Chapter 15 ~ I care about you

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"What the hell!"

I pushed Draco off me, recognising the voice. I laid my eyes on my brother, a shocked expression on his face. "Harry, I, I" he shook his head "I cant believe you!" He said storming off. "Harry wait please!" I said quickly taking off the hoodie and chucking it at Draco before, walking up to him and grabbing his arm "y/n I cant believe you why would do this to me." I just looked at him, not sure what to say.

"Are you not even gonna say anything?" "I,uh" I stuttered. "So are you dating him or something? If you are you cant anymore!" "What the fuck Harry!" I yelled. "You cant tell me who not to date and who to date. Your my brother not my fuckin matchmaker!" I continued "so what y/n are you telling me your in love with him?!" "Well what if I am! It's none of your business okay! I care about him and you cant control that!"

"You what?" I stopped. I turned around to face Draco, a shocked expression plastered all over his face. "I,I, cant deal with this right now." I said quickly walking away.

I ran down the steps about to head to the river when I saw Hermione crying. "Hey" I said stitting next to her and putting my arms round her shoulders. She sobbed into my arms "what's happend?" I asked stroking her hair "Ron." She sobbed "That's all you need to say" I replied


I eventually made it back to back to the dungeons. I went to walk into my room when I heard someone call my name. "Y/n." I stopped in my tracks. I saw Draco standing in the middle of the common room. His bowtie now untied and hanging around his neck. I walked in slowly.

"Hi" I sighed now face to face with him. "Is what you said to Potter true? That you loved me?" He asked nervously without hesitation. I giggled "to be honest, I only agreed with him to wide him up. But I do care about you Draco. And if you dont feel the same, its fine" I said beginning to walk away.

He pulled me back, crashing his lips on mine. My hands were now running through his hair and his hands on my waist. He pulled away. "I do care about you y/n." He said rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "I really do." He looked into my eyes again before placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

I was laid down on the sofa, my head on Dracos lap. "Come on, how do you know you dont like it until you try it." I said now playing with the rings on his fingers. "Y/N its muggle music. You know that anything muggle is going to be awful." I shook my head and grabbed my wand. I pointed it at the radio and said a spell. I had learnt it when studying magic music. It could make any radio turn to any song or album. Genius really.

I finally choose a song and smiled when it began to play y/f/s. I stood up and started dancing around the common room and singing along. For some reason I didnt care how stupid I looked, i just danced as if none was watching. I held out my hand to Draco, who i could notice, was trying very hard not to smile. "Come on!" I playfully frowned. He shook his head "there is now way, I'm dancing to muggle music." I took his hands and pulled him off the sofa and began dancing with his arms.

After a few seconds, he finally gave in. We dancing to the beat of the song, still in our yule ball outfits, and laughing our heads off. The song ended and we collapsed on the sofa, back into our starting position. He was sat up and my head was on his lap. The next song to come on the radio was another one of my favourites but a bit calmer. I breathed in, a familiar scent filling up my lungs for the millionth time this evening, and closed my eyes, listening to the song.

I must have drifted off, as I woke up to Draco stroking my cheek. "Morning." He said as I slowly opend my eyes smiling at the boy. "Sleep well?" I nodded and slowly sat up. "I was wondering?" He said picking up his robe and waistcoat. "Do you want to go to Hogsmede with me today? I need to get some christmas gifts for my mother as we go back home tomorow and I haven't got anything yet." "I'd love to" I said lightly kissing him on the cheek before heading up to my dorm room.

I hope you liked this chapter! Like I said yesterday, if you havent all ready, go stream Yungbluds new Album Weird! And dont forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next.

Emily xx

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