Chapter 41~ It Hurt

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°• I dont like you y/n! Okay? •°

I sat in the common room, surrounded by people, but I was in my own little world. I was gazing into the roaring fire, trying to figure out what to say to Draco. And as luck would have it, he walked in that exact moment. He looked at me as he entered, and quickly turned back and started to walk away.

"Draco" I called quietly, following him out of the room. But he didnt turn around "Draco." I called again but louder, still no response "Draco Malfoy, you stop ignoring me this instant!" I yelled. He stopped in his tracks, noticing my mother like tone. "What?" He snapped, turning to face me.

"What is going on with you?" I questioned,now a bit calmer than before. "Nothing." He dismissed, his eyebrows now furrowed in annoyance "dont play dumb with me Draco. You've blanked me this hole week, there is definitely something going on." I huffed. He just shook his head, running his hands through his hair

"Its nothing Potter" this statement caused me to sigh in anger. "So your telling me. We go from, snowball fights, making snow angles and making out, to you, the next day, ignoring me, wanting nothing to do with me. And all I get is nothing. You really expect me to believe that?"

"Fine, Potter. If you you want the truth, I dont have feelings for you anymore. I never did and I never will." He yelled. I just stood there, tears brimming my eyes "what is that supposed to mean?"

I could feel my heart breaking inside my chest, not wanting to believe what he just said. "You heard me. I dont like you y/n okay? So this little thing we have, doesn't exist anymore." And With that, he stormed away, leaving me standing there.

I walked up to my room. For some reason, the initial feeling of shock left withing two seconds, and now, I just felt nothing. It seemed I couldn't cry, I couldnt even frown. My face was unreadable, blank. But as soon as I got to my room, that all changed.

I shut the door behind me, and saw Pansy studying on her bed. I didnt move, I just let the tears fall down my face. "Hey what's wrong?" She said, I quickly wrapped my arms around her, sobbing into he shoulder.


Dracos POV

It hurt, more than I thought it would.

I slammed the door, to my room, behind me. Anger quickly built up inside me. Why the hell did I do that! What is wrong with me. Before I knew it I had knocked all of my stuff off my desk, letting all my anger out. But I wasnt enough. I slid down my wall, now sitting on the ground.

Times like these, I'm happy to have my own private bedroom. For some reason my father insisted to Dumbledore door I did, in first year. I didnt think it was necessary, but according to him, it was.

I rubbed my face in my hands. I knew I had to do it, but i didnt realise how much it was going to hurt. I think i love her, but I dont know. I've never been 'in love' but when ever I'm around her, I feel happy. I get this feeling, that's too hard to explain. But when I'm with her, I know everything's going to be okay. All of my sadness washes away, with her smile.

But I couldnt let her get hurt for me. Especially joining the wrong side. I know I had no choice in the matter, my family was brought up as death eaters, and I always knew that one day, I'll be destined to be one. But for y/n, that wasnt the case. She had a choice. She could fight with her brother. Fight for what she knows is right.

But because of me, she was questioning that choice. And that wasnt right. So, my choice was to push her away. Make her hate me, cause her to get rid of those feelings. If she did, she would easily choose against the Dark Lord. Be were shes supposed to be.



What made this week worse, was Umbridge. She was questioning us one by one. Slipping Veritaserum in our tea. But luckily, she hadn't got around to us yet, but it made me constantly on edge.

I stood and just stared at the disgusting man, as he added another rule to the wall. "Those wishing to join the inquisitoral squad, for extra credit, may sign up In the high inquisitors office." The equally disgusting womens voice, boomed over the speakers.

I heard some smug laughing beside me causing me to look over. There stood, Crabbe, Goyle and of course Draco. Looking extremely smug, as he stared at the new rule. Of course he was going to join, anyway for him to bust my brother. I quickly darted my gaze away from him, as I noticed his eyes turn towards mine.

"What are you looking at, mudblood?" He sneered, as he barged past me. Crabbe and Goyle didnt follow though. They just looked at me confused. Obviously Draco hadn't told them yet. It did only happen last night, and luckily noone was there to see it. "Dick" I whispered under my breath, before heading to the forest.

Although the ground was covered in snow, I managed to perch myself under my usual tree, just staring out into the wilderness. Everything that was happening, was so overwhelming. So much for a quiet year at Hogwarts. But by my experience so far, I dont think they actually existed.

All the thoughts from last night had started to swamp me again. But what I couldnt comprehend was the fact that his feelings just vanished. Was it that easy? "Y/n" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I quickly wiped away a tear, that I didnt know had fallen, and turned towards the voice. My eyes landed on the red headed pair.

Some how, they always knew when and where to find me. I couldn't help but giggle when I saw Fred push George into the snow, but I didnt last too long. "Hey" i smiled back. By this pointed Fred was already stood next to me, and George was still trudging to catch up. "How are you?" Fred asked politely, joining me, leaning on the tree.

"I'm fine" I smiled, but it wasnt very convincing "no your not" he replied bluntly, obviously not believing my answer one bit. "Freddie, I'm fine" I reassured, again, not very convincingly. He just looked at me, his kind eyes staring deeply into mine, forcing me to crack under the pressure.

"Fine, im not" I answered "Draco broke up with me last night" i confessed. "I'm sorry" he said wrapping has arms around me, pulling me tightly to his chest. I closed my eyes, taking in his embrace. He made me feel, safe. "Get a room" I heard George say, causing me to loose Fred's grip. "Merlin, George" Fred sighed punching his brother in the arm "she just broke up with Malfoy" I could see George's face become embarrassed "sorry" he quickly said

"Its fine. I guess your twin telepathy doesn't work" I teased "mine and Harry's doesn't work either"

I hope you liked this chapter!

Will the break up change y/n mind?
Will something happen with Fred? Will y/n find out that Draco knows?

All will be revealed lmao
~ Emily xx

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