Chapter 12 ~ Boy Trouble

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°• Hi My Little Dragon Tamer •°

I walked into the Slytherin dungeons and saw everyone in the common room. I walked in and everyone cheered. I held up the egg above my head and joined in with the cheering. All of sudden Blaize and Theo had picked me up and sat me on there shoulders. I couldn't stop laughing. I cant remember the last time I'd felt this happy.

I locked eyes with the blonde boy who was stood leaning on the door of the common room with a smirk on his face. "Put me down" I giggled to the boys. They eventually obeyed my request. "Open it, open it, open it!" They all started chanting, getting louder and louder. "Hm," I thought "I dunno, I think I'll do it later" I teased before twisting the top of the egg letting it fall open. A loud screeching filled the room. I quickly shut it, noticing everyone had there hands on there ears. "Well I'm not opening that again, till I have to." I announced sarcastically.

I noticed Malfoy leave the room. I placed the egg on the ledge of the fireplace, it looked surprisingly majestic there, then followed the boy.

I knew where he was going so when I lost him,  I just continued my usual route. After that night at the astronomy tower, we made it a usual thing to meet up there. I got to the top of the tower, but none was there. So, I walked to the edge and looked out over the banister.

The view from up here was magical. You had a great view of the forest and the lake, so it just looked amazing. I got pulled out of my trance when I felt some arms snake around my waist and pulling me against their chest. "Hi, my little Dragon Tamer" he said in his familiar British accent. "Hi" i said, turning around in his grip to face him.

"That song you sang was amazing" he complemented, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, exposing my now blushing cheeks. "I could do better though" he smirked "oh, could you know?" I teased, lightly pushing his chest. He leaned down, pressing his soft lips against mine as I put my hands around his neck.  I could savour that moment forever. Even though we had kissed so many times, everytime it would feel brand new, like I was taking in every thing for the first time all over again.

He eventually pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes. I fiddled with small strands of his hair as he did so. "I was wondering" he finally said breaking the silence. "Do you want to go the yule ball with me?" My heart sank as those words left his mouth.

"Um" I began nervously. "Diggory asked me," his face dropped, but there was still a little spark of hope in his eye "and I said yes" I watched the spark die out. He stepped away from me, a sad expression now sat upon his face. "I just assumed that becuse we were keeping this a secret, we weren't going to go together. I can always cancel on Diggory." "No Potter it's fine, it makes sense." He interrupted harshly "I'm so sorry" I replied. I thought for another second. "I should probably go." I said before rushing out of the tower.

I managed to sneak out of the castle, and head to the lake. I strolled along the path next to it eventually sitting down at a tree. I sighed. What have I done. I rapped my arms around my self trying to warm up and I huffed in anger. "You alright down there Potter?" I rolled my eyes as I saw two ginger twins walking up to me. "Hi boys" I said sarcastically.

I didnt really know the boys for that long, but with the amount of time I spent with Haz trying to figure out the task, I got to know them quite well. They were, to be honest, like my older brothers by now. They sat down either side of me, both putting there arm around my shoulder. "What's got you so down?" Fred asked. "Oh nothing." I replied "you know prankster, we earned alot of money from you today." George teased.

The boys had given me that nickname due to the fact I came up with some brilliant ideas for pranks. I was like there little mastermind. "Wow." I replied. "Alot of people must not have believed in me then." I sighed now snuggling into Fred's arms. "Hey that's not true." He reassured "I think it was the fact that your a Slytherin." I rolled my eyes at him. "Just becuse I'm a slytherin, doesn't mean I'm a bad person." They nodded in agreement.

"Okay little Prankster, what's got you down. Boy trouble?" George laughed. I slightly blushed and went quite, now pushing my face into Fred's jumper. "Oh shit it is!" Fred said said in shock. "Its not a big deal guys." I huffed. "Come on just tell us!" Fred nudged. "I cant tell you. As much as I want to i just cant." "Fine dont tell us." They sighed in defeat. "But we will get it out of you eventually, but you've had a long day y/n/n. Let's get you back."

We snuck back into the castle, Fred's arms still wrapped around me. They took my back to the dungeons. "Thankyou guys." I said hugging them both "it's okay little prankster." They managed to say in unison before walking away.

I managed to make it back to my room with out getting caught. It was dark as by the looks of it Pansy was asleep. I changed into my pyjamas, fed Eclipse, then fell onto my bed, rapping myself up the duvet. I closed my eyes beginning to fall asleep.

I felt my bed dip slightly and I felt someone get under the covers with me. I flipped over to face them "I couldn't sleep" pansy said lying next to me. I smiled at her. "I'm so glad your okay y/n/n" "so am I" i said before drifting off to sleep.

Simple chapter today. I hope you like it! Dont forget to vote and comment for what you want to happen next.
~ Emily xx

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