chapter 14 ~ The Yule Ball

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°• Merlin he looked hot •°

It was the night of the Yule Ball

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It was the night of the Yule Ball. I was in my room with the girls, Pansy, Hermione and some how we had also claimed Ginny. We listening to music and having a great time getting ready. I had done simple eyeliner to go with my dress and my two front strands of my y/c/h was pulled back into a moon shaped clip.

We left the dungeons and made it to the steps. We were about to head down, when I had realised I forgot my purse. "Tell Cedric I'll be down in a second" I said to Pansy. She nodded and headed down to see Blaize.

I got back to my room and grabbed my purse. I checked myself in the mirror. Wow this dress really was stunning. I had matched it with a pair of black heels that were my Foster mothers that she sent to me. I stood there for a moment and realised I had to go. I got back to the steps and saw Hermione waiting for me.

"I'm surprised you didnt go without me?" I said Now standing next to her. "I, um, didnt want to without you." She said sweetly. I took her hand "come on" I said dragging her from behind the wall and began walking down the steps. I locked eyes with Malfoy as I began to walk.  He had on a smart white shirt and bowtie, with black trousers and a black dress robe. Merlin he looked hot. I watched his mouth drop open when he saw me, I blushed a little darting my eyes away from him. Shit my date! I thought to myself now looking at cedric.

He had the same expression as Malfoy so I continued to blush. He had on a very similar outfit as him, but his waistcoat and bowtie were black instead. Merlin he looked hot two. We eventually got to the bottom of the steps. "Wow," Cedric said in shock "y/n you look stunning!" He looked me up and down. "You dont look to shabby yourself Ced" I teased.

Dracos POV

Wow. She looked stunning. I watched her walk down the steps so gracefully that it was like something out of a movie. Her black dress fit her perfectly and she just looked incredible. I just wanted to go up and tell how beautiful she looked, and kiss her ever so gently on the lips. But then I remembered that she wasnt my date. She was Diggorys for the night. And that hurt. Shit I cant catch feelings for her, shes a Potter. I just cant.


I looked over and saw Ron. "Wow?" I said confused "just,just, wow." His outfit was unlike anything I'd ever seen, it was very clear that Molly had made it. Its frills made it even better. "Miss Potter and Mr Diggory," McGonagall exclaimed walking up to us, but she noticed Ron first, and just sighed. "We are about to start the dance, please may you head on in." She said now hurrying off to somewhere else "wait did she say dance?" I asked Cedric, my arm now linked with his "yes, the champions perform the first dance" I started to get nervous. "Hey you'll do great." He said placing his hand on mine.

Hermione had met Krum and the end of the stairs aswell. Her smile was amazing. We waited with them before the doors to the Hall opened revealing the, now christmassy, great hall. We began walking in. There were two rows of people on either side cheering and clapping. I held onto Cedrics arm tighter as I noticed Malfoy looking at us. His face was glum and sad, compared to the rest of the people.

We made it onto the dance floor and got into our positions. He took my waist and my hand as the music began to play. For some reason I didnt get the same shiver from him as I did Malfoy but I just ignored it. We danced around, and surprisingly I didnt get any steps wrong. Then the teachers began to join in and eventually everyone was waltzing around the hall.

Cedric span me round and I couldn't help but giggle. I was having a great time with him. "You surprisingly good at this." He smiled. "Well Snape made us practice the other day. And I had a surprisingly good partner." We continued to dance until the song finished. We bowed at each other formally. "Uhum" we heard some one cough. I turned around to see Draco standing there "may I" he said politely. I looked at Cedric and he nodded, so I took Dracos hand.

He pulled me onto the dance floor and we began to Dance around. "You look amazing" he complemented and I couldn't help but blush. "Thankyou." I replied now shy. "I do wish you were might date though Potter." I frowned "at least I saved you a dance" I teased trying to light the mood. We danced and danced till the song ended. We bowed at each other and I noticed Diggory. I looked at my watch. It was ten minutes till we had to be onstage. "Meet me at the astronomy tower after my set." I whispered before heading to Diggory.

We were now stood on the stage. I was up at the front with my guitar. We didnt actually have any microphones as they were adiment to do it the wizard way, so I kind of stood the awkwardly. I looked over at Diggory who was now sat at the piano getting ready to play. He nodded at me, signaling me to start. I strummed the first note on my guitar. It was one of my favourite muggle songs, Mars.

During the song I could see everyone dancing away. Pansy and Blaize were dancing and laughing together and so was Granger and Krum. During the bridge I locked eyes with Malfoy. A smirk was now spread across his face and I couldn't help but smile at it. We finished the song and the crowd erupted in cheers. I walked over to Diggory and gave him a massive hug. "Thankyou for tonight." I said pulling away. "No thankyou y/n" I hugged him again. "I have to go, but, thankyou again." "Your welcome Potter" he said before I left.

I arrived at the Tower and saw him standing there. He bowed his head and held out his hand. "Care to join me. " he smiled. I nodded my head and took his hand. We could still hear the faint music from the hall, so we swade along to the beat. I placed my head on his chest and took a deep breath. The scent of green apples and mint filled my lungs and I couldn't help but smile. He looked down at me. He didnt say a word, and just placed his lips gently on mine, savouring every moment.

We were looking out at the view with Dracos arms wrapped around me. I started to shiver. "You okay?" He asked, noticing my slight movements. "Yeah, I'm just a bit cold." I shrugged. He took his arm from around me and took out his wand. He said a quick spell when a medium sized box appeared. He opened it and pulled out the green hoodie he wore from the first time we met up here. "Here" he said passing me the jumper. I took it with out hesitation and put it on. There it was again that familiar sent.

We walked back to the common room. I still had the jumper on as I was still a bit chilly. Before we made it back he pulled me into a corridor and pushing me up against the wall. He crashed his lips on mine putting his hands on my cheeks. Soon our mouths were moving in sync with each others, getting more and more passionate each second.

"What the hell!"

I hope you like this chapter! Who could've seen them! Find out in the next one! Dont forget to comment and vote!
Also go stream Yungbluds new album Weird! if you havent yet!
~ Emily xx

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