chapter 55 ~ The Answer

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°• To Save Them, I Have To Fight Them •°

Soon there was a green flash. I turned quickly, a familiar face emerging from one of the many fireplaces. He walked slowly, "it was foolish for you to come here tonight Tom." Dumbledore stated  "the orders are on there way."

"By which time" the dark lord spoke up "I shall be gone." He stepped back calmly, waving his wand around as he spoke "and you, far be dead."

A flash of red emerged from Dumbledores wand, flinging Harry and I to the side. In that moment I watched from Harry's arms, as the women i had just beaten half to death, was now escaping. Her bloodied face formed a smirk as she slid into a fireplace, and with a green spark, vanished.

I got up to follow but Harry pulled me back as the two wands collided. We squinted and ducked at the red and green lights, as rods of lightning flung through out the hall. Harry shielded my head as the wall behind us began shattering and falling into pieces.

Soon Voldemort let go, holding his hand to his mouth, breathing out a massive storm of fire. We looked up, now faced with a huge snake of red. A small chuckle came from the distance as it slithered straight at the grey haired man.

Albus managed to defend himself, causing the flame to fly straight back to were it had come from, engulfing the the evil man with his own spell.

Dumbledore flicked his wand, picking up the water from the centre fountain, and drowning Riddle, forming a large ball. Harry soon grabbed my hand, quietly walking behind Albus, hoping he could help some how.

That soon backfired, as we both landed up back on the floor, not any further from when we started. Soon the water had dispersed leaving a soaking wet Voldemort.

He let out a scream shooting what look liked small black shards straight at my headmaster, who again, managed to defend himself from the harsh attack.

Riddle soon let go, causing every piece of glass in the room shatter into a million pieces. As I covered my self from the blast, the sound of glass hitting the concrete floor filled my ears.

I looked up to see Voldemort holding his wand above his head. A large toothy grin filling his face. Soon, the shards were now of the floor flying at us like torpedoes. Dumbledore held out his wand, forming a blue light causing every piece of glass that hit it, form into small pieces of sand.

Voldemort did not look at all happy. His face, now in a grimace, did not look away from mine. His cold eyes sending fear straight through my body. A look of disappointment. Something I thought I'd never see from the Dark Lord himself.

He stepped back, imursing himself in the newly made sand. He soon disappeared, leaving my brother and I scared and confused. Harry soon seized up, falling to the ground and squirming in pain.

I fell to my knees next to him, not really sure what to do. "You've lost old man" he came out with. His voice hissing, his eyes pure white. It was no longer Harry. It was him.

"Harry?" I asked panicked. But all I got was a squirm of pain come from my brothers body. I could tell that he was being punished mentally, his light screams weren't of physical pain, but if mental torture.

I looked a Dumbledore, my eyes pleading for help. "Harry." He began "it isn't how you are alike, it's how you are not." He soon stopped, and just laid dormant. I looked over to see the rest of our friends enter the room. A wave of relief hit me as I now knew they were safe.

"Your the weak one." Harry eventually came out with, causing my attention back on him. "You'll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you."

Soon, I was pulled back by my shoulders, a tornado of sand swirling around me. "Miss Potter" his voice whispered in my ear, before him forming infront of me. "I trust you've made your decision"

I looked around me. Harry laying restless on the ground, and the others watching in fear. Memories flying back to me. Cedrics body hitting the ground, Sirius falling back. Tears now falling down my face.

My foster families smiling faces filled my head, all the lovely peaceful nights with Draco. I couldnt loose them. No matter what I had to do.It all came quicker then I expected.

"I need an answer." His time now restless "Fine!" I yelled "only if you dont hurt any one I care for! Draco, my foster parents, The Weasleys! I'm done losing people who didnt deserve to go!" I screeched the truth at the top of my lungs.

He slowly walked up to me and held out his grey, dingy hand. "Welcome Miss Potter, to the correct side. A place were we can make our dreams a reality. A place of true power." I hesitated, before grabbing his hand and shaking it vigorously.

The sand soon fell from around me, then forming around my brother in an instant. I fell to my knees, my brain in such a tangle, I couldnt think straight.

Soon, the room began filling with members of the ministry, all of them catching a glimpse of the Dark Lord, before him vanishing in a flurry of sand.

"Hes back." Was all The Ministor could say. Dumbledore was soon by my side, helping me up. I stood there, motionless as flashing lights of cameras filled my face, not caring about how I looked.

I made the worst possible decision of my life.

To save my loved ones life, I have to completely go against them. Fight them for something that I know I should be fighting for.

What the hell was wrong with me?

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