Chapter 56 ~ End of the year

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°• Your new 'activities' •°

As I walked back through the familiar gates of Hogwarts, many eyes were staring at my brother and I. News spread quickly around this place. Secrets didnt really stay secret, unless you kept them to yourself.

I didnt care how people looked at me, to be honest I never did. But right now, I couldnt give a shit. To many things were playing on my mind, but what stuck out the most, was Sirius no longer being here.

I looked away from the ground, and noticed to familiar gingers. I couldnt help but run into Fred's arms, falling apart as soon as I felt his touch. My arms flung around his neck, and my feet not even touching the ground, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay" he said into my ear as he stroked my head. He put me down, George now taking his place, his arms pulling me into a great big bear hug. "I'm sorry prankster." He apologised "I dont know how hard this must be."

I pulled away, wiping the tears away from my eyes. "Wait?" I said inbetween sniffles "what are you guys still doing here? I thought Umbridge expelled you?" I questioned.

"Oh she did." Fred replied "but she was recently dragged away by some centaurs, so Dumbledore agreed to let us finish this year." I forced a smile, happy to know that I still have Fred Weasley with me right now.


It was the morning of the last day of school. I woke up to the sound of crashing around my room. I sat up exhausted. Since the night at the Ministry, I had constant bad dreams.

Sirius dying. Cedric dying. Then things that hadn't even happend yet. Fred dying. Harry dying. Mrs and Mr Knight dying. I was never able to save anyone I cared about. Watching them die, over and over again.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" Pansy asked, scurrying around our room. I shook my head. "I thought I'd get packing early." She explained "Also Eclipse brought in a letter. She dropped it on your drawers."

She gestured towards the chest of drawers next to my bed. I got up and looked closer. A dark, black envelope sat patiently, green writing of my name and school address written neatly on the front.

I picked it up, turning it over. A green wax seal kept the letter shut. The initials N.M in the centre. I opend it quickly, unfolding the letter, reading it as soon as possible.

Dear Miss Potter,

Due to your tragic loss, and your new found deal. The Dark Lord has requested you stay at Malfoy Manour over the summer.

This way it will be easier to accommodate your new 'activities' and for you to have some where to stay due to your Godfathers demise.

You will need to leave kings Cross Station with Draco, and one of our schoffers will escort you and my son to the manour.

I cant wait to meet you.

Narcissa Malfoy.

As soon as I finished reading the letter, it burned into flames, destroying it immediately. "What was that?" Pansy asked "nothing" I replied, getting up and walking to my wardrobe.

"Theres no need to keep secrets from me Potter. I already know the deal you made with the Dark Lord." My head swiveled around quickly "how did you...?" "Y/N, my parents are Deatheaters. Word spread quickly that a Potter was joining the ranks." She was now holding shoulders with reassurance.

"I knew it wouldn't have been your brother. And , now finding that out, your mood this year makes a lot more sense. Sleepless nights, random midnight walks. It was obvious."


As soon as I finished packing, i headed down to Dracos dorm. I needed to talk to him in person. Knowing that news spread quickly around the Dark Lords cult, I assumed that Draco already knew, but I needed to tell him in person.

As I got down to his room, i noticed his door was slightly ajar. I knocked lightly and walked straight in. I hadn't spoken to him much since we got back. I was still a little mad about the whole 'giving me up to Umbridge' situation. But I knew this was alot more important.

"Hey" I smiled as i walked in. His suit case was laying on his bed, his suits laying neatly inside. He turned around from his wardrobe slowly as he heard my voice. "Hi" he answered awkwardly "what are you doing here?" He asked bluntly.

I shut the door behind me, knowing full well with was an extremely private conversation. "I need to talk to you." He folded up his quidditch robe and placed it neatly in case.

"You agreed didnt you." He said bluntly shutting the lid. I hesitated for a moment then nodded. He ran his fingers through his silky blonde hair, shaking his head vigorously. "I cant believe you actually did that."

"Draco I had no choice!" I retaliated.
"Yes you did y/n. You had the option to not make your life a living hell." He shouted.
"Draco im not fighting with you over this again, okay." I stated.

He bit his lip, trying to hold back from shouting something he might regret. "Anyway, I came to tell you that I'm staying with you over the summer." I explained "I got a letter this morning from, who I assume, was your mother."

"Okay" was all he said. I hesitated a moment, wanting to say something else to him, but instead I walked to the door. "Draco" I said before opening it "I'm sorry. But I have to do this." And with that, I left the room.

What a great end to my 2nd year at Hogwarts.

*End of 5th Year*
*Order Of The Phoenix*

I Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And this Hogwarts year!

I am so excited to start 6th Year! Alot of the first few chapters will just be my own free writing, and I cant wait to finally write down what has been in my head for so long. And I can wait for you guys to read it!

~ Emily xxx

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