Chapter 59 ~ Co, Co, Co Manager

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°• Potter! •°

It was two days before the induction ball. Flurry was in the air as swarms of house elves ran around the manour trying to get everything ready for the big day.

Some how I managed to get in the way everywhere I turned ("excuse me Miss Potter" "sorry could I just get past") so, I decided to hide the library. Every book that I had dreamed about was in that library, muggle or not. And Draco was right, total privacy.

I hurried out of the library, heading back to my room, when I realised I bumped into a familiar stature. "Oh y/n are you okay Darling?" Narcissa called as I bent down to pick up my books.

"Of course." She smiled about to head off "oh Narcissa" I called catching her attention again "yes dear" she swivled in her spot.

"Usually before I head back to school, i have this weird ritual thing where i like to change my hair and appearance, so I was wondering if this year you would like to do it with me. All ready for the ball." I asked.

"That would be wonderful y/n" she smiled "I have a moment free now."
Her eyes lit up. "Oh of course! Let me just drop these to my room and I'll meet you by the front doors in ten?" I said as I piled the books towards my chest. She nodded and headed downstairs.


I wrapped my long black robe around myself, heading towards the door of the manor. "Where you off too?" A familiar voice asked catching up with me. "I am off for a girls day with your mother." I stated continuing on my path down the stairs.

"Are you ready my dear?" Narcissa called when she caught site of me.  I smiled and rushed to her side "you two have fun" draco smiled, pulling his mother into a warm embrace, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

She grabbed my wrist lightly, pulling me into the dimly lit living room. "We shall be using the floo network y/n if that's alright. Have you used it before?" She asked "yes" I replied certainly. "Good." She picked up a small jar and took of the lid "here you go, and feel free to use our fire place."

I grabbed a handful of the soot like substance, and stepped into the large elegant fireplace. "Diagon Ally" I stated clearly, hoping not to make the same mistake my brother did just before second year that Ron had told me about.


In a few seconds I landed. I stepped out of the fire place, into the bustling streets of Diagon Ally. Magical shops stood selling many a thing a wizard needed. Olivanders, Flourish and Blottes, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and a half built Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder signaling Narcissa had followed behind. "You better take it in whilst it lasts my sweet" she whispered in my ear "it wont be here for too long" before I could ask too many questions, she had already set off, making her way quickly to Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions.

As soon as I caught up to her, i was dragged into a sweet, little, pink shop. Inside, the smell of freshly cut flowers and hairspray filled your lungs, the bright colours matching perfectly with the scent.

"Narcissa Darling!" Called an equally as bright lady. Her round torso was covered in a bright pastel blue and pink dress, blossoming flowers covered it from head to toe. Her cheeks glowed a bright tinge of red, stretching from one ear to another, a warm smile placed widely on her lips.

"Madam Primpernelle! Long time no see!" They pulled each other into tight hug, then turned to me "this madam is Dracos friend y/n" the women grabbed my hand tightly, shaking it vigorously "its lovely to meet you" she stated, brushing her blonde curles away from her round face.

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