Chapter 3 ~ The Goblet

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°•"Harry and y/n Potter."•°

It was the last class of my first day at hogwarts. Potions. To be honest it wasnt very interesting. I had already done most of it at my old school. I was sat next to Pansy and to my surprise she was actually quite smart. We had Proffessor Snape. Merlin he talks forever. And it eventually got to the end of lesson. We stood up to leave when Snape called me back. "Miss Potter, may I have a word." He asked in his calm yet kid of annoying voice. I turned around and made it to his desk. "Yes sir." "Miss Potter, it has come to my attention that you are very good at potions and most of your other classes? Is that correct?" He asked
"Um.. yes, kind of sir." "Are you unsure of your ability Miss Potter?"
"Um no sir." I said quickly. "Well that's great Miss Potter. I would like you to tutor one of your class mates. Due to the fact you are far more advanced in your knowledge from you recent transfer." He said. All of a sudden I felt nervous. Who's he going to put me with? "Okay sir?" I agreed relectuntly "who would you like me to tutor then sir?"

He walked away from his desk and up the isle to the door to the class room. He opend it. In walked the tall blonde haired boy. I felt a sudden anger towards snape. Why put me with him? Why not with anyone else? "I would like you Miss Potter to tutor Mr Malfoy here. He just needs a bit of help catching up on a few things." A smirk crossed my face. I guess that know it all Malfoy, doesn't actually know it all.

After a short lecture from Snape I managed to escape from his class room. Ecept, just not from Malfoy.
"Oi Potter." He said pulling me to the side. "You cant tell anyone about this alright." He said aggressively. "Why not Malfoy? Are you embarrassed?" I said in a sarcastic manner. "No." He said defensively "I just dont want people to know I'm spending alone time with a potter." He scoffed. "To be honest Malfoy. Nor do I" i said lightly slapping his cheek. He grabbed my wrist tightly not letting go. "Dont touch me mud blood." He said ten times more aggressive than before. I broke from his grip and smirked. I turned around and began to walk away. "Meet me in snapes class room at 8. And dont be late." I called back walking to the great hall.

I met pansy in the hall. She stood staring at the Goblet of fire. Wow.
"Magnificent isn't it?" I said walking up behind her. "Yeah it is. What was all that about." She said turning to me. "Oh nothing. Snape just wanted me to tutor someone." I huffed. "Shit." She replied. "Who?" "I'll tell you later Pans." I said turning my eyes back into the Goblet.

I saw a tall boy being pushed towards it. By the looks of it he was in a hufflpuff uniform. "Go on Cedric!" Called one of his friends "Put it in!"I walked up closer to examine what was going on. When his friends pushed him into the circle he looked around. He turns to me, making eye contact with his blue eyes. He smirked before turning and putting his name in the goblet. He walked back towards his cheering friends. I can see my brother and his dorky, ginger friend get rejected from a high five from the hufflepuff boy. I giggled and walked over to them. "Internal glory." Said the ginger boy "would be brilliant wouldn't it. Three years from now when we could be chosen" he smirked. "Yeah." Harry replied "rather him then me" I giggled. "You wouldn't want to try it Haz?" I asked sarcastically. "Merlin no." He said before getting interrupted.

In ran the Weasly Twins. "Well lads we've done it!" One of them said. Having only just met them I couldn't really tell them apart. " cooked it up this morning." "Its not going to work" said Hermione. And she was right. The twins drank there aging potions and ran towards the Goblet. At first they had managed to put the names in, but eventually the Goblet spat there names, and them, out of the circle. The boys began rolling around fighting each other on the floor. Now having great, white beards made it even funnier.

Everyone was cheering and laughing, when a of a sudden it went dead quite. In walked Viktor Krum. He placed his name in the fire, and smirked at Hermione, before walking back out. "Ooo" I said walking up to the now blushing girl. "Someone has an admirer." I sang whilst joining her on the bench. "Dont be absurd." She replied.

It was now the time for names to called. I was sat in the Slytherin table next Pansy. Draco was sat at the far end with the boys from the other school, trying his hardest not to look over at me.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for!" Dumbledore yelled. "The champion selection!" He dimmed all the lights slowly, before the goblet fire turned pink and shot out its first name. " the dermstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" The hall erupted in cheers, as Krum walked up to Dumbledore and shook his hand, before walking to the front of the hall. Once again the Goblet turned pink and shot out the second name. " the champion from Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" I rolled my eyes at the sound of her name. Of course it was her. And lastly " The Hogwarts champion!" He called "Cedric Diggory!" We all cheered loudly!
"That's it! We have all three of our champions!" Dumbledore finally cried. "But in the end, only one can go down in history! By winning the TRIWIZARD CUP!" The cup was revealed and the cheering was made louder. But that all ended quickly.

The Goblets flame started to move again. I looked at Pansy confused. "I thought there was only meant to be three?" I asked "so did I" she replied. Her face struck with the same confusion on mine. All of a sudden the flame turned pink and spat out two more names. "Harry and y/n Potter." Dumbledore whispered in disbelief. The hall began to fill with whispers. "Harry and y/n Potter" Dumbledore said more loudly. This time I definitely hear what he said. I sat there my head down "HARRY AND Y/N POTTER!" Dumbledore yelled angrily this time. "Go y/n! Get up." Pansy whispered, stating to shove me towards the front. I stood up slowly making eye contact with my brother. What in Merlin is going on?

I walked towards Dumbledore. Making quick eye contact with Malfoy. A seemingly worried look on my face. I shook it off. He was the least of my worries right now. I met my brother in front of the headmaster, and took our names off him. We walked up to the front of the hall. Shoulder to shoulder not saying a word.

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