Chapter 43 ~ Attack

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°• Look at me •°

There I was. Slithering around unknown, but familiar walls, not knowing were I was going. I knew for a fact i was a snake, but what I didnt know, was if I was myself or not. "Voldemort, maybe after something" I heard Sirius say, although he wasnt to be seen, "something he didnt have last time."

A door. A dark door, with a single gold door knob. Some how I went straight through it, not even having to open it. A dark room. Flashing images. "y/n" I heard something whisper. Mr Weasley in the room. What was he doing? Following him. Mr Weasley turning around. Launch at him. Attack him. Bite him. Attack him. Attack. Attack. Attack.

I woke up in pool of my own sweat, not being able to comprehend what just happend. My first thought to enter my head, was find Harry. I caught my breath and ran towards the door, not even checking if I had woken Pansy. The halls were quite and dark, but I didnt care. I had to get Harry.

"Miss Potter?" I heard a slow voice from behind me, as I stepped into the corridor "where do you think your going?" I turned around with no hesitation, looking at Snape with fright. By the look on his face he could tell something was wrong. "Weasley. Harry. Snake." Was all I managed to get out, still trying to catch my breath. "Come on" he said hiding me along the corridor.

I didnt say much when I made it Dumbledores office, just the same three words as before, just changing the middle "Weasley. Attack. Snake." I was to shaken up to form real sentences, so I left to Harry.

"In the dream where you standing next to the victim, or looking down at the scene?" Dumbledore asked calmly. I just shook my head "neither. I. Professor could you please tell us what's happening?" Harry asked.  Please sir." I managed to say "please tell us what's happening?" But the man just ignored us. Instead talking to the painting. "Sir." Dumbledore interrupted Harry again, running towards another painting in the room.

"Good news Albus. He was close, but they'll think hell make it" the painting confirmed "once more the Dark Lord failed to inquire it." Suddenly a wave of anger washed over me

"Look at me!" My brother and I yelled in unison. The whole room went deadly quiet. The only sound, was my brother and I's heavy breathing. Dumbledore, and the rest of the room, looked at us with a hint of terror. "What's happening to us?" My brother said, reading my mind exactly.

"What would you like me to do?" Severus asked."Severus, I'm afraid we cant wait, not even until the morning. Otherwise, we will be vulnerable." I looked at the dark haired man, for some reason, I started to shake my head.

I knew that this was something to do with the Dark Lord, but I couldnt risk anything. I had to do what he said. And if that means him doing, whatever this is, to me. Then so be it. "I'll take the boy." He stated. "I dont think Miss Potter needs it, shes strong enough to keep him out." What did he mean? Keep him out.

I walked over to Fred, him instantly wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry." I stated "I'm so, so sorry." "Hey it's okay" he smiled softly "if it wasnt for you, Prankster, our father wouldn't be here right now. So thankyou."


It was nice to be back at headquarters, even if i was alone in my room. But, nonetheless, I felt at home. When i first moved in with Sirus, he let me decorate it how I wanted. It was the only modern room in the house. My walls were black, with the occasional poster hanging on it . A canopy bed sat in the middle, similar to the one in my dorm, and various different records and books.

I was sat at my vanity, that I had painted myself over the summer, writing a letter to send to the Knights. I heard my door creak open "hey," the ginger haired boy said "I brought you some tea, made it just the way you like it." I smiled at him, as he placed the cup down next to me  "thankyou Freddie" I stated.

"What are you doing?" He asked, now sprolled across my bed. "Make yourself comfy why dont you?" I teased, placing my quill down and taking a sip from my cup. Perfect. The right amount of milk and sugar. He was right, just the way I liked it.

"I'm writing a letter to my foster parents. Dumbledore made the mistake of sending them an owl about what happend. Now they wont stop sending letters, checking on me every other hour. Poor Casper the owl can barely fly in a straight line." There was a sudden squwark at my window, perfectly timed.

I sighed knowing exactly who it was. Instead, Fred got up and opend the window, letting the poor bird in. It dropped a letter on my bed, before purching on my bookcase. "Poor thing." I whispered under my breath. Before I got a chance to, Fred had all ready opend the letter, and was now reading it allowed.

Dearest Y/N,

I seriously hope your okay, and so is Mr Weasley. If you have any more dreams like that, I think we need to get you some help. Your always welcome to come home. I know Mr Knight and I are always busy working, but if the nightmares do get worse, you can always come home.

Mrs Knight

"Wow" Fred started. I just nodded. "How is your Father anyway?" I asked, quickly changing the subject. "Hes okay. Should be back tomorrow." He confirmed. I slowly sat next to him. "I'm sorry this has happend to your family." I apologised "it's okay." He sighed "it's not okay Fred" I confessed "this should never have happend. And i feel even worse that my brother and I witnessed it first hand and couldnt do anything."

"Y/n" he was now looking deeply into my eyes "you did the best you could do. If it wasnt for you seeing it, then my father wouldn't even be here. But Prankster, what did you see?" His question alarmed me. Was he really sure he wanted to know?

"I was the snake." I began nervously "I was slithering through a dark hall, and I went through this door. On the other side, there stood your father, doing who knows what? I just started attacking him, going at him furiously. And the scariest part was, I couldnt tell if it was actually me, or something else." Tears had started to form in my eyes.

"I dont understand" his eyes were confused "I'm an amigus. I can turn into a snake. So, being in that form, felt all to familiar." "Wicked" he simply said. I scoffed "I tell you a serious piece of information, that I havent told anyone. And you say wicked" I playfully punched his arm.
"Potter, you just get better and better." 

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