Chapter 49 ~ Flute

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°• Anger, hurt, love and pain •°

"There was something about that guitar that was always strange to me" I started.

It was nice just talking to Fred. I'd never really opened up about my family, mainly because there wasnt much to tell, and the memories I had, I always liked to keep to myself. So, opening up to Fred felt extremely comforting.

"But I didnt take much notice to it" I continued "about a year after getting it, i arrived back at my dorm, after hours of lessons, and I was extremely excited to play. I got there, but instead of my guitar, there stood a tiny recorder in its place."

"My first thought was that my roommates had taken it. None of them liked me, and they new how much I cherished that instrument. I got extremely pissed off and started yelling at all of them." My cheeks blushed slightly with guilt.

"In the middle of all the yelling I stormed out the room. When I came back, there sat my guitar like nothing happend. I questioned my roommates again, but it wasnt them. I still had the letter from Dumbledore in the case, so I decided to read it again."

"The words at the end of the letter 'always use your imagination' stuck out to me, as I wasnt quite sure why they were there. I looked at the letter and back at the guitar a couple times  before deciding to try something."

"I closed my eyes, imagining a drum kit sitting in place of the guitar. When I opend them, there it was. The drums I imagined, just sat there. That's when I figured out, I could change it into any instrument." I finished.

"Seriously!" Fred exclaimed, I just nodded my head. "What do you want it to be?" I questioned, heading over to my guitar and taking it out of the case. I placed it on the floor then turning to Fred. "Um," he thought out loud "a flute"

I looked at him confused "why I flute?" I asked puzzled "I dunno?" He shrugged his shoulders "it was the first thing that came to my mind" I shook my head laughing and turned back to the instrument.

I closed my eyes, and pictured a flute sitting there. I opened them, to see the instrument contorting and flicking through different instruments, before deciding on the one it wanted. Now, sat on the floor, was the flute, glistening in the light.

"Wicked!" Fred exclaimed as he picked up the flute. I couldnt help but smile as I watched him. His facial features were soft, his eyes riddled with kindness, completely different to Dracos. There was something about Fred that I hadn't seen before.

It was the fact that he was always so happy. Despite everything going on with Umbridge, he never let it get him down. I tried to stay positive, but it was always so hard, but for Fred, It just came with ease and skill.

"Hey," he looked down at me "I'm sorry about the other day, when I kissed you." He apologised.
"Freddie it's okay." I shot him a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry that I ran off afterwards." We both let out a soft laugh

"I just have alot going on right now," I continued "but I know that if it was any other time, I would probably be kissing you as much as possible" I some how confessed "but, I dont wanna hurt you. And I know that I will at some point and I cant do that."

He slowly walked up to me, placing his soft hand on my cheek "there is nothing y/n, that you could ever do to hurt me." He smiled, slowly leaning down and kissing my forehead.


It was the day of the music owl. I had the whole day off timetable to prepare. I sat in the great hall, staring at the newly built stage, with Hannah Abbott from hufflepuff. We got to know each other briefly through music, and of course the army.

"How you doing?" The girl asked sweetly "nervous" I confessed with a smile. "Same" she smiled taking my hand "but you'll do great Potter" she reassured. "Thankyou Abbott. And you'll do amazing too." I smiled back.

"Miss Potter!" Flitwick called. I stood up taking a deep breath "goodluck" the girl whispered, before I headed to the stage.

I looked out towards the small crowd that had gathered. I spotted the trio, with Fred and George on one side, and Pansy, Blaise and Draco on the other. I wasnt expecting Draco to be there, which added, for some reason, a whole other weight to my shoulders.

I placed the strap of my guitar over my neck, and began to strum. As I started to play, I forgot everyone was there, focusing on the lyrics and chords. The music flowed out of me causing me to feel every beat. As the song continued, my whole body loosened, forgetting literally everything, taking me out of the hellish world for a few minutes.

Every piece of anger, love, hurt and pain I poured out as I sung out the lyrics. Passion burned through my guitar, causing it to become louder.

Once I finished, I zoned back in to the sound of clapping and cheering. I quickly walked of the stage falling straight into Pansy arms. "Holy shit y/n/n! That was amazing!" She exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" She said pulling away "I shouldnt have acted like that towards you. Your my best friend, we shouldnt fight over stupid things like that"

I pulled her into another hug, melting into her warm embrace. As soon as i let go, I was tackled into another, only being twice as big, as two ginger twins  squeezed me tightly. This was the first time in a long while I felt free and happy. If only it could stay that way.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! The song at the top was what I imagined her singing, but you could alway imagine something else 😊
~ Emily xx

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