Chapter 24 - Final Task Pt 1

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°• We Do This Together •°

It was the day of the final task. I was stood in a room with my brother and Cedric preparing our selves for what was about to come. I was sat quietly on the bench, trying to focus and ready myself. "Hey you okay?" Cedric said sitting next to me. I nodded my head "just nervous." He put his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a hug. "We"ll be okay." He whispered into my hair. I breathed in the scent of the boy. He smelled like vanilla with a hint of honey. I closed my eyes, not wanting to let go. "Right champions." Dumbledore said coming into the room. "Time for the final task, off we go." He continued ushering us out of the room and into the stadium.

I stepped out, and was greeted with the sound of the school band and people cheering. The bandstand were filled with students and teachers cheering us on. I looked out at the crowd, my eyes landing on some familiar faces. First it was Pansy, her warm smile some how brought much comfort to me, calming my many nerves down. Next my eyes drifted to the Weasley twins, with Fred giving me a quick wink before I moved to a certain blonde boy.  My eyes locked with his grey ones, in that moment, it felt like everything stopped. I didnt want to lose my gaze with him. I was soon pulled out when Dumbledores voice covered every one else's.

"Silence!" He called making the ground instantly quiet. "Earlier today, professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze. Only the knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory," the crowd erupted at this name "and Harry and y/n Potter," the crowd grew even loader at our names " tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum and Miss Delacour."

All of a sudden my nerves washed over me, even worse then before. "First person to touch the cup," he continued " will be the winner. If at any point a champion would like to leave the task, he or she, will send out red sparx with their wand. Contestants, gather around." He finished stepping down and walking towards us. We stepped closer to the grey haired man.

"In the maze," he whispered "you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep, instead you'll face something even more challenging." My heart began to race, Harry must have noticed as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly "you see people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can but be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way." He walked away from us, splitting up the circle.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" I hugged harry before walking over to my entrance to the maze.  Snape was stood there, for reasons I dont know of, but by the looks of it, it champion was assigned an adult, and mine just happend to be him. I looked at Cedric one last time, nodding at him, before turning and facing my entrance. "Goodluck Miss Potter." Snape said before leaving my side. "On the count of three." Dumbledore called "one!" The cannon went off signaling for us to go in. I looked over at my brother, then headed into the maze.

The further I walked in the fainter the music got. I turned back one last time, but the hedge was already closed off. I continued to walk, pulling out my wand incase of any sudden attacks. It was now completely silent. The only thing I could hear was the beating of my heart, followed by some extremely uneven breaths. The longer I continued to walk, I could hear the sound of the maze changing and moving around, making my nerves get worse.

All of a sudden the walls started to close around me. Panic struck quickly as I ran back the way I came, hoping not to get crushed by the leaves now forming around me. I eventually fell out the end, looking back at the path I just walked, now completely closed off. I quickly stood up and brushed my self off, calming down, and continuing down another path.

There was a sudden scream that made me jump out of my skin, by the sounds of it, it was Delacour. I began to run the direction it was coming from, probably not a good idea. I stopped running, halting before turning a corner. I pushed my back against the wall seeing Krum run past me, not noticing I was there. When he was far enough away from, I turned the corner, walking the way the boy had just come.

"Shit, shit!" I said lying my eyes upon the french girl, now being pulled into the hedge. I looked up hearing sudden footsteps coming towards me. I pulled out my wand, ready to fire at whatever came round that corner. Suddenly Harry appeared infront of me, causing me to sigh in relief, before kneeling beside the girl. "What do we do?" I asked Harry, a scared tone in my voice. The girl was now completely swamped in the hedge. "Fluer?" He asked, standing up "Periculem!" He yelled shooting a red spark out of his wand. There was a sudden wind flowing through the passage, before it started to close up again "We've got to go!" He said taking my hand and dragging me away from the poor girl.

We made it out, falling next to each other on the floor, a thing I was to familiar at doing by know. We stood up as I pulled him into a hug. "Thank Merlin, your okay Harry." I said "yeah, you two." He replied. "Wait, what's that?" He said before running through me towards the now closing hedge. All of a sudden Krum came running at my brother, wand glowing about to shoot. "Get down!" A voice called from behind me before Krum shot at the voice. I felt to the ground quickly, my back against the hedge, now noticing the voice was coming from Cedric. "Expelliarmus!" He yelled pointing his wand at the Nigarian boy, hitting him causing him to fall to the ground. Cedric stood up, running towards the boy and kicking this  wand out of his hand. I followed him, now noticing what he was going to do. "Cedric dont!" I said grabbing his arm. "Cedric hes bewitched!" "Get off me!" He yelled before running the opposite direction. My brother and I followed, harry grabbing at Cedrics shirt at each turn, trying to get a head of him. The boy suddenly stopped. "Cedric!" I called, the boys eyes now fixed on what was sat infront of him. I stood infront of him shaking his shoulders "what happend to doing this together!" I yelled. "I'm sorry." He said still not moving his eyes. I turned around, there stood the Triwizard cup in all its glory. "Yes." Harry said before running towards it.

The hedge began to close behind us, causing me to stumble. A of sudden Cedric fell next to me, dragging me down with him, but harry continued. "Harry!" I yelled getting his attention. He looked back at me, contemplating whether to help us, or leave for the trophy. The vines were now pulling me and the hufflepuff boy back, making my grasp at the ground, looking for something to hold onto. "Harry please!" We both called. "Reducto!" The boy finally called, causing the vines to relax and making it easier to break free. We stood up now out of breath. "Thanks." Diggory said. I punched my brother in the arm "I thought you were going to leave us you dick." "So did I" he responded "from now on," I continued. "We do this together."

Then the walls started to close again causing us to run towards the cup. We got there the wind not stopping "together!" Harry called I grabbed Diggorys hand "one," my heart was now beating quickly "two" I looked at Cedric "three!" We grabbed the cup.

I hope you liked this chapter! Pt 2 will be up sometime tomorow! I cant wait to right it! Dont forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next!
~ Emily xx

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