Chapter 53 ~ Profecy

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°• Ity, Bity, Baby, Potter •°

As we stepped out of the elevator, onto the department of mysteries, everything was all too familiar. The dark, black, walls and long corridors, occasionally breaking off into others.

"This is where our dreams have been set." I stated to Harry. "Yeah it is." He nodded in agreement. We turned of onto one of the branches, and I recognised it straight away. This had been were Lucius stood, the day if Harry's trial. I distinctly remember his cold grey eyes, much like Dracos, but older, and filled with the look of death. His stare was cold and chilling. Just thinking about caused my body to have goosebumps.

"Are you okay y/n?" Luna asked sweetly. I hadn't realised I had stopped, till Luna tapped me on the shoulder. I quickly nodded, and caught up with the others.

We got to a set of huge, black doors. "Harry." I said grabbing his arm "what if Sirius isn't in there. Or even worse, actually in there." He looked at me worried "if hes not in there y/n, we'll go straight to headquarters and see him. But if he is." He paused "then we help him, even if he doesn't want us too."

We slowly pushed the door open, and stepped inside. The room was filled with rows and rows of orb like spheres, each one of them had a number. We walked slowly down the long passage way, not really sure what we're looking for. 

As we walked further into the room, the ends of our wands lit up showing our path, I noticed something glowing in the corner of my eye. I was drawn to it for some reason. I lightly nudged harry on the arm. "What?" He asked calmly. My eyes were still glued to it, as I raised my hand and pointed straight towards it. "Why's it glowing?"

I slowly walked up to it, my brother next to me. We continued to stare at for a moment before reaching out, and grabbing it at the same time. As soon as we touched it, it began to talk.

"One with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches" It began "and the Dark Lord shall mark them as his equal but they shall have power the Dark Lord knows not." Its husk, dry voice filling the room

"For neither can live while the other survives." A load hushing sound stopped the voice. "Harry!" Hermione called. I let go of the orb, leaving it in my brothers hands, before turning around.

I slowly stepped in front of my friends, as a dark figure gracefully, glided towards us. I gulped as I recognised the mask. "Wheres Sirius?" My brother asked without hesitation.

"You should be able to tell the difference" a deep dark voice boomed out of the mask "between dreams" they pulled out there wand quickly, swiping away there mask, revealing the man I did not want see "and reality."

His long blonde hair stood out ontop of his dark clothing. "You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see." He turned, his dark eyes looked with mine "I thought you'd know better, Miss Potter." I darted my eyes away quickly "now hand me the Porphecy."

"You do anything to us or I'll break it." My brother snapped. There was a loud giggling from from the darkness. "He knows how to play!" She loudly, her calling voice echoing through the room "ity, bitty, baby, Potter." Out came a ragged looking women. Her hair in thick curles, messily placed on her head, being twirled innocently around with her wand.

"Bellatrix Le'stange." Neville stated, his voice riddled with fear. "Neville Longbottom is it?" She asked sweetly. "Hows mum and dad?" Neville clasped his wand tightly "better now their about to be avenged!" He called pointing his wand straight towards the women.

Lucius lifted his hands up slowly "let's everybody calm down." His voice was unusually soothing, though his eyes told different "all we want is that prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort need us to come and get this?" I asked quickly. "You dare speak his name." Le'stange whispered "You Filthy Half-Blood!" She yelled causing the whole room to echo.

"Its all right your just a curious girl arent you?"  He smiled at me "Prophecies can only be retrieved about whom they are made." He began to walk closer. "Havent you always wondered, what was the reason for the connection between you two, and the dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you? Dont you want to know the secret of your scars?"

"All your answers are in your hand. All you have to do, is give it to me. I can show you, everything" Harry looked at me slowly, then back at Lucius. "We've waited fourteen years." He stated "I guess we can wait a little longer. Now!"

We stepped back and flicked our wands "Stupefy!" We yelled, hitting the death eaters that stood infront of us. We made a run for it. Turning the corners, back the way we came as fast as our legs could carry us.

Lucius appeared in front of us, holding his hand towards us, causing us to retreat. I turned and ran down a path, not noticing that I was separated from the others. I continued to run not knowing were I was headed.

I turned and looked behind me, but as soon as i turned back around, I bumped into something, causing me to fall to the ground. "You know Miss Potter." Lucius started "The Dark Lord will not be very happy if you reject his offer. It would be pity if your sweet half-blood foster parents of yours died. It would be such a loss to the ministry."

"Dont you dare talk about them!" I snarled "oh and dont forget about my son." He recalled. Before he had a chance to reply, I pointed my wand at him and shot a spell. "Levicorpus!" I yelled, causing him to fly backwards.

I got up and run back the direction I came. I some how managed to meet up with the others, our escape now blocked by another minion. "Reducto!" Ginny yelled, hitting the minion, causing a big flash of white light. We all stood there stunned. It was true. Ginny Weasley was the strongest sibling.

Soon the shelves began tumbling down, hitting the one infront each time. The orbs flying down and smashing as they hit the ground.  Neville ran forwards and grabbed Luna by the hand "Get back to the door!" Harry yelled.

We all followed behind in pursuit. Dodging each orb as they came flying towards us at great speed. We ran and we ran, turning corners as quickly as possible. The sound of smashing glass filled the room. We got to the door and pushed it open. We all tumbled in at once, falling into the abyss below.

Im so sorry for how late this is! I've been extremely tired and havent had the motivation to right!

Also I'm sorry if the beginning is not perfect. I had free right it from memory, as couldnt find a video to base it off of.

I am extremely excited to write the next year, year 6, as a lot of it will be my own writing! I have so many ideas and cant wait for you to read them!

Also, who else fucking loves Luna!

- Emily xxx

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