Chapter 38 ~ Puking Pastels

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°• He Didnt Trust His Own Sister •°

I walked into the great hall the next morning, a lining straight to the Griffindor table. I wasnt even bothering to ask my brother what he was doing in Hogsmeade, as I knew I wasnt going to get a straight answer. So, I settled for the next best thing. The twins. I knew a way to persuade them to tell me, even though, it wont be to pleasant for me, but that was the sacrifice I was willing to make.

"Hey boys" I said, sitting inbetween them at the Griffindor table. They both scooched across, giving me confused looks, along with the rest of the table. "I can tell from your faces your confused. So I'm going to make this quick, and i need straight answers." They just nodded "okay, so, What was going on in Hogsmeade, with you, Harry and the others yesterday?" I asked bluntly.

They looked at each other, then back at me "I dont know what your talking about Potter?" George answered, his voice high pitched, the way it was when they lied. I just looked at him, giving him my well known glare, telling him I wasnt buying it. "Freddie." I stated, turning to the other boy "can you, please, be more helpful, and tell me what's going on?" "Prankster" Fred started " as much as I want to, I cant tell you." I sighed in defeat, knowing what I had to do.

"Okay, I'll cut you two a deal." There eyes widened, staring me intently "ill eat one of your puking pastels, if, you tell me what's going on." The boys just stared at one another, devilish grins crossing there face. "Three, puking pastels, and you have to make out with Fred." I looked at George with disgust "you know I have a boyfriend George, so I'm not making out with Fred. Sorry." I said, looking at the other boy apologetically, who was now blushing with embarrassment. "but I'm only eating one pastel, theres no way I'm eating three."

"Three, or we're not telling you" I rubbed my face in frustration. I swear to merlin these boys will be the death of me. "Two." I gave in "and that's the most I'm going for." They pondered on it for a moment. "Deal!" They said in unison, both giving me a pastel each. "Now your side of the bargain. What's going on?"

Fred looked around him, before coming up close to my ear "Harry is starting a secret club." Fred started, lowering his voice. "Its to help us all learn how to defend our selves. Basically just going against Umbridge." "They call it, Dumbledores Army." George finished off. I went silent. Thinking about what they just told me "why didnt he want me to know?" I sadly asked Fred. He shrugged his shoulders "I dunno y/n/n. "Its because I'm a slytherin isn't it. Of course it is."

I ran my hands through my hair "hey," fred put his arm around me "if that's the reason, then your brother is a petty bitch" I couldn't help but giggle at his remark "true." I looked at the pastels in my hand and grimaced. "Your turn Potter." George added. I held up the sweets reluctantly to my mouth. I took a deep breath, before putting the ghastly sweets in my mouth, chewing on them and quickly swallowing.

I sat there, but nothing was happening. "I guess it doesn't..." suddenly my whole body went tense. I stood up and ran towards the girls toilet, barging past anyone who got in my way.


I took my head out of the bowl, and leant against the stall wall. "Hey, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Hermione?" I questioned opening the stall door, not bothering to get up "y/n!" She said rushing in "are you okay?" She was now kneeling beside me, checking my temperature with the back of her hand.

"Puking pastels" I confirmed, she sat back "and may i ask why?" The girl pondered. "I made a deal with the twins." I started "I'll eat two pastels, for information." She looked at me, extremely confused "what information?" She finally asked "oh, I dunno?" I said sarcastically "the fact that you, Harry and Ron," I checked outside the stall, before lowering my voice and continuing "started an army, and didnt tell me about it."

I could see the guilt in her eyes "I wanted to tell you, I really did" "then why didnt you 'mione?" I retaliated "Harry didnt want you too know." They girl confessed "Why?" "Because your so close with Malfoy. And he new that if he found out, the whole club would be disbanded and punished." My heart sank. I knew that was the reason, but hearing it out loud, seemed to hurt more than I thought.

"He didnt trust his own sister." I sighed, getting up about to leave the room "y/n," Hermione said "I knew from the start he was wrong to not trust you. If it was my decision, and you where my sister, I would've told you straight away, not caring about you relationships. We are meeting in the room of requirements tomorow night. I would love it if you were there"

I just gave her a half smile, before turning to leave the room
"Oh and Hermione" I stopped in my tracks "dont tell my brother. I want it to be a surprise"


I stood outside Dracos dorm door, clutching the 'It' in my hands, excited to finish the book. I quickly knocked and waited for the reply. The door swung open, revealing a topless Draco in the door way, his hair lying easily upon his head. "Hey." I finally said, ripping my eyes of his pale body "hi." He answered bluntly "what are you doing here?" His voice was now harsh and quick.

"I was wondering if you wanted to finish 'It' tonight?" I asked holding the book up. "We only have a few chapters left so." "No." He interrupted. I was taken aback by his answer, he'd never spoken to me like that before. "Oh okay." I replied sadly "I guess we'll finish it another day."

"Potter, I mean I dont want to finish it. It's boring, awfully written, and not worth waisting my precious time on." "Fine." His bluntness now getting on my nerves."I'll finish it myself then" I said, turning on my heels, and heading back to my room.

Whys Draco being mean all of sudden? Who knows?

I hope you liked this chapter!

I also wanted to say thankyou for 1k reads! This is my first story, so that means alot!

~ Emily xx

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