Chapter 7 ~ The Forbidden Forest

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°•weird erge to kiss him•°

A week had passed. Not much had happend. I had spent alot of time with Cedric trying to figure out what our first task was. But there was no luck. It was the night I had to tutor Draco. I walked in and there he was. In the same place as last time. "Hi" I said stitting next to him. He just nodded in reply "let's just get this over and done with" he finally said. "Okay then." I said, finally putting all my books out.

We where in the middle of making a wiggenweld potion, when Draco decided to speak up "Have you and your boyfriend Diggory figured out the first task yet Potter?" I rolled my eyes at the remark "one, Cedric is not my boyfriend, and two, no we havent." He thought for a moment "I have something to show you." He said standing up "malfoy we have a test in a week and your pretty awful at this," "Potter if you want to know what your first test is then follow me." He snapped walking to the door. I looked at the potion in front of me then to him. "Argh, fine" I said reluctantly standing up and following the blonde boy to the door.

He had led me to the forbidden forest. I wasnt quite sure why. "If this is some trick to take me into the forest and murder me, I will have to politely decline" I smirked sarcastically. "Shut it Potter. Come on." He said as he continued on walking. "Why in Merlin are we here Malfoy?" I asked now starting to get cold and annoyed. "I over heard Potter and Granger talking this morning" he said not even looking at me. "They said that, that oaf Hagrid took them down here and showed them the task." "Wait, are you saying that my brother knows and hasn't bothered to tell me yet." I said starting to get even more pissed off.

"Look." He pointed over the hedge to 5 cages. There were flames coming out of everyone of them. "Dragons" I said under my breath. I looked at the cages as fear struck my face. How the hell am I supposed to fight a dragon. I leant forward a bit to far and fell through the hedge. I dont think anyone saw but my fight or flight instinct kicked  in. I began to run and grabbed Malfoy by the hand "run!" I shouted as he came next to me running as fast as we could.

Draco pulled me to the side and pinned my back to the tree holding my waist. Hiding us from whatever might have followed. He was slightly taller then me so my head was just inches away from his chest. I was so close I could smell his expensive after shave. He looked down at me and I could feel his minty fresh breath on my face. I locked on his grey eyes, for some reason not wanting to break our gaze. I had this weird erge to kiss him, but I dont know why.

We were stood there for like five minutes before he finally broke the gaze and taking his hands of my waist.  "Uh we should get back" he said. I quickly agreed and we headed back to the classroom.

We walked through the doors to see snape standing at our desk "and where have you been?" He asked his face not changing from his usual straight face "um no where sir" Malfoy blurted out quickly. "Well where ever you went, you left your half made potion unattended. 5 points from Slytherin and a detention tomorow, both of you." He said walking passed us. "Sir I dont think that's quite fair" I exclaimed. "If you argue with me Miss Potter, Mr Malfoy and your detention will be extended." "Sorry Sir" I sighed. He opend the door "And clean this up" he slammed the door shut behind him "great" I said.

"This is all your fault Potter." He said walking towards the desk "why the fuck is it my fault" I replied defensively. "you shouldn't of left the potion." "Well I didnt exactly have a chance to did I!" "Well that's not exactly my problem now is it Potter?" His sarcastic tone starting to annoy me "your such a dick" i whispered beginning to clean up the desk.

"What did you say Potter?" He said aggressively, now walking up to me "I said" now we were face to face again "your" his minty fresh breath now touching my skin "a" he kept walking making my fumble backwards my back hitting the wall "dick" his hands now either side of head holding my in place. A smirk now appearing on his face. "Wow, some big words coming out of such a small girl." He leaned in his face now inches away from mine. His blonde hair now falling over his face. There it was again, that erge to kiss him. Why did I feel like this?

He looked down at my lips then back at my eyes. By the looks of it, he felt the same. He leaned further forward now even closer then before ,"that's what I thought." He whispered before crashing his lips on mine. His hand moved from the wall now cupping my face. I pulled away. My hands on his chest. "I cant do this." I sighed ducking under his arm now free from his grip. "Why not?" He said harshly. "Cause Pansy likes you, my brother hates you, I thought I hated you. I'm just, I'm just confused." I quickly packed away the cauldron, put all my stuff back in my bag and walked out of the class room as quickly as possible. Not looking back at the boy I had just kissed.

Ohh you just kissed Draco! Are you going to tell Pansy? What about Cedric? Your brother? Cant wait to right the next bit! Dont forget to vote and comment what  you want to happen next!
~ Emily xxx

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