Chapter 33 ~ Professor Umbitch

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°• I Knew That Wasnt The Case •°

It was the first night back at hogwarts, and I had already woken up in sweats from a nightmare. I was hoping that as soon I was with my friends, the nightmares would've stopped. But I was wrong, like usual. I picked up my wand "luminous" I whispered, lighting up the room gently. I looked at the time, 2.15 in the morning. I picked up my book and headed down to the common room. Hoping it would clear my mind, and help me back to sleep.

I sat on the sofa, and just stared into the fire, snuggling up into Dracos hoodie I got for christmas. For once my head was clear, just watching each flame as they danced in the fireplace. For once my life felt, peaceful and calm, a feeling that I wanted to keep for the entirety of my life. But I knew then, that was definitely not the case.

I eventually picked up the book, and opend it to the first page. "Hey." I heard a familiar voice say, causing me too look away from my book. "Hi" I smiled back "your up late." I stated, looking at the time. "I couldn't sleep" the boy responded "wow" I answered sarcastically "something Draco Malfoy cant do." I giggled, as the blonde boy just rolled his eyes, and sat next to me.

"What about you?" He asked calmly "nightmare." I said quickly "that's still going on." His voice now sincere. I nodded "but, I didnt wake up screaming tonight! That's a first." I smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. We sat in silence for a bit just enjoying each others company. "What are you reading?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"It. Sirius gave it too me as a birthday present to add to my Steven King collection." "So it's a muggle book?" He was now intrigued "yep. All about a clown. A killer clown." "Muggles do come up with the weirdest things." I just nodded my head in agreement. "I'll leave you to it then." He said getting up.

"Unless, Draco." I said, causing him to turn around "you want to read it together?" I looked at him with hope in my eyes. He pondered on the offer for a moment before replying. "Sure" he finally answered, now joining me on the sofa. "Lie down" I said nudging his shoulder "no, that's what you do Potter." "Oh come on Malfoy, no ones here. Give it a go, you might like it."

He gave in eventually laying down place his head on my lap, as I read the first few chapters. As i read each page, I would fiddle with his short blonde hair, only stopping when I had to flip a page over. I was about three, very long, chapters in, when I could feel myself start to tire. I looked down at the boy on my lap, and noticed, he'd already dozed off.

I looked at him and smiled. He looked so vulnerable when he was asleep. His eyes and eyebrows were soft, not tensed up like usual. I kissed him gently on the forehead, hoping it wouldn't wake the sleeping boy up. I wished it could stay like this forever. That we could read to one another each night, not having to worry about school, Voldemort and other responsibilities. But again, I knew that wasnt the case.


I was sat at the back of the Defence of the Dark Arts classroom, with Pansy. Everyone was messing about a bit before the start of class. But it all ended quickly, when Professor Umbridge walked in and burnt the paper bird that was flying around the room, to a crisp. From that moment, I knew the women went from Professor Umbridge, to Professor Umbitch. 

"Good morning children." She stated from the back of the class. "ordinary, wizarding, level, examinations, O, W, Ls" she continued as she walked to the front of the class, the black bored copying down her words "more commonly known as OWLs. Study hard, and you will be rewarded, fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

The books that where on the desk, started to hand them selves out "your previous instruction on this subject has been disturbingly, uneven." The book landed infront of me, the front cover reading 'Dark arts Defence. Basics for beginners'. I flicked through the pages of the book, there was nothing about using magic. I was about to speak my mind when Hermione stuck her hand up.

"Theres nothing in here about using defensive spells." The girl asked
"Using spells" the woman giggled "well, I cant imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."
"Where not going to use magic?" Ron asked "you will be learning about defensive spells in a, secure, risk-free way." The pink lady confirmed.
"What use is that. If we're going to be attacked, it wont be risk free." My brother stated.
"Students will raise there hands when they speak in my class." The women snapped. "It is the view, of the ministry, that a theoretical knowledge will be a sufficient to get you through your examinations."

"An hows theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there." I said, raising my voice so she could hear me. "There is nothing out there, Miss Potter. Who would you imagine would want to attack  children like yourself."
"Oh I dunno, Professor" I answered sarcastically "maybe Lord Voldemort." Whispers began to fill the room, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. The lady looked at me in shock

"Now let me make this quite plain." The lady started "you have been told, that a certain, dark wizard is at large." The women was now face to face with me. "This. Is. A . Lie"
"Its not a lie!" My brother called "I saw him, I fort him!" "Detention Mr Potter!" Yelled Umbridge
"So according to you, one of my best friends, Cedric Diggory, died in my arms of his own accord!" I yelled standing up in utter frustration, causing my chair to fall at the force. "Cedric Diggorys death was a tragic accident."
"It was murder! I watched it with my own eyes!" I said continuing to yell
"Vodemort killed him, you must know that" my brother finished off.

"Enough!" Screached the women, now as pink in her cheeks as her coat. "Miss potter and Mr Potter, see me later, my office. Detention for both of you. Now if you could sit back down Miss Potter, I would like to continue with my class." I picked up my chair and sat back down, tears of anger and frustration filled my eyes. I was trying my hardest not to let them fall. This moment was the start of many more like these.

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