Chapter 48 ~ The Guitar

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°• Yours Kindly •°

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!" Suddenly I noticed a hand waving in my face and everyone staring at me. I took my self out of gaze and looked at Pansy confused. "What?" I answered "sorry, I zoned out"

"Y/n, were you even listening to me?" She snapped. She'd been like that ever since she found out about the army. She wasnt mad about the fact I was in it, she was mad about the fact I didnt tell her. No matter how many times i had tried to explain it to her, she just stormed out the room. So, we made the desicion to just not talk about it, and leave it.

"No." I confessed.
"what is going on with you Potter?" Blaise asked "nothing" I smiled reassuringly "no, Blaise is right y/n. You've been acting strange for the past four days." As much as I wanted to disagree with her, she was completely right.

It's been four days since Fred and I kissed. It's all I've been thinking about, and its driving me crazy. And on top of that, my final music owl is tomorrow. Everything is piling up onto each other, and I've found my self just wondering too deeply in my head, and zoning out for long periods of time, just trying to handle everything.

"Sorry. Um, I've just been extremely nervous about my music exam tomorow. It's all I've been able to think about." I said, slightly twisting the truth. "I better go though" I stated standing up off the sofa. "Umbridge has opend up the music rooms for us this week, and I better get ready for tomorrow."

I began walking to the door "oh, is that really were your going?" Pansy questioned "or is this another one of your secret meetings?" I continued walking, but turned around to face her "okay Pansy, I am not in the mood for another one of your pity parties today. I have too much shit going on for me to worry about your problem, that, by the way, I have apologized for a hundred times."

With that, I grabbed my case and calmly walked out the common room, heading straight for the music one.


As soon as I got there, i heard music. I assumed it was one of my class mates, and slowly opened the door. I peered in, noticing the distinct ginger hair of the boy I kissed four days ago. For some reason he was shirtless, his guitar resting on his stomach, being played effortlessly.

I leant on door frame, watching the boy in ore. He was playing the opening riff to 'do I wanna know' by the Artic Monkeys. The way his hands lightly strummed the strings, playing one of my favourite songs, caused butterflies to flutter round my stomach.

His ginger hair had fallen, causing it to hide some of his forehead, as he focused on playing the chords. He looked up, his eyes making instant contact with mine. I suddenly noticed I was staring at him, but i couldnt help it. I'd never seen Fred like this.

He was either messing around, pulling pranks with George, or studying in his uniform. Never once, despite spending most of the summer with him, had I ever seen him shirtless, or even playing the guitar for that matter.

"Sorry." I finally said, zoning back in. He just smiled "it's fine. I was just leaving anyway." He stated putting his guitar away. "Who knew, Fred Weasley could play the guitar." I teased, slowly walking up to him. "Well, I'm not just a hot ginger who's only good at creating pranks" he smirked, grabbing t shirt and pulling it over his head.

"Who ever said you were hot?" I questioned sarcastically, admiring his guitar that sat in its case. "Oh I dunno?" He teased "maybe the way your jaw just dropped when you saw me" my cheeks blushed bright red, making me turn away from him, picking up his instrument.

"When did you start?" I questioned, changing the subject. "My dad" he started "brought this home from work when I was about ten ish" I watched a small smile creep on his lips as he reminisced on the memory "I snuck into dads shed that night, along with George, we quickly grabbed it and took it back to our room. I used to play it every night."

I sat down, holding the instrument in my hands "do you mind?" I asked, gesturing to play something "go ahead" he smiled. I strummed down, the sound of the guitar filled the room. It felt different to mine. The vibe was happier, lighter. "I never asked when you started y/n" i hesitated to answer.

"It was christmas day, the first year at Beuxbatons. I was the only one in my house that stayed over christmas, because my foster parents had to work. Madame Maxime walks in carrying a guitar case...


"Miss Potter." The tall women said, in her thick french accent "someone dropped this off, told me to give it to you." I put my book down and faced her. This was my first proper encounter with the headmistress. Being my first year I hadn't seen her much.

I quickly stood up form the sofa, heading towards the giant lady. As I stood infront of her, the feeling of intimidation washed over me, giving me the feeling that she didnt really like me much. She slowly handed me a plain, black, guitar shaped case.

"Thankyou Madame." I answered politely taking it off her. She just nodded and left headed for the door "excuse me , madame." I said quickly, hoping she hadn't left. "Yes, miss Potter." She span to face me, her frilly robe spinning with her "you never said who it's from." I asked.

She shrugged, opening the door "I'm sorry, but a random owl dropped it off  with a note to to tell me to give it to you. Miss Potter, I'm your headmistress, not your owl, so you'll have to find out for yourself." She snapped before exiting.

I was left standing in the warm but lonley common room. The smell of gingerbread and pine leaves, from the beautifully decorated christmas tree, filled the room. I sat back down on the baby blue sofa, placing the case on the glass table infront of me.

I flicked open the lid, revealing a beautiful wooden acoustic guitar. Ontop, there was a sealed envelope, with my name written upon it. I sat back, quickly opening the letter.

Dear Miss Potter,
Merry Christmas! I hope your having a wonderful day.

This guitar, I have attached with this letter, was found at the wreckage of your old family home, the night you and your brother were found.

It once belonged to your mother, Lily Potter, and I very well know, she would have loved you to have it.

I hope you enjoy it as much as she did, and dont forget, always use your imagination.

Yours Kindly
Professor A. Dumbledore

*end of flashback*

"... so from then on, I never let it out of my sight." I finished my story, to see Fred listening intently, but a puzzled look on his face. "What?" I laughed confused. "Nothing," he answered unsure "but, I thought you said you opened an acoustic guitar, y/n, this is and electric" he stated, gesturing towards it.

"Well, that's were it gets confusing."

I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it took so long  had a tad bit of writers block and have alot going on at the moment

The next chapter will be out soon!

I hope you all are okay and staying safe!
~ Emily xx

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