when I heard the news! My love goes out to her friends and family. 🖤💚

~ Emily xx

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