Chapter 22 - Music Makeup

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°• No Promises Potter •°

I was in the common room with everyone. Music was blasting out of the radio and everyone was dressed up and dancing. I was dancing with Pansy, my black, short dress, swaying along with the music. I hadn't felt this happy in a long time.

We were celebrating my recent victory, well mainly the fact that I didnt die. I was laughing and giggling with the girls, not wanting to stop dancing. I noticed Draco stood with the rest of the boys talking about something. "Hey." I said walking up to him with a cheeky grin. He smirked at me as I held out my hand "come dance with me." He shook his held. "No Potter, there is no way I'm doing that." "Oh come on, dont be such an ass. The last time you danced with me, we had so much fun" I pouted. I could notice the boys stifle a laugh, so I kicked Blaise in the shin.

"Hey! What was that for?" He growled back. "I know for a fact that your girlfriend over there," I said gesturing to Pansy, who was now stood on her own "would love to dance with you." He sighed "I will, if you will, mate." He said to Draco. The blonde boy thought for a moment "fine." He finally gave in, taking my hand.

I dragged him onto the dance floor, joining Blaise and Pansy. We danced away, making sure not to miss a beat. I know this wasnt Dracos thing, but as much as he tried, he couldn't hide how much he was enjoying himself. How much I was enjoying myself.


The next morning I headed down to music. It was my first lesson, which I was very happy about. With what happend yesterday, I needed it. I went in and saw Cedric sat at a desk. We made eye contact but I quickly diverted my eyes away from his, turning to the Professor.

"Ah good morning Miss Potter." He said cheerily "Good morning Sir." I responded "I was wondering if I could spend this lesson in one of the practice rooms. With everything going on, it would be nice to take my mind of it for a couple of hours." I stated. "Of course Miss Potter" he nodded "thankyou Professor." I said before heading to the separate room.

I placed my guitar down, and got it out of the case plugging it into the amp. There was something about playing a muggle instrument that I loved, but I have no idea why. I went to start playing when I heard the door open. "Y/n" I heard some one say behind me. I didnt turn around as I knew it was Diggory. I still found it hard to look at him after what he said. That I shouldnt be with a Slytherin.

"Y/n, please" "what do you want Diggory?" I snapped turning to face him. "I wanted to apologise." He stated. "I should never of said those things, your relationship with Malfoy is none of my business. What I said about him being a slytherin was completely out of order, and I really didnt mean to hurt you y/n/n. Is there anyway you could forgive me?" I thought for a second.

I slowly nodded. "But you have to understand Cedric, you have to stop trying to kiss me." I teased, breaking the tension. "No promises Potter." He winked "now, should I get the rest of the band in here?" I smiled "of course."


I walked into the hall for dinner and sat with the guys. They were all whispering about something. "Everything okay?" I questioned slightly confused. "Did you hear?" Pansy said, picking up and bit of potato with her fork. "They found that Ministry guy dead in the woods." "Wait, you mean Mr Crouch?" I double checked "oh yeah, that's the one." She agreed, now shoving the potato in her mouth. I thought for a second. Who the hell would do that?

I was soon pulled out of my trance when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey Haz." I said turning in my seat. "Dumbledores asked to see us in his office." he said "why?" I asked "I think it was about the murder." "What's that got anything to do with us?" I was now extremely confused "well," he started "I was the one who found him. And we were also, the last people to speak to him." I looked down at my feet now a bit of guilt. "Oh okay." I said now getting up. " I guess I'll see you guys later." I said to my friends, before leaving the hall with my brother.

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