Chapter 25 ~ Final Task Pt 2

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°• The Malfoy Boy •°

We crashed onto the floor, aggressively. I stood up slowly, taking in the new place I was stood. It was dark and gloomy, the feeling of death seemed to linger in this one spot. "You two okay?" Cedric asked, still laying in the ground. I nodded, to entranced on finding out where I was to reply. "Yeah" harry responded "you?" He asked back. The boy nodded to standing up, now stood next to me, taking in the view. "Where are we?" He questioned. For some reason I recognised it, i think maybe from my dreams.

"I've been here before." Harry said "so have I." I responded. "Its a port key." Cedric said making me jump a little, but my attention still on the graveyard. "Guys," he said trying to get our attention "it's a port key." "I've been here before!" Harry stated "in a dream" I walked up to him now looking were his eyes laid.

Tom Riddle

The tombstone read. "Ced," I said now starting to panic "we've got to get out of here. Get back to the cup, now Ced!" I said rushing over to him "what do you mean?" He questioned all of a sudden the scar on my wrist stung painfully. I fell to the floor, clutching it "y/n what is it?" He asked kneeling down next to me" "Just get back to the cup cedric!" I said through gritted teeth. I looked up to see wormtail, stood holding something.

"Who are you! What do you want?!" Cedric yelled holding out his wand "kill the spare." An old voice hissed "Avada Kedavra!" Wormtail screamed, creating a green spark, hitting Cedric causing him to fly back. "No!" I screamed. I tried to get up but my brother and I were lifted up into the air, struggling to get free. He pushed Harry back into the grave we were staring at before, making the wings and staff, hold him in place. I was shot back landing next to Cedric. I quickly grabbed him, pulling his head onto my lap. "No, no, no!" I cried "Cedric no! Please dont leave me." I said tears now streaming down my face, cradling the now lifeless body, of Cedric Diggory

"Do it now." The old voice ordered again. Wormtail walked over the cauldron that was sat in the middle of the graveyard, dropping the bundle in the water with a splash. He then quickly turned to the grave harry was stood on, "bone of the father, unwillingly given" he spoke, lifting human bone, and dropping it in the water. "Flesh from the servant," he stated pulling out a blade and placing it on his wrist "willingly sacrificed" before cutting his whole hand off, letting it fall into the metal circle, screaming in pain. "Blood of the enemy." He said now walking up to my brother, cutting open his shirt " forcibly taken." Cutting my brothers arm, and dripping the blood with everything else.

"The dark Lord shall rise" he continued "again!" All of a sudden the cauldron went up in flames causing the wretched man to retreat. The flames died out leaving a morphing figure, stood in its place. It suddenly stopped, a black mist that was covering the scene, now covering the figure, forming into a cloak. There, stood before me, was the man I never wanted to see, Lord Voldemort.

He moved his hands all of his face, his back still turned to us, before walking slowly towards Wormtail "my wand, wormtail." He asked, the man pulled it slowly out of his robe, bowing and handing it to the man stood before him. He took it, admiring it for a second "hold out your arm." He finally said to his servant. "Master." The man answered " thankyou master" he said thankfully, holding out his handles arm. "The other arm wormtail." The dark lord snapped, the servant obeyed reluctantly, rolling up his sleeve and holding out his arm. The Lord placed his wand on the black inked mark, on Wormtails arm, causing the clouds above us, to form a replica.

Suddenly, shots of black mist appeared, several at a time, forming into wizards and witches in skull masks, death eaters. "Welcome my friends." Voldermort greeted " thirteen years it's been and yet you stand before me, as though it was only yesterday, I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me." His tone of voice now becoming angry " Crabbe, Goyal!" He said pulling of there masks "not even you." He said walking up to the final death eater standing "lucius" before swiping of his mask. The man replied, mumbling things so fast I could make it out.

"Grab the girl." He finally said, causing the blonde haired man to run over and grab me by the arms, "get off me, get off me!" I yelled now being pulled away from the hufflepuff boy. I tried to struggle of his grip, but his wand was soon held up to my kneck.
"I return" wormtail interrupted, causing the dark lord to float quickly over to him "out of fear" He stated to the small man " not loyalty, still, you have proved yourself useful these past few months" with a quick flick of his wand, the servants hand grew back, although this time, black and mechanical looking.
"Ah Miss Potter" Lucius whispered in my ear "I have heard alot about you, i must say, you have made quite the impact on my son." I looked up at Voldemort, he was now walking towards Cedrics lifeless body,
"Oh" he said tutting and stroking his cheek "what a handsome boy." "Dont touch him you Bastard!" I screamed.

He turned to me. "Y/n Potter, the strongest, most powerful of the two." He caressed my cheek with his wand "I've been waiting, so long to do this." He said before grabbing my wrist, and pressing his finger on my scar, causing my brother and I to scream out in pain. The evil man just laughed.

"Y/n" he said taking his finger away from my arm. "I want you on my side. It's very clear that you are the evil twin. The power you hold is extraordinary, but you havent even found your full potential yet. If you join me, I could teach you and we called rule the wizarding world together!" I leaned forward in Lucius grip, now face to face with the dark Lord "bite me" I spat in his face before being yanked back. They all laughed "fine." He said "if you dont join me then I'll have to hurt someone you really care about. Your foster parents?" He questioned, tears now escaping my eyes "no,no, not strong enough." Stated Voldemort. " ah yes." He finally said " The Malfoy boy" I felt Lucius grip stiffen at the name of his son. "If you dont join me y/n, Draco will die in the most gruesome way possible."

"Get away from my sister!" Harry called, noticing the distance between me and the pale man. "Harry, oh" he rushed towards the boy "I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father." He looked up at my brother "should I tell you what really happend that night, thirteen years ago. How I lost my powers." He said now floating around his death eaters.

"It was love, you see, when sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her twin babies, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch you. It was old magic, something I should've foreseen. But, as proven by your sister Harry, I can touch you now." He said slowly lowering his finger on my brothers forehead pushing down hard, causing us to scream in unison. "Astonishing, what a feew drops of just your blood can do, Harry. Pick up your wand Potter." He said letting him go.

I hope you liked this part! After writing this, I realised I need a third part! It will be up sometime tomorow but I hope you liked it! Dont forget to vote and comment what you want to happen next.
~ Emily xxx

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