Chapter 52 ~ Dumbledores Secret Weapon

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°• So, How Are We Getting To London?•°

The Forbidden Forest was a dark place. Filled with dangerous but amazing creatures. As soon as you stepped foot within the trees, you had the sudden erge of fear hit you in the face.

Every twig breaking, every distant howl, kept you on edge. No wonder why students weren't allowed in there. The lingering atmosphere of death sat calmly awaiting its next victim. A place were you just didnt want to be.

But here I was. Walking quickly along one of the paths. Wand to our heads, following Hermione to our unknown destination.

I caught up to her making sure to lower my voice. "Is there actually a secret weapon, or are you just making it up?" I questioned quietly. "Of course there isn't." Hermione replied.
"Then were are we going?" Before Hermione had a chance to reply, Umbridge spoke up from the back.

"How much further?" She asked impatiently. "Not far" the girl reassured  "had to be some where the students wouldn't find it accidentally."

Harry quickly caught up with us, his pink companion was to focused on swatting away a fly then on him. "What are you doing?" He whispered "improvising." The girl replied.

She came to halt. A worried expression filled her face as she looked down towards the broken piece of rope. I suddenly got nervous. What had actually been here?

She faced me petrified. "Well?" The old lady started "where is this weapon?" We all stood facing her looking like guilty animals. "There isn't one. Is there?" The lady sussed out. "You were trying to trick me!"

No one said a word. "You know," the anger filled her voice "I really hate children."

A sudden rustling came from behind us, causing the women to whip around quickly. The sound of hooves came closer. Stood up the top of the hill, was an army of centaurs.

Umbridge cowered behind us "you have no business here centaur." She screeched, her voice shaking with fear "this is a ministry matter!"

They stepped forward, one loading its bow, and pointing the arrow straight for the annoying women. "Lower your weapons." She bossed, her voice continuing to shake. "I warn you! Under the law, as creatures of near human intelligence..."

It let go. The arrow flying quickly towards us. We ducked, as it flew straight over our heads, before Umbridge destroyed it with a flick of her wrist. "How dare you!" She screeched  "you filthy half-breed!" She exclaimed before shooting a spell at the creature.

It screamed in fear, as a black rope tightened around its kneck, causing to reer up, and fall roughly to the ground. It continued to struggle, painful noises filling the forest.

Hermione ran up to the poor creature and kneeled beside it "please! Please!" She begged. I tried my hardest to pull the rope off, but it was no use. "Enough!" The pink devil yelled impatiently "I will have order!" 

Soon she was picked up of the ground by the back of her collar. I looked up, as I followed my professor up into the air. There stood a very tall, terrifying man. A giant. Our professor tried to struggle free, but wasnt getting anywhere.

"Charge!" I hear from being me as the pitter, patter, of galloping hooves filled my ears. The struggling centaur broke free, joining the rest of its heard. They began shooting arrows at the tall beast, hitting it with spears and swords.

The beasts eyes filled with fear. "Leave him alone!" Hermione called panicked "it's not his fault." I stood there watching as the scene unfolded infront of my eyes. This was definitely something I'd never thought I'd see.

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