Chapter 28 ~ Rescuing Harry

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Yr 5
Order Of The Phoenix

It was coming to the end of the summer. I hadn't really done much, I spent most of my time at Sirius house, only seeing my foster parents once a week. There jobs at the Ministry had become alot harder, due to the whole, you know who, incident. But, nonetheless, it was nice getting to know my godfather better, and focusing on my music.

It was the day after my annual, image change. That whole day was spent in different wizarding salons, trying to change my look. I always did this, I never liked to look the same. And to be honest, change was exactly what i needed this year. I changed my hair from my old y/h/c hair, to a now, sort of, short blue hair, kind of look. It was a bit more out there then what I usually went for, but i absolutely adored it.

The weasleys had arrived about a week ago, so had Hermione, so now all we were waiting for was Harry. Typical. We had heard news that Harry used magic outside of Hogwarts which got him expelled, the use of a patronus charm. But knowing Harry he probably had a good reason for it. He had a hearing with the council in a couple of days, but the Dursleys had locked him up in his room, for the second time.

I was sat in the kitchen with ginger twins, eating a donut and reading my book, when there was a knock at the door. Noone budged. "Fine." I said with a huff standing up "I'll get it then." I rolled my eyes at the lazy, ginger boys and opend the door. There stood Professor Moody, Tonks, Kingsley and a couple of others

"Hello Professor." I smiled politely "and may I ask what your doing here?" I questioned "we've come to collect you." Moody answered "Okay? Why?"

"For you to go and rescue harry of course" Sirius said, coming up behind me "oh okay, that makes a bit more sense. I'll go grab my broom." I said before rushing to my room, and grabbing my broom stick.

I stepped out of the house, "be safe little one." Sirius said to me, before I lined up next to Tonks, flying away on our broomsticks.

The view from up here was amazing, there was something about flying on a broomstick, that I still couldn't get over. It was just the feeling of being free for those few seconds in the sky, was a feeling that you could get rid of.

We landed confront of the Dursleys house. They were just getting into the car, looking like they were about to leave. "Uncle, Auntie? Is that you." I asked sarcastically walking up to the car. "Y/n" he said, his voice had a hint of terror. "uncle Vernon, its lovely to meet you at last" I said walking up to the fat man, my hand held out ready to shake his. But before I got too close he repelled away.

I pulled my hand down awkwardly. "What are you doing here y/n" Petunia asked. "Oh right, I was coming to see, well actually, collect my brother, if that's okay?" I asked kindly with a hint of sarcasm. "No." Vernon snapped "he shall not be doing anything else to do with wizards. Hes made our poor Dudley petrified too many times, and we've had enough."

I just rolled my eyes at the man's statement, walking closer to him. "Even though your answer was no Uncle, I'm still getting my brother," I said pushing past the man and walking up to the back window of the car "you just run along, and take my cousin to were ever your going." I said tapping the window with my wand, making the boy jump a bit.

"Goodbye, Durleys" I said waving as they got in the car "I'd love to see you again" I continued as they drove away as quickly as possible. I looked at Tonks and giggled "I must say Potter, that was a great first impression!" She said laughing with me "I know right!" I unlocked the door to the house, heading straight up to Harry's room.

We got to the door of the room, and Moody pushed me out of the way, and slowly started unlocking Harry's door. It opend with a white flash, to reveal my brother stood there, wand at the ready. "Harry!" I said walking into the room and pulling him into a hug "y/n, thank merlin your here! Your hair?" He questioned "it's different." I rolled my eyes "no shit sherlock," I laughed sarcastically.

"Professor Moody," he said now looking past me, at all the wizards in his door way " What are you guys doing here?" "Rescuing you of course. Now come on" we left the room and headed down the stairs "I just met Auntie and Uncle, they seem, well, nice, I guess." I giggled "imagine living with them." Harry nudged "they didnt seem very happy that I was here." "There not happy that I'm here, so you being here too, is just too much for them" he said teasing the way Petunia spoke.

"Where are we going though" harry said as we left the house "the letter said that I've been expelled from Hogwarts."
"No you havent been, not yet" Moody answered "But the letter said"
"Dumbledore has persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing" Kingsley interrupted "a hearing?" "Uh hu"
"Dont worry Harry, we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." Tonks reassured
"Shh, not here Nymphardora" Moody hushed "dont call me Nymphadora" the girl said, her hair changing from purple to orange.

Moody tapped his stick in the ground, and in came flying our broomsticks. I grabbed mine in my right hand, preparing myself to get on. "Stay in formation everyone." Moody ordered "dont like ranks if one of us is killed." He said, before we all left the ground, flying quickly into the air.

First chapter of yr 5! Cant wait to write this year! This is how I pictured y/ns hair 👇

If you dont like it, feel free to change it.

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