Chapter 58 ~ Mark of Righteousness

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°• To Kill Albus Dumbledore •°

As I sat in the dark gloomy room, it felt as if the walls were closing tightly in. The mood was tense, no one dared to talk, waiting for death its self to come gliding in. The long table housed a couple people, all with the same sullen look upon there face.

All I recognised. To my left sat Draco, his face expressionless, and Narcissa to my right. I was placed at the end of the long wooden table, to be sat directly opposite to the man everyone feared. The table was no where near full, by the looks of it, incomplete. The only few that sat were, the women I hated most, Bellatrix Le'stange and Peter Pettigrew, the man I equally hated.

Sirius told me a many a story about his time at Hogwarts. The marauders, his on running feud with 'Snivellus" Snape, as he liked to call him, and who got my parents killed.

The name Pettigrew was banned from 12 Grimmauld Place. Whenever his name was brought up, Sirius would start yelling and storm off to his study. So after a while, I knew not to question my parents death. All I knew was that it was Pettigrew that to Voldemort where to find us, and that was the end of my parents story.

Just looking at those faces made anger boil up inside me. Why did they think they had the right to take away my family? What was wrong with them? But, as soon as the hooded figure walked in, everything became clear.

"Ah!" He sighed "my devoted followers!" He sat down, his eyes locked on me. "Miss Potter I hope everything here is much to your liking?" He stated.

His polite tone conflicted with the look of the ghastly man. He was surprisingly well mannered and patient. "Yes thankyou, My Lord." I smiled sweetly.

He nodded his head slowly "now, let's get on with why I called you here." Soon, food filled our plates that lay, once barren, infront of us. A mouth watering roast dinner, tender chicken, soft fluffy potatoes all smothered perfectly in gravy.

We all stared at the plates, not sure to tuck in, not wanting to interupet the man. "Go ahead, my kind followers, eat!" I was a bit confused about the evil man's generosity and kindness, but tucked in anyway.

"So" he began, not touching his plate at all "next week, is our induction ball. This is when Mr Malfoy, Miss Potter, and a few other coming of age death eaters, will gain there mark of righteousness."

Dracos eyes hadn't left his plate, nor was he touching his food. By the looks of it, the sound of the ball made him uneasy, him not ready to take up such a big roll.

"But, I thought, to help you two get a head start, I shall tell you what your first task for me would involve." I grabbed my glass taking a sip from it slowly, letting the water run softly down my throat.

"I want you Miss Potter, and Mr Malfoy to kill Albus Dumbledore." The statement caused my to choke on my drink, disrupting the silent room. "Sorry" I apologised through coughs "did you say kill Albus Dumbledore, as in the Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore?"

"Yes." His blunt tone knocked me back into my senses "you see Miss Potter. Albus posses the infamous Elder Wand, the most powerful wand ever made. And I need it for my," he stuttered for a moment "my future endeavours."

'Future endeavours'? What's that supposed to mean?

"And the only way to get the wand away from him, is death. He shall never give it up otherwise."


I sat in my room alone. The dinner replaying in my head, over and over again.

'Induction ball'
'Mark of righteousness'
'Kill Albus Dumbledore'
'Future endeavours'

The rumours where true. This man was not in the right frame of mind.

I paced back and forth, trying to think everything through. I quickly grabbed my dressing gown off the back of my door, and creeped out into the hall.

An eerie darkness washed over the hallway. The feeling of being watched took over your body, putting you on edge for the whole trip.

I soon made it to my destination, lightly knocking on the door. It opend calmly a dark eyed Draco now standing present. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I asked in a hushed tone. "Yes." He answered bluntly "but it's fine. You okay Potter?"

"I'm sorry I'll just go. Sorry for disturbing you." I went to walk away, but a hand grabbed my wrist "Potter it's okay, come in." He smiled warmly.

I stepped in, a strong smell of his cologne hitting me in the face, with a sudden comfort. His room was large and elegant. His walls were a dark black, but plain and boring. He had a similar four poster bed to mine, but looked more worn and rough. His chest of draws and bedside tables, were covered in hundreds of the same leather bound notebooks. Ink stains filling in the gaps.

It was a slight mess, but an unusually organised one. He sat down on his bed, resting his head on the head bored, while I continued my pacing I started in the other room. "Are you sure your okay?" He asked again.

"I'm fine" I stated biting my nails "but I just cant get my head around the fact we've been ordered to kill our own headmaster. Dont you think that's a bit fucked up?" I asked intentetivly.

"Its Voldermort y/n. Everything he does is fucked up." He stated with no hesitation "hes just getting us to do his dirty work because he cant be bothered."

"Its just, my brother looks up to him so much." I continued "but then he is also a minipulative son of bitch, and there have been a few times I have wanted to kill him" i justified "i just dont want my brother let down or hurt."

Draco looked at me with a blunt stare "no offence Potter, but you just being here is letting him down. Where does he think you are any way?" His insult, for some reason didnt hurt.

"He thinks I'm staying at Pansys over the summer. Doesn't suspect a thing." I fell back on to the foot of Dracos bed, running my hand through my hair. "You do realise he will find out eventually." The blonde boy explained.

"I know" I answered back "but for now, his disappointment is the least of my worries."

Hi guys, sorry this is so late! I have had alot going on lately, my mind has been every were apart from this story.

I just came out to my friends and family, so alots been on my mind! But I will right alot more now, and hopefully post alot quicker!
~Emily xx

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