Chapter 34 ~ The Quill

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°• How Was Detention? •°

I headed to Umbridges office, not looking forward to what's coming. I saw my brother stood infront of her door, hesitating to knock. "Hey" I said once I was next to him. "You ready?" He said with sad eyes. I just nodded as the boy knocked on the door.

The was a short silence before a voice was heard from within. "Come in" it said, and we obeyed. We opend the door into the most horrific room I'd ever seen. The walls were bright shade of pink, with cat plates lining them. The plates were much like the rest of the paintings around hogwarts, so the moved around and meowed loudly, filling the silent room. A wall of sugar and sweet smells hit you in the face as you walked in, making me a bit sick to the stomach.

"Good evening Potters." She said as we stepped in "sit" she ordered, nodding her head to the two tables and chairs next to her desk. I shut the door behind us, and took a seat. "You're going to be doing some lines for me today." In unison Harry and I both reached into our bags for our quills "no." The women snapped "not with your quills. Your going to be using two, very special, ones of mine."

She stood up from her desk and placing down a quill each, infront of me and Harry. It didnt look like anything special, the usual fountain pen end and massive feather top, so I wasnt quite sure why she was so adiment for us to use it, but I did anyway.

"I want you both to write." She continued " 'I must not tell lies' but Miss Potter, I also want you to write, aswell as the last sentence, 'I must not threaten my peers." A wave of shock hit me. How did she know about that. I saw Harry in the corner of my eye, looking at me confused, but I kept looking at the page.

"Miss Potter, Professor Snape was told by a student that you threatened one of your fellow Slytherins and the rest of the house along with it. He found out of your detention today and asked if I could punish you for that aswell."
I squirmed. I should have realised that would  happen, Slytherins can be such snitches.

"How many times Professor?" I asked reluctantly, knowing mine would be double the amount of Harry's. "Well let's say," the women began to answer "for as long as it takes for the message to sink in." "You havent given us any ink" my gryffindor brother observed "oh, you wont need any ink."

I picked up my quill and started writing.
'I must not tell lies.
I must not threaten my peers.'
By the time I got to the end of the second sentence, I could feel this sharp burning sensation on my other hand. I looked at it, the words I had written, were not being etched into my skin in my own handwriting.
'I must not tell lies.
I must not threaten my peers'
Were now etched into my skin, it looked like they had been carved in with a knife. Tears were brimming my eyes in pain as I looked at my new scar.

The lady, with a fake look of sincerity on her face, had now stepped infront of us. I looked at her, my face now riddled with shock. Why would she do this? Is she even allowed to do this? Many questions crossed my mind, too many that I couldn't even string a sentence together, when she asked a simple "yes" knowing I wanted to say something. I just sat there, not being able to move. "Nothing." My brother answered for me

"that's right" the lady confirmed "because you know, deep down, you deserved to be punished. Dont you Potters?" I just continued to stare at her, before she ushered us to carry on.


We eventually escaped her office. The amount of pink shit was giving me a headache, and my hand was in agony. "Y/n." Harry said, catching my attention "what did Umbridge mean when she said that you threatened your house?" "Dont worry about it Harry." I reassured "it's nothing to worry about." "I'm not worried about it, I just wanted to know why, and how you did it."

I told Harry everything about the first evening back at Hogwarts. We had eventually made it to the staircase where we had to part ways. "Well y/n/n," Harry stated "dont start up anymore trouble while I'm gone." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head "I'll try not too." I replied "night Harry." "Night Y/n" we said before parting ways.

I collapsed on the coach in the common room. I was lying across it, Blaise had my feet and Pansy had my head. "How was detention?" Pansy asked sadly "it was, great." I answered "I also had the added bonus of someone telling Snape about the warning thing." "Oh shit." The girl giggled.

"Its not funny." I pouted "I had to write lines with this special quill of hers. 'I must not tell lies. I must not threaten my peers." I said mocking the womens tone. "What's so special about her quill?" Blaise asked, joining in, in the conversation. I just held my hand out towards him, showing the newly added scars.

"Y/n you have to tell Dumbledore about this." Blaise stated "tell Dumbledore what?" We heard coming from the door way. "Its nothing Draco" I answered quickly, sitting up, not wanting to cause a problem. "Y/n, it's not nothing. The women engraved words into your hand." "What?" Draco said, pulling my hand away from Blaise, who was currently examining it.

"You have to tell him about this." Draco said, rubbing his thumb against my wounds. I rolled my eyes "guys, it's not a big deal okay. I'm fine." I said standing up. "Its been a long day, and I just wanna go to bed." I said heading up to my room.

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