Chapter 21 - The Second Task

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°• I'll take the girl •°

It was the day of the second task. I was walking with Draco, and the other Slytherins to the boats, confused why I hadn't seen Pansy all morning. "Where is she?" I asked Draco, now starting to get worried "for the millionth time y/n, I have no idea." I kept looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her brown hair, but no luck.

I caught eyes with my brother. For some reason he was walking with Neville instead of the other two. "Have you seen Ron and Hermione?" He said walking up to me, the same tense expression on his face as mine. I shook my head "I havent seen Pansy either. What in Merlin is going on." I answered.

We eventually got to the platforms in the middle of the lake. I was now stood there in my bathing suit, this time it was a black bikini with the slytherin logo on the top half. I was stood inbetween my brother and Diggory , trying my hardest to ignore him.

"Welcome to the second task!" Dumbledores voice boomed " Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These five treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion will only need to find there treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this" I looked over and noticed Moody talking to harry.

"They have but one hour to do so." Dumbledore continued " And one Hour only. After that they'll be on there own. No magic will save you."
"Goodluck." Cedric said leaning towards me, but instead of responding, I just continued to act like he wasnt there. I noticed Harry start to pull a face but I ignored it, to nervous to care.

"At the sound of the cannon," BANG! The cannon went off interrupting the headmaster. I whispered the spell under my breath and turned to Draco "I'll see you on the other side." I said before diving into the water.

For the first few seconds I didnt realise I was holding my breath, I was just swimming straight down to the bottom of the lake. I soon took a deep breath, swearing to merlin it would work. And it did. I big puff of air filled my lungs, causing me to sigh in relief. From the distance, I could here beautiful singing. I followed it and eventually got to a wall of long, seaweed looking stuff.

I continued to follow it and swam into the seaweed. Despite not being able to see much, I continued on, pushing it out of my way. The singing stopped. I could just about make out the faint noise of people around me. All of a sudden, a mermaid came swimming at me, just missing me by inches. By the looks of it, it wasnt trying to hurt me, it was trying to show me where to go.

I eventually made it out of the seaweed, making it into a clearing. The faint singing starting again. I looked up and saw five people, they seemed to be just hanging there. I swam closer, not noticing all the mermaids that I was now surrounded by. There she was, Pansy, just hanging there lifeless. I got up to her quickly and noticed my brother coming the opposite direction. I looked at him and nodded and started to try and untie the ropes but it wasnt working.

I pulled out my wand just before there was a quick flash and Cho Changs rope was cut. It was Diggory. I turned and looked at him, as he grabbed Chang. He tapped his watch, then swam to the surface, taking the girl with him. I went to break the chord when all of a sudden the mermaids came flying at my brother, pinning there tridents to his neck. "But shes my friend too!" He stated "only one" the mermaid growled back, quickly leaving the boy.

Then a what looked like a shark came flying towards us. It broke Hermiones rope and swam towards the surface. I looked around, noticing that Delacours little sister was still hanging there. Where was she? I thought to myself. I looked at Harry. "I'll take the girl, you continue with Ron." He nodded and continued up to the surface.

I quickly broke Pansys rope and grabbed onto her arm, now aiming my wand at the other girl. I swam towards her, Pansy still In hand, and began swimming to the surface. I then realised my spell had began to wore off. I took a deep breath before it completely vanished. Then there was a sudden tug at my leg, pulling me back down. I started kicking frantically, hoping to kicked them off but there was no luck.

I saw Harry and yelled at him "Take the girls" i said losing my last breath, hoping he heard me. I quickly pushed the girls up towards the boy. I began getting swarmed by the mermaids not being able to see anything. They were tugging at my arms and legs, nearly ripping me apart. I calmed down now not being able to breathe, now starting to lose hope. Think y/n, think. Was all I could hear at the back of my mind. My amigus! I managed turn into the snake and slither out of there grip. I swam up to the surface, some how like an eel, but quickly broke into the wall of air, flying quite high, before turning back into a human and landing on the platform.

I was now sat up, still gasping for air with a towel, and Dracos arms, wrapped around me. I snuggled into him trying to gain some warmth. Delacour suddenly came rushing up to me, kneeling down and kissing both of my cheeks "thankyou so much y/n! You saved my little sister!" I smiled at her "hey, just because we dont get along, doesn't mean I was just going to let your sister die." She hugged me and rushed towards Harry and Ron.

Everyone was stood around me. Awaiting for the results of the task. I stood up, noticing Dumbledore about to speak. He held his wand up to his throat "ATTENTION!" His voice boomed loudly. "The winner is Mr Diggory!" Everone cheered, including me. "However, Having seen Miss Potter and Mr Potter would have come first, had it was not for there determination to rescue, not only Miss Parkinson and Mr Weasley, but others as well. We have agreed to award them both Second place!" Everyone erupted in cheers. I huge smile spread across my face, instantly pulling Harry into a hug. "For outstanding moral fibre." Dumbledore finished.

With help from the twins I got off the boat "all that moral fibre eh." They teased. I walked up beside Harry nudging his shoulder a bit and smiling at him. "Congratulations Potters" said Mr Crouch "quite an achievement" he said now walking with us "well done," "see you at Hagrids Harry!" Ron yelled. I wasnt going with them to Hagrids later, we were having a small party in the Slytherin dorms to celebrate.

"Sorry we haven't spoken, after all your story is one I've heard so many times." He continued "quite remarkable really, tragic of course." I looked at Harry now starting to become a little uncomfortable with where the conversation was headed. "To loose ones family, never whole again, are we." He paused "still, life goes on, and here we stand" I smiled at him trying my hardest to be polite, and not just walk away from the strange man. "I'm sure you parents will be very proud of you today, Potters."

"Bartemius" professor Moody interrupted "not trying to lure the Potter children into one of the ministerys summer internships are we?" He questioned "the last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out!" The expression on Mr Crouches face quickly changed, it was now riddled with shock. He stepped up to Moodys face quickly, looking at it for a second, before turning and walking away. "And they say I'm mad" Moody finished, causing Crouch to turn back around, before taking a sip out of his hip flask.

I hope you liked this chapter! Dont forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next!
~ Emily xx

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