Chapter 30 ~ The Hearing

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°• Of Course Mr Weasley! •°

I woke up in sweats "hey, hey" Fred said hugging me trying to calm me down. I looked at him trying to catch my breath "I heard you screaming so I came as quickly as I could" I buried my head into his chest "every night" I managed to say between sobs "every night I see his lifeless body fall to the ground. I cant seem to forget it."

I sat up and laid my head on the back of my bed, rubbing my hands over my tired face. "Are you okay now Prankster?" The ginger boy asked, pushing a strand of hair out of my face. I nodded gently "I'll see you in the morning then." He kissed my forehead, getting ready to leave "Fred?" I said grabbing his wrist "yeah" he said turning round to face me "could you stay until I fall asleep?" "Of course" he claimed into the bed next to me, pulling me close to his chest "goodnight y/n/n" "goodnight Freddie."


I woke up the next morning, expecting to see Fred laying next to me, but that side just laid dormant. He must have left when I fell asleep. I got up and headed downstairs. I got to the kitchen and saw Sirius sat at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand, reading the paper. "Good morning y/n" he said as I sat down.

"Morning" I smiled back, pouring myself a tea and sitting down next to him. "How are you?" He asked sincerely "I heard you screaming again last night, another bad dream?" I nodded "they havent stopped since that night" I confirmed. He took my hand, he was about to say something when Mr Weasley walked in.

"Good morning!" He said cheerily "how is everyone. Oh yeah" he said interrupting himself "y/n are you coming to Harry's hearing today?" The ginger man asked "I was hoping to." I answered " you know, for a bit of moral support for harry. If that's okay Mr Weasley?" "Of course it is y/n. You will need to help navigate the muggle tube though. I've never been able to figure it out." He laughed "of course Mr Weasley."


We eventually made it through the tube. I had put on my smartest outfit, to try and make a good impression. We were now stood at a red telephone box. "Here we are" Mr Weasley said, opening the door "I've never used the visitors entrance before." I looked at my brother with a bit of confusion. "Should be fun" the ginger man said ushering us in, I shrugged my shoulders and stepped in. "Right," the man started "take these" he held his hand out, passing us a couple of pound coins "put this muggle money in the slot, and it should take you down to the ministry. It can only fit two people at a time, so I'll follow you down after, so wait for me when you get there." We nodded our heads, as I put the money in the slot.

All of a sudden the floor began moving from underneath us, which caused me to stumble a bit. When we got down to the ministry level, we opend the door and stepped out. We were met with a sea of witches, wizards and all sorts of other creatures. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. There were rows of fireplaces, which the occasional green spark would flash from, causing someone to step out of it. It must've been the floo network. "Come on then" Mr Weasley ushered, after he had joined us. I looked around the massive room, staring at the giant waterfall that stood in the middle. The whole place was just magnificent!

We eventually made it to the elevators. We stepped into one, just about fitting. Just as it was about to leave, Kingsley stepped in. I gave him a small smile, as he stood behind Mr Weasley. "Merlins beard!" The ginger man stated "thankyou Kingsley. They've changed the time of your hearing." When is it?" Harry said turning to him. " in five minutes" the elevator started to move backwards, then suddenly dropped down.

"Department of mysteries" the elevator stated once we came to a halt. We stepped out into a quiet, dark hallway, all you could here was the sound of whispering coming from a nearby turning. Once we got to were the voices were coming from, we stopped and looked at the two men.

My face fell as I looked at the blonde haired man, all the memories flooding back from that night. I got pulled out of my daze when I felt Mr Weasleys hand on my back pushing me away from boyfriends father. "Are you okay y/n" he asked curiously "it's like you've just seen a ghost." "I, I, I'm okay Mr Weasley" I stuttered.

"Now during the hearing, Harry, only speak when spoken too. Keep calm, you've done nothing wrong. As the muggles say 'truth will out'" the man reassured. "Goodluck Harry" I wished pulling him into a hug. "We're not allowed in I'm afraid, so y/n and I will wait out here for you. Goodluck Harry."

Just a short chapter today but I hope you like it! Also Merry Christmas Eve (well it is when I'm writing this lmao). Is she gonna have something with Fred? Who knows?
~ Emily xx

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