Chapter 9~ detention

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°• I Never Wanted It To End •°

"Hey, ferret boy" I giggled, walking into snapes classroom. I looked away from the boy and noticed Professor Snape standing there. "Oh, sorry sir, I didnt see you there." I said now stifling my laugh and trying to become serious. "Right, as your here now Miss Potter, you and Mr Malfoy can get started." I looked over at him. All the memories flooding back from last night. Great this is going to be fun!  I thought to myself.

"I have boxes full of potion ingredients that I need you to sort out into my cupboard, you have one hour and if not completed by the time the hour is up, I will extend that time and you will be in here longer." He showed us to the cupboard and gestured to the stacks of boxes at the side. How in the hell were we supposed to sort this in an hour.

Snape eventually left us, leaving Malfoy and I in a very awkward silence. I started to unpack the boxes. I didnt want to be there any longer then I had to.

"About last night." I finally said "yeah?" Malfoy said turning to face me "I, um, that, that was a huge mistake" he nodded turning back to his box "wasnt it?" I said now questioning my previous statement.

For some reason, since that kiss, I havent been able to stop thinking about him. The way his lips pressed gently on mine, but also kind of aggressively. The way his blonde hair had fallen over his forehead. The smell of his expensive cologne mixed with his minty breath, rushed in with every breath. A way that I had never felt before.

"Yeah it was" he replied quickly still unpacking his box.

Dracos pov

I couldn't stop thinking about her last night. Her y/e/c eyes looming deeply into mine as I pressed my lips on hers. My hand cupping her soft cheek, her y/h/c hair lightly touching the back of my hand. There was something about her, that made me feel something. Something I had never felt before. But why her. Out of every girl at Hogwarts, it had to be a Potter!

Y/n pov

I continued to unpack my box. For some reason his words stung, even though he was agreeing with me. "Potter?" He said now standing next to me, putting some sage in the shelf. "Your in my way." "Oh" I sighed "sorry" I moved away grabbing something out of the box. Eagle owl feather. That was right at the top.

I grabbed the stool and placed it were it needed to be. I climbed up it. I still couldn't quite reach so I balanced on my tip toes. The stool started wobbling. I fell back as the stool fell from under me. I fell into a pair of strong arms. I opend my eyes to see a pair of grey ones staring back at mine. "You need to be more careful Potter." He said putting me down. "Yeah, well it's not my fault I cant reach it." I replied sarcastically.

"Here" he said taking the vile off me and placing it on the top shelf with ease. I glared at him "bitch" I said rolling my eyes. He smirked as he continued unpacking the boxes. I looked at my watch. It had only been ten minutes. To be honest it felt like hours. "Malfoy?" "Yeah" he replied. "Was it actually a mistake. You know last night." He looked at me startled "catching feelings are we Potter?" "No!" I snapped back.

He was now walking up to me. His face now inches away from mine. "How about now?" He asked before putting his lips on mine. It started of slow and gentle, then became rough and passionate the more it went on. My arms were now around his neck, occasionally finding there way into his hair, playing with certain strands of the blonde wig. His hands that began on my waist, now had made it up to my face, holding it so gently in his massive, ringed, hands.

There was something about this that seemed so, perfect, so much so, I never wanted it to end. But it did. "We better finish this" he said, before rubbing my cheek once more with his thumb, and turning back to the unemptied boxes. I stood there. Not believing what just happend. "Draco, we need to talk about out this" I said finally coming out of my trance. "This cant keep just randomly happening."

"Why not?" He said now face to face with me once again. I thought to myself. Wait why not? "I dont know." I finally said. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, before placing a small gentle kiss on my lips.

We eventually finished the job with 15 minutes spare. Which totally wasnt spent kissing Malfoy. We heard the door of classroom shut and we moved away from each other quickly, to make it look like nothing happend.
"Ah you've finished." He said looking at the, now, empty boxes and back to the cupboard. "You are free to go." He said. We picked up our robes "thankyou sir," we said in unison before leaving the class room

We got to the slytherin dungeons. I went to walk in when Draco stopped me "If you really want to talk about this" he said "meet me at the astronomy tower after curfew tomorow night." I smiled at him "okay" I said before kissing him lightly on the cheek and walking back into my room.

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