Chapter 54 ~ Goodbye

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°• Great One Pup •°


The cold ground came quickly, and sooner then expected. I looked around the dark room. No sign of Sirius, so maybe Lucius was right, The Dark Lord just wanted to bring us here. Lure us here to get what he wanted. The profecy.

I pushed myself of the ground, a small pain formed on my hip. "Department of mysteries. They got that bit right, didnt they." Ron stated. A small whispering filled my ears as I stared at the glowing arch way.

There was something mesmerising about it. The inside of the arch danced around like fish in water, and lit up the dark room with a bright glow. The whispering grew louder as I slowly walked up to it.

"Voices. Can you tell what there saying?" My brother asked, causing me to zone back into reality, but only for a second, before my full attention was back on it. "There arent any voices Harry." Hermione explained confused. "I hear them two" Luna reassured "same." I joined.

I got close, the feeling of death and destruction overwhelmed me, but some how calmed me at the same time. Like if I just touched it, all my troubles would be over. There was a sudden noise that brought me back. "Get behind me!" My brother called holding his wand out infront of him.

I stepped next to him. Wand in hand. Ready to fight.

Soon, a black fog consumed us, pushing and shoving us about like we were nothing but cows for the slaughter. Soon, I felt the collar of my jacket being gripped tightly, and being forced backwards. I struggled to get free, but it was no use.

I stood, feeling paralyzed. I looked around, as far as my eye could see, noticing my friends being held in the same way, circling us. I was soon grabbed tightly again, a small chuckling came from behind me, as my captor dragged me into my brothers view.

"Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive enough," he asked walking me close to my brother, his grip not becoming any looser "to think that children stood a chance, against us?" I struggled with all I could, but his wand dug deeper into my throat.

"I'll make this simple for you Potter," Lucius Malfoys sly voice stated, letting go of my collar, though wand still firmly to my neck, and holding his hand out towards Harry "give me the profecy, or watch your friends, and beloved sister, die."

I shook my head firmly "no. Dont give it to him Harry." The wand dug harder into my throat "quiet." He snapped "give it to me." He was becoming impatient.

"Dont do it Harry!" Neville called before being shused by Bellatrix.  Harry held his hand out slowly placing the blue ball into the death eaters hand.

He held it up, admiring it greatly, not moving from his position. He soon shoved my towards my brother  causing my to fall into his arms. There was a small bright light appeared from behind the platinum blonde man.

He turned around slowly. He was soon met by a familiar face. "Get away from my God children!" Sirius stated, before punching him square in the face. Soon we were met with more bright lights, turning into many comforting faces of the order.

I watched as lucius fell, smashing the orb on one of the rocks, his face filled with dismay. We ducked behind a rock, relieved to see Sirus happy and alive. Spells were being flung left, right, and centre, us moving quickly as one came shooting towards us.

"Now listen to me." Sirius started "I want you two to take the others and get out of here." He explained.
"What? No!" My brother and I argued "we're staying here to fight!" I confirmed "you guys have done beautifully. Now let me take it from here."

I bright spell missed the top of my head, forcing us to take our focus back on Lucius. Soon, another death eater joined him, and spells began flying every where. Harry and I both shooting and the second. He was soon disarmed and flying the opposite direction, leaving us only with Malfoy.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry called, disarming the wizards "nice one james!" Sirius replied. Soon he was flicking spells and pushing Lucius further and further back. "Stupefy!" I called, hitting Lucius, causing him to fly back in an instant "Great one Pup!" Siruis called in excitement, turning and smiling at me, his face proud.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Everything fell silent, as a green light hit my godfather. He stumbled back, falling slowly backwards into the archway, and floating away. My smile I once had, faded quickly as anger boiled inside me. I stared at were he once stood, as my brothers screams rang in my ears, causing even more pain.

I felt emotionless. Like everything I cared about was ripped away from me in that moment, warm tears slowly falling down my face.

I turned and locked eyes with his murder, a smug smile across her face. I watched her for a moment, then, without a second thought, I ran. Following her.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" Her singing echoed through the halls, only making me more angry. "Stupefy!" I called, causing her to land on the floor.

She turned to me, petrified is I held out my wand at her. "What are you going to do?" She giggled "kill me?"
I stared at her, letting the pain and fear fill me up, before dropping my wand. I grabbed her by the back of her hair and punched her hard in the face. I continued. Blood trickling down my knuckles, mine mixing with hers.

"Do it y/n" a voice whispered in my ear "she killed Sirius. She deserves it. Kill her y/n"

Soon, two hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me off , the now bloodied faced, women. I tried to struggle free, but was soon pulled into a warm embrace. "She killed him Harry! She killed him!" I sobbed into his chest. "I know" he cried stroking my head "but killing her is not the way."

"You should have y/n" the same voice said, now right behind us. We got up quickly and turned, facing the nosless man. He disarmed us quickly, leaving us helpless and mad.

Welp. RIP Sirius.

This was so sad to write. I've been dreading this chapter so much.

I know the picture is fancasted Sirius, but oh well, Ben Barnes is hot lmao

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it!
~ Emily xxx

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