Chapter 26 ~ Final Task Pt 3

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°• Light trying to consume dark •°

Harry fell to the ground "pick it up, I said pick it up!" The dark Lord called. Harry fumbled around in the ground, finding his wand "you've been taught how to dual I presume, yes." Harry stood up "first we bow to each other" said Voldemort, bowing in his spot "come on Harry, the niceties must be preserved, Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners would he?" Harry just stood there "I said bow"

With a quick flick of his wand, Harry bowed reluctantly infront of him, squirming in pain. "Now," he said rushing towards the boy pushing him onto the ground "crutious!" My brother was now rolling around the floor in pain. I tried my hardest to get out of Luciuses grip, but no luck. I just stood there, watching my brother crying out. It suddenly stopped.

"At a boy Harry." The man teased "your parents would be proud. Especially your filthy muggle mother."
"Expelliarmus!" Harry called pointing at the man before him, before get struck back by Voldemort. "I'm going to kill you Harry Potter." He said, slowly walking up the helpless boy "I'm going to destroy you. After tonight, no one will ever question my powers."

"After tonight, if they speak of you, the will speak only of how you begged for death and I, being a merciful lord, obliged." He said calmly "get up" he screamed, pulling my brother up from the ground, making him stand up.

As he walked away from him, my brother took it as an opportunity, and ran behind one of the gravestones " dont you turn you back on me Harry Potter." The Dark Lord called, shooting a spell at my brother, "I want to look at you when I kill you. I want to see the light leave your eyes."

I took this as an opportunity to turn in to my amigus, and slither out of lucius arms quickly as possible. Lucius saw this and grabbed my tail, beginning to pull me back. I turned back quickly, shooting a spell at the blonde man, hitting him, sending him flailing backwards, before I hid behind a gravestone.

I watched Harry step out of his hiding place, walking up to the Dark Lord "fine. Have it your way." He pointed his wand at him "Expelliarmus" "avada kadavera" the power of their wands collided, creating a huge burst of light. Light trying to consume dark, dark trying to consume light. The spark looked like nothing I've ever seen before.

I stood there watching in ore, as a huge bubble consumed us pushing me towards my brother. A light separated from the spark, flying around me and stopping at my brother. I stood there tears brimming my eyes once again, I looked at my parents, who were now stood right infront of me. More and more lights appeared, forming into the shapes of dead relatives and friends. I looked next too me, there stood Cedric.

"Harry, y/n when the connection is broken, you two must head to the port key." My father said " we can linger for a moment and give you sometime, but only a moment. Do you understand" we both nodded "y/n," I turned to face Cedric "take my body back will you, take my body back to my father. I love you y/n/n" the tears were now streaming down my face "let go," mother stated "let go sweetheart, your ready, let go!"

Harry pulled away, as the ghosts flew towards Voldemort. He ran towards me and grabbed my hand. We fell down to Cedrics body, pulling it onto my lap as Harry grabbed the portkey with his wand, transporting us back in a flash.


We landed back into the stadium, and the stands erupted in cheers. Harry and I were still holding hands, and Cedrics lifeless head, still laid in my lap. Tears were now falling down my face uncontrollably. The happy music played loudly, as I cradled the dead boy in my hands, not wanting to let him go.

The next thing I heard was a scream, causing the music to halt abruptly. Dumbledore and Snape ran to us quickly, snape trying to pull me away from the boy. "Y/n" he called "get off me." I snapped, falling back onto the boy. "For God sake Dumbledore what's happend?" Some one called "hes back, hes back" harry cried "Voldemorts back."

Arms wrapped around my shoulder pulling me into a hug, the familiar sent made me sob even louder. "Cedric asked us to bring his body back" harry continued "I couldn't leave him, not there"

The sound of his name, caused me to push my head deeper into Dracos chest, his hand now stroking my hair "she, shh" he said trying to calm me down "cedrics gone." I sobbed into his chest "and it's all my fault" "hey, hey." He said pulling my head away from his chest and looking at my face, wiping away a tear "dont say that."

"Let me through, let my through" I heard the boys father cry, i turned to look at him. He was now in the same position I was "that's my son!" He cried "that's my boy!"

"Come on, let's get you back." Snape said hurrying us out of the scene. "Its okay y/n/n" Draco cooed, his arms still wrapped around me , tears continuously falling down my face "your safe now."

We got back into Snapes office, my face now red and puffy, as he handed me a cup of tea. I took it, my knees pressed to my chest, now rocking back and forth in my chair. There was a knock at the door, when Professor McGonagall, stuck her head round the door "Severus, come, now." She called, rushing away. He nodded, leaving the room quickly, leaving me and Draco alone.

We sat there in silence, before Draco decided fo speak up "what happend?" He asked calmly. I just looked at him, tears forming back in my my eyes, my mind reliving what just happend. "Hes back Draco." I managed to say "who's back, tamer?" "Voldemort."


A few days past, news spread around quickly, about Professor Moody actually being Marty Crouch jr, despite it meant to have been a secret. Every where I looked, people were staring at me like i was mad, people didnt believe Harry and I that the Dark Lord was back, and that's what frustrated me the most.

I headed down to the music room, I had a spare hour before Cedric Memorial, and I just wanted some time alone. I walked into the room, and sat down on the piano chair, Cedrics usual spot, taking a deep breath

"Hi Ced." I said "I know you cant hear me, or even here for that matter, I just really needed someone to talk to. When ever i come down to this room, all the memories of me and you flood back. The time we sang carols around the piano, band practice. " I was now holding back tears, the thought of the boy was just too much.

"So," I continued "I always feel like your here." I fiddled with the necklace around my neck. "I havent taken this off since you gave it to me, even when we had the fight." I sighed, looking at it and wiping a tear from my face. I took deep breath, trying to hold myself together. "The night you died, I made the biggest mistake of my life, well i dont know, actually. Voldemort told me, that because I was the stronger twin, the evil twin, I should be on his side. Of course i wasnt going to even consider it. But he then told me that, if I dont join him, he will kill Draco, in the most gruesome way possible." A tear escaped my eye.

"I dont know what to do Ced. As much as I want to fight with my brother, i cant let Draco get hurt. I love him. Well, I havent actually told him that yet, but, I cant let him get hurt, and if that means joining the Dard Lord, then, I dunno." I took a deep breath trying to stop crying, I looked down at my watch.

"Anyway, I've got to go. Your memorial is in five minutes, I have no idea how I'm going to sit through that." I stood up "I love you Ced. Always." I said, leaving the room. I stepped out into the hallway, and saw Draco leaning on the wall. Please say he didnt hear that! I thought. "You okay?" He said walking up to me and putting his arm around my shoulder. I nodded "umhm. I think so."

I hope you like this chapter! Thses parts have been my favourite to write! If you enjoyed it please leave a vote! Thankyou
~ Emily xx

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