Chapter 39 ~ Expelliarmus

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°• You'll get there eventually Nev •°

I headed down to the music rooms, guitar in hand, hoping to fit in some rehearsal before I surprised my brother. I went to open the door to my usual room, but it wouldn't open. I kept trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge. The music rooms were always open.

I placed my case down and pulled out my wand "alohomora" I whispered, hoping it would open, but again, it didnt budge. It was a wizarding school after all, if they didnt want it unlocked, they would hex it or something. I quickly headed down to Flitwicks office, hoping to find out the answer.

I knocked on the door "come in" i heard from inside "hello, Professor" I said politely "ah Miss Potter, what can I do for you?" He asked in his usual cheery manner "I was wondering why the music room was locked, and if i could possibly use it?" The smile vanished off his face immediately "I'm sorry Miss Potter, but the music rooms aren't allowed to be used, only during lessons." His tone now serious. "Okay" I just nodded "I'll try and find some where else then. Sorry for bothering you Professor." "Sorry Miss Potter." I left the room confused. Everything was changing, and not for good.

I made it onto the seventh floor and was now stood infront of the wall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, imagining the door opening. Once I opend them, the door was open. I walked in, the once open door, quickly closing behind me. The room was filled with instrument of every kind. A grand piano, drum kit, bass guitar, violin any instrument I desired.

I placed my guitar down and sat at the piano. My fingers slowly stoking over the keys. They slowly started to dance, pressing each key at the right time, beginning to play a song. (A song of your choice). I began to sing along, letting the flow of the music take me into my own world. I picked up my wand and flicked it gently, causing the piano to play on it's own, continuing the same riff. I quickly loaded to the drums laying down a beat and and cast the same spell.

I picked up my guitar and stood infront of the microphone, continuing with the song. I was in my element. Every bad thought washed away from me, letting the music seep into my brain, letting it take over my body. I sang my heart out, just completely letting go of everything.

As soon as the song finished, I heard the door open behind me. "Hello brother." I said turning to face him, a sly smirk on my face. "What are you doing here?" He panicked causing my smirk to grow bigger. "Well, all the music rooms were locked, and I stumbled across this place. What are you doing here?"

His eyes widened at my questioned. I could practically see his brain whirring away in his little head, for an answer. "Harry, she knows" Hermione whispered to him. His whole body seemed to relax, but not completely. "Well," I started "I better get going. Apparently becuse of my boyfriend and house, I'm not welcome in your little club, so have fun. Feel free to use the equipment."

I barged through the group of people, heading out of the room. "Y/n!" I heard from behind me "what?" I snapped "I'm sorry okay." He apologised. "I should've told you." "Yeah, you should've." I copied "I want your help with this y/n. More like I need it." He confessed "I dont know the first thing about teaching." I couldn't help but laugh at his remark.

"Its not that you didnt tell me, Harry. It's the fact that you didnt trust me." He looked at me nervously, not saying anything. "Because, I trust you alot. Your my brother." He grabbed my hand and pulled my into a tight hug "sorry" he whispered into my ear.

We walked back into the room, all eyes turning on me. The room was now instrument free and everone was stood in a line. Harry and I walked to the front and faced the make shift robot, that was holding a wand. "Y/n, disarm him" Harry simply said. I wide grin spread across my face as I flicked my wand yelling "Expelliarmus" as I did so. The wand flew out of its hand quickly, with no hesitation.

I smiled and stepped to the side, revealing Neville. He looked at me nervously and I simply nodded, telling him he could do it. He held up his wand "Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of his own hand, flying backwards, just missing everyone's head as the ducked out of its path.

"I'm hopeless" he said sadly "your just flourishing your wand to much" my brother confirmed "try it like this. Expelliarmus" he shouted flicking his wand, and disarming the robot. "Hey, you'll get it eventually Nev" I stated patting him on the shoulder lightly "it took me a while too" I smiled.


I stepped into the common room, seeing all of my friends on the sofas. "Hey" I said, sitting next to Draco "I've got to go" he said, quickly standing up and leaving the room. I just sat there stunned "what was that all about?" Pansy asked concerned "I, I dont know" i stuttered "well, he was weird with me last night, but I didnt think much of it. Has he said anything to you Blaise?"

"No" he shook his head "sorry Potter" I slouched back in my chair trying to think about what I've done wrong. "Anyway" Pansy started "where have you been?" I started to slightly panic but not too much that it was noticable "no where, just, rehearsing" I pointed towards my guitar
"oh, you where longer than usual" the girl observed  "my owls are coming up soon, and my individual piece has alot to work on." I continued to lie.

"Theres someone at the door, looking for you Miss Potter" one of the paintings stated I turned to face it "who is it" I asked politely "I dont know Miss, he requested to see you. He was tall and ginger" they explained  "thankyou" I headed up the stairs quickly and too the door. I opend it, and there stood Fred.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, closing the door behind me. "I just wanted to say well done today." He smiled  "Okay?" I wasnt buying it "what's the real reason your here Weasley?" He just rolled his eyes "cant I just give you a compliment" he answered sarcastically "so, you came all the way to the Slytherin dungeons just to give me a compliment?"

"Fine Potter, you caught me." He laughed throwing his hands in the air "I was wondering if you could give me some help. Whenever I try the Expelliarmus charm, something goes wrong, but I'm not sure what." He explained "so you want me to help you." He just nodded slowly "your asking a girl that is a year below you for help?" I teased

"Are you gonna help me or what?" He huffed "of course I will Freddie" I smiled "I'll meet you in the room of requirements after the next meeting" he confirmed. "Yep. Bring your A game Weaslbe" I winked, before heading back into the dungeons.

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