Chapter 4 ~ Potions

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°•Well dont get used to it Potter•°

I walked out of Dumbledores office after having a horrible conversation. Accusations were thrown about me putting mine and Harry's name in the Goblet, and so far and so forth. I walked out of his office so fast, Harry had to run to run to catch up.
"Y/n." Harry called "wait up!"
"Harry, to be honest with you." I turned to him "I really dont want to talk to this. I'm all ready late to were I have to be, and I really just want to forget about it for a couple of hours." I said before leaving him there in his spot.

I eventually made it to Snapes class room. I looked down at my watch. 8.30. Half an hour late. I walked in and saw Malfoy sitting there on his own. "I am so sorry I'm late." I said sitting opposite him getting my books out. "I actually wasnt expecting you to come" he replied. "You know after what just happend" "yeah well I needed something to take my mind off it." I said rolling my eyes at him. "What do you want to start with?"

We were a few minutes in. I was busy talking him through one of the potions when he turned to me. "I do have one question Potter." "Sure." I replied sighing and sitting back on my chair. "Did you put your name in the Goblet." I huffed "No I didnt Malfoy!" I said standing up out of my chair. "I didnt even go near the bloody thing!" I began pacing up down the isle, tears brimming my eyes. "I came here to start a fresh. To have nice couple of years with my brother, finish my studies. Maybe make some friends! But noo! Two days here and I'm already the most talked about girl in Hogwarts! I'm going to die." Tears now streaming down my face. "I just want a normal fucking life!" I cried flailing my arms every where.

Malfoy walked up to me grabbing my shoulders "hey, hey, hey." He said sitting me down on a chair and kneeling in front of me. "Calm down y/n. Your going to be fine. You've already made an impression on my friends, they wont stop talking about you. Pansy wont stop talking about you." I looked at him. His grey eyes now soft and sweet, a side of Draco not many people must've seen. "Wow Draco." I said with a slight giggle wiping the tears from my eyes. "I've known you for two days and your already being nice to me. Definitely not what I would have expected from you." "Well dont get used to it Potter." He stood up and held out his hand. I took it and stood up. "We better get back." He said gathering up our books.

We made it back to the common room. He went to open the door when I pulled him back and gave him a hug. He stood there awkwardly, not moving. "Thankyou" i said before pulling back. "Also if you dont tell anyone about my break down, I wont tell anyone about me tutoring you." "Wow blackmail, a true slytherin." We walked into the dungeon and i began walking to my room. "Potter." He said making me turn around. "Dont hug me again." He scowled. "You liked it really Malfoy." I smirked before turning back to my room.

"Where have you been?" Pandy asked as soon as I walked in the room. "I had the tutoring thing. Wait did i forget to tell you?" I said giving her a quick hug before getting changed into my pyjamas. "Oh, no, I just assumed you weren't going to go after, you know." "Well I decided to go to get my mind off things." "Did it help?" She asked with concern. "Actually, yeah, it did." I smiled remembering what just happend.

I laid down on my bed and took a deep breathe. "Who is it?" Pansy asked, now standing at the edge of my bed. "Who's what now?" I asked, knowing full well what she meant. "Come on y/n. Tell me." "They said not to tell anyone." I said, patting my bed, to get her to come sit next to me. "Why not?" She questioned, even more intrigued. "Its not that there embarrassed about getting tutored. It's the fact that they dont want any one to know that they are spending time with a Potter." I winked, enfersising the word Potter.

"Holy shit!" She called Standing up. "Your tutoring Draco Malfoy! Lucky bitch!"
"Lucky?" I questioned, shocked at her response. "I personally thought the total opposite!" "So your telling me Potter, that you dont find Malfoy attractive at all!" "Hell no!" We broke out in a fit of laughter. "I think I just found out that Pany Parkinson has a crush!" She was now sitting on her bed, her cheeks glowing bright red. I sat next to her pulling her into a side hug "I for one Parkinson, think that we are going to be best friends in no time!" I smiled before grabbing my book and climbing into bed.

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