Chapter 2 ~ Slytherin

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°• Goodnight Potter •°

I stood up and walked towards the table. I locked eyes with the blonde haired boy, he stayed sat down unlike the rest. He turned to the boy, by the looks of it a second year, and nudged him to move over. I went and sat next to him awkwardly and got acquainted with the others on the table.
"I'm Pansy Parkinson" said the girl opposite me and i shook her hand " This is Bliase Zabini and Theo Knott." She said introducing the boys next to her.

The next thing I know Professor Dumbledore was announcing that the Triwizard Tornament was happening this year and Hogwarts were hosting. Then the doors of the great hall slam open and in walks my old school. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. They walked in, in there typical blue uniform doing there stupid dance up the isle. My face dropped the moment there head mistress walked in. Madame Olympe Maxime.
" Potter?" Malfoy said nudging me.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Oh erm... nothing. It's just that was my old school. We didnt really end on good terms." I smirked at Parkinson.
I looked up and made I contact with one of my most hated people.
" You see that girl at the front. That's Fleur Delacour." I nodded up at her " That bitch hated me, and I hated her. I was the only girl in that school that she couldn't push over. And she fucking hated it" I broke eye contact with her when a Dumbldore spoke again announcing the next school to join us. Dumstrag.

After dinner was over I walked with Pansy to the Slytherin dungeons. As soon as we left the hall I felt some one grab my and pull me to the side. I looked at Harry his face seemed extremely pissed off.
"You all right Harry?" I asked with slight confusion.
"My own sister, in slytherin. That cant be right!" He exclaimed.
"What's so wrong with that?" I said defensively.
" Your my twin sister y/n, dont you think it would make sense for you to be in Griffindor with me?"
"Harry how can you be so ignorant! I know we dont each other at all, but havent you noticed we're nothing alike." He looked at me, his eyes wide.
"I dont understand what you mean y/n"
"I basically got kicked out of my last school. I didnt fit in at all. I was never one to have lots of friends and be friendly to everyone like you are. I liked to sit on my own with a book and ignore the world around me. I would argue back with all my teachers as I found the rules horrific to try and follow. I'm not the goody, goody Potter people think I should be."

I looked at him, tears beginning to form in my eyes, after my little outburst, that I refused to let fall. He stepped back. He seemed to be shocked for what I had to say. I turned to leave, when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry," He said into my ear before pulling away. " I know I dont know you well y/n, but your my sister and I should. I would like to get to know you better y/n/n so we're not like strangers any more." A soft smiled formed on his lips.
" I would love the Haz." You replied before turning and walking away with Parkinson.

"Wow." She said when we were finally out of earshot of Harry. "Was everything you said there true? Where you really kicked out of Beauxbatons?"
" Urm yeah. Kind of. No one really liked my there, I didnt like anyone there. It was a problem waiting to happen to be honest Pansy." I smirked.

We eventually got to the door of the dungeon. Pansy said the password and we walked in. We walked into the common room. It was a large kind of circular room with green accents everywhere. There was a circular table near the back of the room and black leather sofas (or couches) facing a large black fire place. Sat around it was all the slytherins I met at the dinner.
"Come join us" Said Blaize
"Um.." you replied "I would love to but I think I better find my room first." I smiled at him and he nodded back.
"Oh yeah your bunking with my y/n/n" said Pansy tugging my arm excitedly. "The last girl left so you will have to suffer with me." She giggled.
"Ahh you cant be that bad." I nudged.
"Just wait and see Potter" Smirked Knott.

I followed Pansy up to our room and she showed me to my side of the room. There was a single bed with a roof like thing with black and green curtains hanging by the side. There was a small green and black ottoman and the end of it. The sheets were green silk and black pillows. My luggage was already there so I began to unpack my stuff.

"I have a question" Pansy asked. I turned to her. She was sprolled out on her bed lying on her stomach facing me. "Hit me" I said sitting on my bed opposite her. "How did you end up with Eclipse?" I turned and looked at my bat. She was hanging on the top of my bed with her eyes closed. Like all bats do. "Well, I was at my old school, sat in my room on my own like usual." I chuckled "When she flew into my window and crashed into my mirror. I decided to fix her up with my wand, but it took longer then expected. I think maybe a couple days in the end. And she ended up sticking with me. I taught her how to send letters,and be like an owl really."

After a while of me and Pansy chatting and getting to know each other, I decided to head down to the common room and write a letter to my foster parents. They weren't able to drop me off at the station as they were busy working for the mistry so I said my goodbyes when I left the house, and made my own way to Kings Cross.

I sat down at the edge of the leather sofa and pulled out my parchment and quill. No one was there as it was quite late so it was nice and peaceful. The only sound was the fire crackling, which was very soothing.

I was in the middle of my letter when I felt the sofa dip slightly next to me. I looked over. There he was. That blonde boy again. " Who are you writing to?" He questioned his voice sounded husk and tired. "My parents." I said as I continued trying to right. "Potter your parents are dead." He said abruptly. I turned to look at him again. My face dropped at the thought of them. I made contact with his grey eyes and then quickly looked at the fire. "Foster, parents." I replied not taking my eyes of the glowing fire place. "Harry got the cousins I got put with a wizard family."
"Oh." He replied. We sat there for a while in an awkward silence as I finished my letter. "Is there a reason why your here Malfoy?" I finally said breaking the silence. "Well, if you didnt already know, Potter. This is my common room aswell as yours." He snapped back. "Merlin, sorry." I said sarcastically. "Well" I said standing up "if you dont mind I'm going to send my letter and head to bed." I went to walk out of the room and head up to bed when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him. "Goodnight Potter" he said his eyes locked on mine. "Goodnight Malfoy." I said as he let go of my arm and walked around me leaving me on my own.

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