Chapter 19 ~ Bathroom Incident

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°• Not a Fucking Slytherin •°

We had arrived at the bathroom and there stood a figure staring at the doors. We eventually got closer and noticed it was Diggory. "Hey." I said walking up behind him, by the looks of it, startling him a bit. "Sorry" I giggled "it's okay, I was just zoned out" I looked over at Pans and nodded, signaling for her to go. She noticed and left, leaving me stood there with the Hufflepuff Prince.

"I gathered you figured it out two." I observed, noticing the golden egg in his hand. He nodded " Shall we?" He said opening the door and heading in. We turned the taps on and let the water run, it slowly began filling with bubbles. I went into one of the stools and changed into my swimsuit, it was plain black with the slytherin logo on the front. I walked out, forgetting that I had the necklace on.

I sat down beside him in the water. He was just wearing a bathing suit, so I was already a little uncomfortable. He looked at me, his eyes on the necklace hanging around my neck. "Dude, eyes up here" I said pointing at my face. "Sorry!" He replied quickly "I just noticed the necklace," he moved closer, and gently picked it up admiring it, as the strings strummed away, "it looks perfect on you." I blushed "thanks."

We gazed at each other. His eyes moving from my lips to my eyes, slowly edging towards me "so," I said, quickly moving my head away before I ended up doing something I shouldn't. "Shall we put this underwater then." "Oh yeah" he said now sounding a tad embarrassed.

We looked at each other then nodded, quickly placing the egg and our faces under the water, twisting the top and letting it fall open. The loud screeching was now a beautiful song.
"Come seek us where our voices sound" it began to sing "we cannot sing above the ground, an hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took." I shot back up gasping for air.

"How the hell are we supposed to breath underwater for an hour!" I said confused. "I'm not sure." Diggory replied, now seemingly deep in thought, his now wet hair, falling over his face. I noticed how serious he looked so I playfully splashed him with the water. He looked around at me, his large smile, that I loved, now spread across his face. "Your dead Potter!" He screamed before splashing me back.

All of a sudden I was dunked under the water, my head completely covered. I got up quickly catching my breath, brushing the hair out of my eyes, now face to face with the culprit. "You bitch" i laughed, looking up at his, now smirking, face. Soon his face was Inches away from mine, his hands holding me in place by the waist. He leaned in closer his lips about to touch mine. "Cedric" I said pulling out of his grip "i cant do that." I watched him as he sighed "I'm with Draco now Ced, and you promised will just be friends." "But y/n, I cant just turn off my feelings for you." "Well your just gonna have to try." I stated, getting out of the water.

"Its not that easy y/n/n!" "I know! But I have a boyfriend now. And i understand it's hard to comprehend a Potter with a Malfoy, but that's just the way it is right now." He shook his head "well it shouldn't be y/n. You should be with someone like me, who will actually treat you well, and is not a fuckin slytherin!" I looked at him, my eyes welling up in disappointment.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!" I said my voice now angry and harsh. "Just because he's a slytherin doesn't mean hes a bad guy. That should then make me a bad person! Is that what you believe Diggory, that I'm not a nice person. That I'm a bitch." "No y/n that's not what I meant!" He replied "well then what the fuck did you mean?" "I, I" he stuttered "that's what i thought." I said before grabbing a towel and leaving the room, making sure to slam the door behind me.

I stormed up to my room ignoring anyone who tried to talk to me. I was now cold and wet, and realised I left my uniform up at the bathroom. But in atead of getting changed, I must laid down on my bed, and ultered my radio.

I was just lying there staring at the roof of my bed, just listening to the music. I was now shivering. There dungeons weren't that warm, so I decided that I needed to get change. I grabbed some underwear from my draw and put it on. I was in the middle of doing my bra up when I heard the door open.

Expecting to see Pansy I didnt turn around. "Shit" i heard the voice exclaim. My eyes widened "Draco, jesus christ! Do you not how to knock!" I yelled grabbing a tshirt next to me and covering my body. He just stood there, eyes fixed on me. "Dude, what are you doing?" I asked confused "oh yeah." He said quickly leaving the room.

Once I was eventually decent I called him back in. "Wow" he said with a smirk "oh piss off" I said glaring at him. He sat down opposite me on the bed. "Are you okay" he asked "yeah why?" I wasnt sure if I should tell him what happend, i know how much he despises Diggory, and if I told him, I dont know how he'll react. "Oh you just came up here quite quickly." "Oh I was just cold and wanted to get changed." He nodded "Pansy did tell me that you met Diggory up there." His eyebrows now slightly furrowed.

"Draco, nothing happend, I dont even know if we're friends any more." "Well he should know that your all mine Potter" he said leaning forward and pressing his lips on mine.

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