Chapter 50 ~ Ready Potter? Ready Weasley?

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°• The Devil in Pink •°

I lent on the wall just outside of Snapes office, waiting for my brother. I could hear shouting coming from inside, but that didnt surprise me much. There was sudden silence, before the door slammed open, revealing my brother.

He stormed out, but the looks of it, not even noticing me. "You alright Haz?" I asked catching up to him. "I dont want to talk about it." He snapped, not even stopping to great me "what are you doing here any way."

"I just wanted to see if your alright, you know, Snape seeing your memories and everything" I justified. Harry stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me "what I dont understand, is why he doesn't have to do the same to you, y/n?" He looked at me dead in the eye, making me shift awkwardly on my feet.

"You've been going through the same as me! Why doesn't Snape have to go through your memories." He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders "I dont know." I lied, knowing perfectly well why "maybe, I haven't had as many nightmares as you have or something."

He just shook his head, and began walking away the other direction. I followed closely, us walking next to each other in uncomfortable silence. We were about to turn the corner, when we heard crying just around the bend.

"What's your name," a voice asked. "Michael" the other replied, seeming to be the crying boy. "Yeah, it's going to be fine" said the voice I soon recognised to be Fred's. I looked at Harry, the anger that once filled his eyes, had now fallen sad, as were mine. "Yeah, it's not as bad as it seems" George agreed as we walked away from the corner, and towards the twins. "See" he said, showing the boy his hand "its fading already. We can hardly see ours anymore"

"The pain stops after a while" Fred reassured, as we stopped next to them. I give Fred a small smile, about to step closer to the small gryffindor, but got interrupted by a squeaky cough. I turned and saw the devil in pink, a small smirk plastered all over her face.

I stepped closer to her, my hand forming into a tight fist, my knuckles quickly becoming white, but Fred stepped behind me, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. Subconsciously telling myself to relax. "As I told you once before, Potters." She stated in her insufferable manner

"Naughty children deserve to be punished." She gave a small, sly smile, before stepping out of sight. "You know George" Fred started "I always felt our futures lay outside other world of academic achievement."
"Fred" said the other twin "I was thinking exactly the same thing."
A small smile crept upon my lips "what do you boys have in mind?"


As I stared off towards the large ticking hand, I tapped my quill on my paper, already finished, and awaiting Fred and George's surprise. I looked around the hall. Everyone still had there heads down, either staring blankly and the piece of parchment, or too busy writing to care about the others.

Umbridge stood smugly at the front of the hall, watching fondly as if her slaves were finally being put to work. The ticking grew louder as I waited impatiently. Any minute now, I kept thinking to myself.

There was a sudden bang came from behind the doors, causing everyone to jerk there heads around to the back if the hall. A smirk slid onto my face as I knew exactly what was about to come.

Another loud rumble made Dolores storm to back of the hall without hesitation. Her head held high and her once smug face, was now stern and mad. As she opend the door, a small spark flew around her face, seemingly harmless. But to think that, you were completely wrong.

It then flew into the hall, turning blue and exploding in mid air. There was complete silence no one daring to move. There was a loud rumble then followed but to screaming gingers on brooms.

They flew straight through the centre of the hall causing all the paper to fly in the air. Everyone cheered as the threw fireworks into the air, and watched them explode. I stood up on my chair, then onto the table, and as promised, Fred swooped down and grabbed me, pulling to join him on the broom.

I picked up one of the fireworks from his bag, and chucked it into the air, a huge green spark flew out the end as it exploded into pieces. I looked down just in time, as one of the little sparks had began chasing Crabbe and Goyal around the room. It then locked on Malfoy, pinning him to the wall. I laughed as it flew straight at him. Malfoy jerked out the way, causing his face to be left in gunpowder on the wall, before quickly vanishing again.

George pulled out the huge one I had been looking forward to see. "Ready when you are" he called.
"Ready Potter?" Fred asked hastily "ready Weasley?" I replied. We both shot our thumbs up at the other twin, before him through it up into the air.

It exploded into a ball of red, yellow and orange lights, before morphing into a massive dragon looking thing. I watched in ore as it chased the phsyco down the hall. As soon as it got to the door, it bit down on the women, causing massive balls of light and explosions filled the corridor, causing all the rules to fall and smash on the ground.

It felt like that moment was all happening in slow motion, before Fred, George and I flew away quickly heading outside. Everyone chased after us as we flew into the sky, throwing fireworks as we went. Leaving a giant W in massive lights. But that all ended quickly.

I grabbed onto Fred for dear life, as picture of Sirius filled my head. "I need that profecy" a voice said. "You'll have to kill me." Sirius replied. Pictures of Sirus tied up continued gathering and soon Voldemort was in the picture, him slowly floating around the long haired man "Oh I will" the nosless man stated "but first you will fetch it for me!"

Sirius was hit with a spell, making him call out in pain. Many images filled my mind. A place I had seen before. A glowing ball of some sort. A door. Lucius Malfoy.

"Fred!" I yelled when it finished "Fred! Put me down" I panicked "Put me down, put me down!" Repeated "okay, okay" he panicked, putting me down as quickly as possible. I ran over to Harry, who was now sat on the floor. He quickly stood up. We looked each other dead in the eye.


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