Chapter 11~ The first task

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A/n) I have attached a song to this story. This will need to be played at a certain bit of the chapter but I have made a note to tell you to start playing it. And you will need to read along.

°•The Peruvian Vipertooth•°

It was the day I fought the dragon. I was sat on my bed in the tent trying not to throw up. I was so nervous I couldn't even eat breakfast. I was fiddling with the end of my slytherin team shirt, when someone walked in.

"How are you feeling Potter?" Diggory asked. I looked up from my shirt. "I'm okay I guess." I gave him a half smile. "Do you have a plan or anything for this." "Um yeah." I said now standing up and looking at myself in the mirror. This outfit was awful, they had put me in a pair of plain black leggings with a green stripe, and a weird slytherin robe. I sighed. "I dont know if it's going to actually work though." I turned myself back at him. "You?" "Um yeah, kind of."

There was a loud flash of the camera and we quickly turned around. There stood my brother and Hermione. "Young love!" Screeched Reeta Skeeta. She was the writer if the daily Prophet. I had one interview with her at the beginning of all this and it was hell. She asked me about my love life, how I came to do this, so on and so forth.

I walked over to them glaring at the annoying women. "If everything goes, unfortunately today" she continues "you two might even make the front page!" I walked up to her "leave my brother alone you" "you have no business here" Krum interuppeted before I could say anything else.

She eventually left when Dumbldore walked in. "Good day Champions! Gather round please" we all walked over and stood by him. "Now you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only five of you can appreciate." He looked around and noticed Granger standing next to him "what are you doing here Miss Granger?" He asked confused. "Oh, um, sorry I'll just go." She mumbled leaving the tent. "Marty" Dumbledore said. "Champions in a circle around me." He ordered.

He put us in a very particular order. I was inbetween my brother and Diggory. I looked at Harry and gave him a half smile before looking over at Delacour. The man was holding out a bag infront of her. She put her hand in and pulled out a tiny little dragon. "The Welsh Screan."

He eventually had me and Harry left. "Which leaves only two". Harry pulled his out. The Hungarian horntail. The bag was now held out in front of me. I hesitated a bit before I put my hand in and pulled out my dragon. "A Peruvian Vipertooth." He confirmed. I admired the small dragon in my hands. It had a triangular head with bat like wings. It skin was a light pinkish colour. Luckily I had already known what dragons there were so I was able to do some research. Fingers crossed my plan worked.

"These represent five very real dragons. Each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple. Collect the egg. This you must do as each egg contains a clue, and with out it you will not be able to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" No one answered. "Very well," announced Dumbledore "Mr Diggory at the sond of the canon.." BANG! The canon went off making everyone stumble backwards. Diggory took me by the waist to steady me up. I looked at him "goodluck." I said pulling him into a hug before he went off to start his first task.

I was sat in my little part of the tent before my brother went, starting to get really nervous, when I heard a noise outside the tent. I went out and there he stood. I sighed for some reason all the nervousness leaving my body when my eyes hit his. He walked over to me. "I just wanted to say goodluck." He said leaning down and kissing me lightly on the lips. "Thankyou." I replied "but I better go back, Haz is up in a second." I kissed him again before heading back to the tent "dont die Potter." He teased before he walked away.

Everything was going well. Everyone had past there task and Harry had just finished. He came into the tent and I pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank God your okay Haz" I said before bracing my self. It was my turn. I pulled the boys into there final hugs before the canon went off.

I stepped into the stadium. I looked around to see everyone cheering, seeing all of my friends. I looked ahead of me and saw the dragon. It was roaring loudly. I took a deep breath before I stepped further into the stadium. I pulled out my wand. "Silenceo." I said holding out my wand. The stands went dead quiet.

(Start playing the song here)

I took a second deep breath before I started to sing.
Now the night, is coming to an end.
I started walking closer.
The sun will rise. And we will try again.
I got closer and the dragons roaring got louder.
Stay alive, stay alive for me.
I got closer.
You will die but now your life is free.
I was about half way to the dragon.
Take pride in what is yours to die.
It had now started to calm down.
I will fear the night again
The dragon was now bowing its head
I hope I'm not my only friend.
I was now inches away from the now calm dragon.
Stay alive stay
I closed my eyes reaching out my hand.
Stay alive for me.
I could now feel his scaly skin under my hand
You will die but now your life is free
It had now lifted up its head.
Take pride in what is yours to
I rested my forehead inbetween its eyes.
I held the note. Not wanting my head to leave from the position. I lifted my head up and stroked him.

He started to nudge me signalling for me to go on his back. "Are you sure?" I whispered and he seemed to snort in reply.

I hopped on it's back. A rush of nervousness now coming over me. I was about to ride a dragon! What the hell is wrong with me. All of a sudden he took off.

We were now high in the sky. I lifted up my hands like I was on some sort of a roller coaster! "Woohoo!" I screamed. "I need to grab the egg." I whispered to him stroking his neck. He then shot down swoping back into the stadium. He flew low to the ground so I could quickly grab it. He shot back up into the air. I could feel the egg starting to slip in my hands.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I screamed watching the egg start plummeting towards the ground. "Okay sweetie. I'm going to trust you now." I said leaning forward. "I'm going to jump okay. And you will need to catch me." I took a deep breath before standing up on his back. I dove into the see of clouds plummeting straight towards the egg. I finally reached it. Some how managing to flip my self over when I grabbed it.

Each second i was getting closer and closer and closer to the ground. I could now see the stadium in full view. The stands filled with people with shocked and scared expressions on there faces. I braced myself knowing full well what was going to happen. I closed my eyes hoping that it would make my tragic demise come quicker. All of a sudden I felt something underneath me. I opend my eyes. I sighed now calming down my breathing. I was back in bored of the dragon.

He placed us down back on the ground. I climbed off him. I stroked his head. "Thankyou Hero." I said now finally deciding on a name for him. I kissed him gently inbetween his eyes before walking back out of the stadium. Once my spell had warn off the stands erupted in cheers. I held up the egg with a massive smile on my face.

I made it back to the tent. I fell straight into my brothers arms. "Dont you ever do that to me again y/n!" He said warningly. "Hey you cant say much." I teased. I walked over to Diggory and gave him a hug. "I'm so glad your okay Potter." I smiled at him not wanting to let go of his hug. "I was wondering." He finally said pulling away from the hug. "Now that we both survived the first task." He chuckled. "And the yule ball is coming up. I was wondering if um, you would want to, um, go with me?" He asked shyly.

I hesitated. I know me and Malfoy were keeping our relationship a secret but a part of me wanted to go with him. But a part of me also really wanted to go with Diggory. "I'd love too." I finally answered. He smiled. "Great." He said pulling me into another hug. "You wont regret this potter!" He laughed before leaving me on my own in the room. Shit what have I done.

I hope you like this chapter it is one of my favourites so far!! I wonder how Malfoy will react to the news! Dont forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next!
~ Emily xx

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