Chapter 1 ~ The new Potter

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°•"Potter, Y/N Potter" •°

Yr 4

Goblet Of Fire

I stood there on the muggle platform. Waiting for someone I hadn't seen for so long, to come around the corner. I was stood inbetween platform 9 and 10 with my trolley full of luggage and my animal cage, that was covered with a black sheet, sat on top. I looked back down at the letter in my hand and read it again to double check. 'Platform 9 3/4' . That's what it had said. I looked around hoping that my brother would appear and help me.

The problem was, I couldn't really remember what the hell he looked like. It had so many years since I last saw him. The day our parents died we got split up. So I only saw him every couple of years. I looked up and my gaze locked on a strange looking family. Most of them had ginger hair. Exept for two.

There he was. Harry Potter. Some how I instantly knew it was him. His brown hair and round spectacles was a well known factor of his, and of course his lightning scar. I, however, had the same scar, except mine was on my right wrist. I always attempted it hide it, the use of my watch and bracelets managed to keep most of it hidden.

"Y/N Potter!?" Said a short, ginger haired lady. She walked up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I stood there awkwardly not sure what to do. She pulled away and looked at me.
"Wow you are just like your mother arent you. You absolutely stunning!" I smiled at her and giggled embarrassed.
"I'm Molly Weasley, this is my husband Arthur," He stepped forward and shook my hand and nodded at each other "This is my daughter Ginny and my two sons Fred and George." "Hello y/n" The twin boys said in unison. "And last but not least my son Ron." I smiled at him.

I looked to his right and made eye contact with my brother. He walked up to me and pulled my into an awkward hug.
"Hi." He said after pulling away.
"Hi Harry." You replied.
"Hello" said a girl with fluffy brown hair "I'm Hermione Granger it's nice to meet you"
I shook her hand " Its nice to meet you too Granger."

We made it onto the platform and stood facing the train. I looked around me, I saw parents and children saying the sobbing goodbyes and boarding the train. I looked back to my brother and his friends saying goodbye to the weasley parents and beginning to bored the train.
"Y/N" I turned to Molly and smiled at her "We'll see you at christmas love okay"
"Are you sure I wont be intruding. I'm happy to got see my foster parents."
"No love you wont be! Any Potter is family to us!" I looked her my eyes beginning to tear up. She pulled me into a hug. "Thankyou" I whispered into her ear before boarding the train.

Some how I had already lost trio. It was a surprisingly massive train so I wasnt surprised. I walked through the train with my cage in one hand and suit case in the other, and managed to find an empty cabin. I stepped in and put my suit case above my head and my cage next to me. I sat down and pulled out a book from my bag, The Shining. I got settled and began reading it when I heard the door slide open.

"Oi." I looked up and locked eyes with a blonde haired boy. He stood in the door way in a black suit with an angry smirk across his face. "Out, now."
I looked at him and smirked "No." I replied bluntly. "What did you just say to me?" He growled walking up to me slowly. " You heard me. No. I'm not moving. You either have to find another cabin, or, if you are adiment to have this one you'll have to suffer with me."
He looked at me stunned. By the looks of things he hadn't really been spoken to like that for a while. He turned around to his goons and shrugged.
"Fine." He said in defeat sitting opposite me.

I reckon we where about halfway through our journey when I felt someone kicking my foot.
I looked up "what?" I said, maybe a bit to harshly.
"What's in there?" The boy asked.
"Its my pet, obviously"
"No shit. What is it?" He asked sarcastically.
"Its a bat" I replied
"I didnt think you were allowed bats at Hogwarts?"
"Can we see it?" The boy next to me asked
"Sure. And it's a her actually." I lifted up the black cover slowly and showed my pet bat.
"What's her name?" Asked the other boy slightly skinnier than the first.
"Eclipse. Shes a Mariana fruit bat" I replied stroking her little head with my finger. She had a pure black body with pure black wings. I covered her back over and picked up my book.

"Malfoy." Said the grey eyed boy "Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyal." He pointed at the boys then held out his hand towards me. I shook it "Potter, Y/N Potter" I said copying how he said it.
"Oh, so your the other Potter we've been hearing about!" He laughed and smirked at his friends.
"As much as I love this conversation," I said sarcastically " but I would love to get back too my book." He smirked at me "sure." He said sitting back in his seat.

We eventually arrived at the Hogwarts station. I stood up to grab my bag when a hand stretched out and grabbed it for me. I turned looking up at Malfoy. "Thankyou." I said politely before taking my bag off him. I walked around him and left the cabin. I got off the train and saw my brother looking around frantically. He locked eyes with me and sighed. I walked up to him and placed my bags down.

"Where did you go?" He questioned
"I lost you guys when I boarded the train so I found an empty cabin. I was going to look for you guys but I got distracted. Sorry" You said apologetically.
" Wait? So you had a cabin all to yourself?" Ron asked me confused.
"Yeah well not for long. Got stuck with this Malfoy Guy and his goons."
"Merlin that must've been awful?"
"It wasnt too bad. I read most of the way, until he got interested in my bat."
"Wait? Your bat?" Hermione said excitedly
"Yeah" I said lifting up the cloth. "Her names Eclipse."

We eventually arrived at the school. I stood waiting at the front of the great hall awaiting to be sorted into a house. After McGonagall explained what was going to happen I suddenly felt a flurry of nervousness wash over me.
"Y/N Potter" My name was called and I stood up. I walked towards the very front of the hall and could feel all eyes on me. People were whispering and saying things but I chose to ignore them.

I sat on the chair and the hat was placed gently ontop of my head.
"Ah the other Potter twin." The hat said "Your not like your brother at all are you." He pondered saying random things then finally decided on a house. "SLYTHERIN!" The hat said the Slythering table erupted in claps and cheers.

Disclaimer- even tho this is based in the 4th year it may not fit the storyline exactly but I will try my hardest ~ Emily xx

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