Chapter 35 ~ Thestrals

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About a week had past, and not much had happend. I tried my hardest to keep a low profile, not getting myself into much trouble, if it was possible to avoid doing so. Despite being with all of my friends, being with Draco, I couldn't shift this feeling of loneliness. I could be sitting in the great hall, eating dinner with all of my friends, dracos arm wrapped around my shoulder, and Pansys laughter filling up the room, but I would still feel completely alone.

Professor Umbridge was now beginning her take over. More and more rules were filling up the wall. It all started with the first.

Dolores Jane Umbridge
Has been appointed to
The post of
Hogwarts High

This meant, she had full control over Hogwarts, more than Professor Dumbledore. The rules that joined this one on the wall, were ridiculous. Draco and I couldn't walk next to each other in the corridors, or even have a conversation before we went to our next class. This caused my feeling of loneliness, to clench hold of me and drag me down deeper and deeper than ever before.

I had a free period, so decided to head down to the woods. I did this alot. It was away of clearing my head. I'd usually take my guitar with me and sit at a near tree, but today I didnt. I had walked further than usual, making it to a clearing just past Hagrids Hut. It was filled with those black, bony horses that I saw on the first day.

I looked around, admiring the dark creatures, when I noticed two people stood with there backs towards me, stoking one of them. "Hello y/n Potter" Luna said not removing her focus from the creature "hi Luna" I replied standing next to her "harry" I smiled to the boy.

"Luna, were are your shoes?" I questioned, looking down at her bare feet on forest ground "Nargles" harry answered "oh okay." I nodded along "I hope you get them back." I stared in ore at the creature as it slowly walked away from us. "What are they?" My brother asked, seemingly reading my mind. "Thestrals" the girl calmly said "there quite gentle really, but people avoid them becuse there bit" the girl hesitated "different" Harry whispered under a breath.

"Wait, you guys can see them too?" I questioned eagerly. They just nodded in reply, heading towards a small family of thestrals. "But why cant the others see them?" "They can only be seen," luna replied "by people who have seen death." I made eye contact with my brother, the same expression on his face. The first thought to enter my head, was Cedric. "So you've known someone who's died then?" My brother asked "my mum" she nodded "she was quite the extraordinary witch, but she did like to experiment. Then one day one of her spells went badly wrong. I was nine." 

"I'm sorry, Luna" I smiled softly "yes, it was rather horrible. I do feel very sad about it sometimes, but I've got dad." She said, reaching into her bag and pulling out an apple. "We both believe you two by the way." She was interrupted by the squwark of a baby thestral "that he who must not be named is back and you fort him and that the ministry is conspiring against you." "Thanks" my brother answered.

"Seems your about the only ones who do." I just nodded in agreement "I dont think that's true." She bent down and rolled the apple towards the creature. It looked down and the red apple that was now sat infront of its face. It sniffed it but squwarked in disgust. "I suppose that's how he wants you too feel." The girl continued.

"What do you mean?" I questioned "well if I were, you know who, I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else." What she was saying was making more things make sense " cuz, if it's just you alone" she hesitated a bit " you're not as much of a threat" she reached back into her bag, now pulling out a big slab of raw steak. She through it at the winged horse, watching it gobble it up as if there was no tomorow.


"What's going on?" I questioned as I joined the twins in the filled courtyard "Umbridge is firing Professor Trelawney" Fred confirmed "fuck, are you serious" "as serious as a heart attack" George joked, I looked at him confused "okay, that was dark" I laughed turning back to the scene that was unfolding before my eyes.

"Sixteen, sixteen years I've lived and worked here."Professor Trelawney sobbed "Hogwarts is my home!" I didnt know the Professor too well, but I knew she didnt deserve this at all "you cant do this" she cried to the women, who was in all pink, stood infront of her. "Actually, I can" the lady replied, with zero empathy for the other at all. She held out a piece of paper, causing the already crying Professor, to cry even harder.

Professor McGonagall ran to the ladies side, trying her best to comfort her. "Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge asked sarcastically "oh there is several things I would like to say" McGonagalls Scottish accent filled the courtyard, speaking hers, and many others, minds.

The doors to the castle swung open, revealing Professor Dumbledore storming towards the teachers. "Professor McGonagall" his voice boomed "might I ask you to escort Sybil inside"  with many a grateful plea from Trelawney, the women obeyed and took her inside.

"This is crazy" I whispered to Fred "surely she cant do this?" "With these new rules, love" he replied "I have no idea what the women is capable of." His words caused a serge of panic wash over me. What is this women capable of? But, in all honesty, I was too scared to find the answer. What if Dumbledore loses complete power? What will we do then?

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