Chapter 40 ~ Teenage Dirtbag

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°• Dumbass •°

I hadn't spoken to Draco for nearly a week. He completely blanked me during lessons, lunch, free periods, or if I was sat in the common room. It was like I didnt exist. And the worst part was, I didnt know why, and it was driving me crazy. Everytime I went to talk to him he would turn the other direction.

I went up to the Astronmy tower for our usual tuesday meetup, but he never turned up. But, by this point, I got used to it. I gave up trying to talk to him, I had too much to worry about, and adding Mr Daddy Issues to the list, wasnt going to be one of them.


"Stunning is one of the most useful spells you should know." Harry stated, as he walked down the middle of the two lines. I was stood inbetween the twins fiddling with my wand, not really paying attention to my brother as I already new most of it. Being forced to take advanced, Defence of the dark arts at Beauxbatons was now coming in handy. "Its sort of the witches and wizards bread and butter really."

"Come on then Nigel" my brother called. The small second year stepped out neverously, standing opposite my brother "give it your best shot!" He hesitated for a moment, before flicking his wand "Stupefy!" He called, causing my brother and himself to fly backwards.

Next to go was Ron and Hermione. "Come on Ron!" All the boys called
"One sickle" George whispered to Fred "your on" he whispered back. I nodded at Hermione, knowing she was going to beat Ron easily. There was a moment of anticipation as both lifted there wands at the same time "Stupefy!"

Ron landed in the ground with a thud, a smug smile was now spread across Hermiones face. "Thankyou" fred teased as George shoved some coins into his hand "shut up" i just rolled my eyes "dumb asses" I whispered under my breath "what was that Potter?" George lent over my shoulder "you think you could beat me doing that"

I just nodded "of course I can George. Despite being a younger then you, I'm far more advanced in my spells." I teased. He looked over at his brother "do you" "yep" he interrupted "she definitely can. She could probably do it with her eyes closed" his brother looked back at me in disappointment "let's see what you've got then Potter" he smirked.

I stood at the far end facing my ginger haired opponent. I slowly raised my wand and so did George. With a quick flick of my wrist his wand flew out of his hand, with another, he was now lying on the floor. I walked over, and slowly leaned over him. "Dumbass" I laughed holding out my hand to help him up. He just batted it away quickly sighing in defeat.

It got to the end of the lesson, and i was just staring at the picture if Cedric someone had put on the mirror. He would definitely be here right now. Being able to fight for what's right, was always one of his goals. I didnt realise how much I missed him, until I'd see something. This picture quickly reminded me of everything that happend, but I quickly shook it away.

"Ready Freddie?" I asked the boy. "Of course" I quickly edited the channel on the radio that just appeared, and quickly turned back to him. "What do you need help with then?" I smiled "it's not that I needed help" he blushed "it's that I just wanted more practise"

"Shh" I shushed him. "Wait do you hear that?" I quickly asked "hear what?" He questioned back. I slowly and quietly walked over to the radio, turning it up. "Please tell me Fred you know this song" he sighed in relief "of course I know this song Potter." I started to sing along, the lyrics to Teenage dirtbag, flowed out of me.

I looked over and saw the ginger watching me from a distance, his arms crossed, making my now wide grin, even wider. I danced over to him, still singing to the song. "Come in Weasley!" I called "dance with me!" He rolled his eyes at me, now joining in on the chorus with me.

We danced around the room, laughing and singing loudly. As it got to the bridge, our bodies got closer together as we danced, now singing in each others faces. The last verse came on and it was slower then the rest of the song. We were now face to face, Fred looking down on me as we both still sang. I could feel my cheeks start blushing.

We slowly reversed away from each other, preparing for the last chorus. It blasted through the speakers, causing our voices to become louder, as we jammed along. We ended up back to back, playing the air guitar and strumming the last notes of the song. When it finished we burst out in laughter, facing to turn each other again.

His hair was now flopping messily over his forehead, making him look even cuter. His flushed cheeks adding to the effect. We were now looking deeply into each others eyes. He lifted up his hand and pushed a strand of hair out of my face, causing me to blush even more.

"I should probably go." I said, breaking our eye contact "yeah" he agreed, looking embarrassed. "I need to talk to my boyfriend. If he even notices me." I said gathering my robe and satchel. "What do you mean 'noticices you'?" He said confused "nothing" I shook my head "it's just, Dracos been ignoring me for the past week, and I have no idea why." I confirmed

"seriously" he said in shock. I just nodded. "I need to talk to him" "yeah, yeah of course." "See you later Freddie" I stated as I left the room, trying to pluck up the courage to talk to Draco. What ever is going on with him, I'm finding out tonight.

I hope in this last bit you can see what I imagined. I have linked the song at beginning of the chapter if you dont know it.

Is something going to happen between her and Fred?

Why is Draco being so wierd?

I guess we'll find out soon!
~ Emily xx

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