Chapter 37 ~ Snow

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°• I wonder what their up to? •°

I sat in the great hall for breakfast. It was pretty empty as I got there early, due to my lack of sleep last night. I just sat there, at the Slytherin table, my head resting in my hand staring blankly at the wall, my eyes drooping occasionally, wanting to fall into a deep slumber. "Hello my darling," I heard waking me up, as my blonde boyfriend sat next to me.

Despite it being eight in the morning, he looked great as always. He was in his usual black,turtle necked, suit and his hair swooped neatly to the side. And then there was me. My hair just brushed through, not styled at all, still in my pyjamas that consisted of, a black joggers and Dracos green hoodie. I was so tired that I didnt care what people thought of me. It was the weekend after all.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice sincere. I just nodded, placing my head on his shoulder. "There getting worse aren't they" he stated ,referring to my dreams. Again, I just nodded, my brain to tired to combine words. "If you dont want to go to Hogsmede today y/n, we dont have to go." "Crap, I completely forgot. I'm sorry." "You've had alot going on, we can go another day." "No, Draco, it's fine. I wanna go." I reassured with a smile. "You dont have to y/n/n" "I want to." I stood up kissing him on the cheek. "I'll get changed, then we can go"

I looked at myself in the mirror, when I got back to my room. The dark circles around my eyes had got bigger, making myself look exactly how I felt. Tired, drained, crying too much for my own good, the list goes on. I tried my hardest to cover it up with concealer, adding blush to make my pale lifeless cheeks, look rosy, but it didnt quite work. I got changed into some nice clothes, that I hadn't done for a while. It was either my Pjs or my uniform, so actually wearing my own clothes, was comforting.


We stepped off the train at the Hogsmeade station. The town was covered in a thick layer of snow as if it's been snowing for weeks, but it was only a few hours. I wrapped my jacket further round me, trying to fight off the chill that was coming towards me. We made it into the town, there weren't many people around, as it was a cold winters day, but we preferred that.

"Draco." I said as I cought attention on something, and stopped in my tracks "is that my brother?" I pointed at the three people infront of us. They seemed to be walking out of the main part of the town and down to the old pub. "Where are they going?" I thought out loud.

I started sneaking behind the trio, putting my hood up so, if they turned around, they wouldn't see my distinctive hair colour. They went into the crumbling shop, looking suspicious as always. I stopped and looked into one of the windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, but I was quite tall enough.

"Draco, help me" I whispered, ushering him over "what in merlin do you want me to do?" He huffed "give me a boost" I replied sarcastically, holding up my leg. He rolled his eyes "really." His blunt tone of voice put his point across quickly "just do it" I was now getting annoyed. He bent down and held out his hands. I was about to stand on it, when I noticed two ginger haired boys, with a group of friends, heading our direction.

"Shit, shit" I panicked. I looked around for place to hide. Snow, snow and more snow. I quickly picked up a snowball and through it Draco. "What the fuck was that for?" He asked shocked "just throw one at me" he looked at me confused, before picking up a handful of snow, and chucked it me as I ran. We continued throwing snowballs back and forth. I turned around for second, gathering up more snow and making it into a perfect ball, before turning back around expecting to see Draco doing the same. But he wasnt there.

I clutched onto the snow, despite my hands becoming numb from the cold, ready to fire when I caught sight of the boy. All of a sudden, arms wrapped around my waist, picking me up and flailing me around. "Put me down!" I giggled struggling to get free. As he did I turned around to face him. "Potter, you should know that if you boss me around anymore, there will be consequences" he said, a smirk falling across his face. "Oh really" a sly expression now crossed mine, as he just nodded "you'll have to catch me first"

I began running in the opposite direction of the boy, but him following closely in pursuit, the cold snow crunching beneath our feet. Then, before I realized, I had tripped over my own feet, causing me to be lying on the ground. "Well, if I new it was that easy, i wouldn't of tried so hard" he was now looming over me, a victorious, smug look on his face. I sat up quickly, grabbing his jumper and pulling him onto the ground next to me. "Not so strong now are we, Malfoy?" I teased sitting ontop of him.

I leant down, my face close to his, "I think we got away with it" I stated, hinting to the fact that the group of people just ignored us, and joined my brother in the run down building "I think we did, Potter." I leant down and kissed him gently on the lips, before once again lying next to him, creating a snow Angel on the ground.

"I wonder what their up to?" I wondered out loud "its Potter, and his little friends. There always sneaking around." Draco confirmed. "True." I just laid there, letting the wet snow start seeping into my clothes, making me colder than I was before. I was just staring into the sky, trying to think of what harry could be doing, just a few inches away from me.

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