Chapter 23 - the trial

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A/N this is more of a gap fill to fit in the storyline. It is basically the same as the one in the movie, so feel free to skip this chapter if you already know what happends.

We were now at Dumbledores office. We had just walked through the opening at the top of the stairs, when we could hear shouting from behind the door. I looked at Harry confused "Excuse me gentlemen" we heard Moody say "I think it might interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private." He stated before the door swung open, revealing Harry and I.

"Ah the Potters. How nice to see you." Said the Minister, I smiled at him politely "we can come back later professor." Harry offered  "no need Harry." He said showing the others out the door. "And do help yourself to a liquorice snap in my absence. But be careful, there a little sharp." He said before leaving the room.

I looked at my brother and shrugged, before walking towards the bowl of sweets. I grabbed a handful, about to eat one, when it snapped at my fingers causing the rest of them to continue. I noticed my brother smirk at me, then quickly turning his attention behind me. I threw what left of left of the liquorice back in the bowl, before whipping my head around to see what he was looking at.

Somehow a weird cauldron type thing appeared out of the wall. We stepped closer, admiring the blue liquid which laid inside. Harry pulled out his wand "what are you doing?" I questioned grabbing his wrist. "I dont know." He said pulling his hand away and moving his wand across the water.

All of a sudden the water had swamped us causing us to free fall, into what looked like some sort of trial. We landed aggressively in two seats next to a younger looking Dumbledore. I looked around. No one seemed to have noticed our entrance. "Harry where are we?" I asked. He shrugged and turned to Dumbledore. "Professor?" He asked. There was no response. All of a sudden a man put a hand through my brothers torso. "Professor." He said now shaking Dumbledores hand, still in Harry's stomach.

Soon in the middle of the room, a man in a cage was brought into view. Mr Karkaroff, the headmaster of Dumstrag. "Egor Karkaroff." Mr Crouch started. He was sat in front of the cage, surrounded by millions of sheets of paper. "You have been brought from Askaban at your own request." He continued "To present evidence to this council. Should your testimony be proved consequential, the council may be prepared to order your immediate release. Till such time you will be under the eyes of the ministry as a convicted death eater, do you exept these terms?" He asked the caged man "I do sir." The man answered  "and what do you wish to present?" He interrupted "I have names sir" Karkaroff stated "there was a Rosier."

A man started rustling through paper before handing one to Crouch "Rosier is dead." He finally said. I looked over and noticed Moody was also here, he said something to Dumbledore but I couldn't quite make it out.

The trial continued, Karkaroff stated more names pleading for his release from Askabana, even calling out Snape, before landing on his final one
" The name." "Yes" Crouch said trying to hurry him along "I know for a fact, he continued "that this man took part in the capture, and by means of the crutiate curse, tourtue of the order Frank Longbottom and his wife.!" "Name! Give me the wretched name!" Mr couch called now even more impatient "Barty Crouch!"

The room filled with gasps and shocked faces "junior" the man finished. I looked over and noticed everyone staring at this one man, who I was bold to assume was the one they spoke of. A man I recognised from my dreams.

He ran towards the cage, before getting struck in the back by one of Moodys spells. As he landed on the ground, people began to grab him pulling him towards his father. "Get your hands of me, you filthy little man!" He yelled "hello father" he said now face to face with Mr Crouch "you are no son of mine." He replied, disappointment now filled his eyes.

All of a sudden Harry and I were pulled back into Dumbledores office landing on the ground. I looked up and saw the grey haired man staring back at us "curiosity is not a sin Potters, but you should exercise caution. It's a penseive, very useful, if like me you find your mind a wee bit stretched. It allows me to see one small things I've already seen." He carried on.

"Sir." Harry said " Mr Crouches son, what exactly happend to him?" He asked, seemingly reading my mind "he was sent to Askaban, killed Barty to do it. Why do you ask?" He questioned "it's just I had a dream about him. it was in the summer, before school." "Did you have this dream too Miss Potter?" He said walking up to me. I nodded, remembering the dream perfectly.
"In the dream, I was in a house." I started "Voldemort was there, only he wast actually human, I think worm tail was there too, and by the looks of it, Mr Crouches son." "Have you had others like this dream." I nodded. "For some reason, I keep having the same one."

The next chapter/s are going to be the last task so I cant wait for you to see what happends
~Emily xx

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