Chapter 12

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Sofia POV

As we approached towards the ball room, I could already hear all the noise and hustle - bustle in there.

We reached the entrance, where trumpets played and the golden doors opened.

Then, Baileywick announced us.

"Introducing King Roland II, Queen Miranda, Crown Prince James, Princess Amber and Princess Sofia of Enchancia."

Dad and James bowed, while Mom, Amber and I curtsied as the ball erupted with cheers.

We got down the stairs, and everyone went off, and I started looking for...

"Well, I suppose he isn't here yet." I softly mumbled to myself.

What I didn't realise was he was standing right beside me the whole time.


"Huh? Hugo, what are you doing here? And why did you scare me like that? And when did you get here?"

"Dear, Princess Sofia, i was the first one to be here. Anyways, who were you looking for? Were you missing me?"

"Uh...Me? Why would I be missing you? I was looking for Vivian."

"Sof, I'm pretty sure I heard 'Maybe he isn't there yet'..."

"Oh, I was looking for Vivian, but I was looking for Zandar too, so  I could congratulate him on his marriage to Hildy."

Yep, Zandar and Hildy are married now. It was in a faraway land, so only Mom, Dad and Amber went for a few hours, but I was a little sick, so I couldn't go, and James volunteered to stay and take care of me.

"Okay.  Anyways, there they are. Let's go to them." Hugo urged, pulling my hand.

"Hildy! Congratulations!" I said, giving her a tight hug.

"Hey, big man, married now, what about the rest of your family?" Hugo was teasing Zandar.

"Hugo, don't rush them...." I scolded, silently.

Hugo ran off to fetch a drink for himself, as Amber an Clio spotted us and joined us.

"Well, Sofia, we were so sad you and James could not come, anyways, congratulations on your engagement to Hugo too. The past Hildegard would've killed you for that now" Hildy laughed.

"Yeah, congratulations, Sofia." Clio said.

"Yeah... Thanks...Anyways, Me, You, Amber and Clio had a huge crush on Hugo back then."

We were not aware that Hugo was right behind us the whole time.

"I'm flattered, to have four fans, ladies, but I'm afraid I'm only available to one of you." Hugo said, looking at me, and smirking with a fruit punch in his hand.

"Oh, Hugo, that was before, not now at all." Hildy, Amber and Clio said at the same time.

"Oh Okay then." Hugo said, still smirking.

"Fine now, James is already taking his ball rounds, and, I guess we should go too, Amber."

"Mind me joining you, Amber?" Desmond offered, appearing out of nowhere.

"Des, I was looking for you, where were you the entire time?" Amber asked, suprised.

"I was reading a book, sitting at the beverage bar, with fruit punch in hand. I finished it, and came up to you."

"Yeah, of course, and I don't mind you joining me. C'mon."

"Yeah, I'll better be going too." I said.

As I started walking away, Hugo held my hand.

"Uhh, Can I come with you?"

"Hugo, you don't really need to ask me for that."

We approached the kingdom of Freezenburg.

"King Henrik, Princess Astrid" I curtsied and Hugo bowed.

"It's a great ball, Sofia." Astrid said, hugging me.

I could feel Hugo was getting uncomfortable. He didn't like Astrid. She and Axel were a thing when they were at Royal Prep. Their breakup was very messy as Astrid put a blame on Axel for cheating on her.

"Uh....Thank you, but, as I started late on my ball rounds a little late, I really must be going now."

I curtsied, took Hugo's hand and walked away. He was trembling.

"Hugo, Come with me somewhere."

"Sure, but where? And don't you have to take your rounds?"

"Yes, but it'll take only five minutes. We're going my secret garden."

"Oh, the secret garden you threw a tea party in?"

I looked up to him, started. He remembered?

"Uh. Yeah. How did you know?"

"Oh...I was hiding behind one of the bushes, stalking you and the other princesses, well, you know the old me, fanboying over all the princesses..."

"Are you for real, Hugo?"

"Nah, I'm just messing with you. It was something all the princesses could talk about at school."

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, here we are."

I pushed open a door and Hugo stood, aghast at the beauty.

"It's so beautiful, and I love the sunset time." Hugo said

"I brought you here on purpose, because - "

"You knew I was traumatized when we saw Astrid, right?"

" traumatized that you were trembling."

"I can never forget what she did to Axel."

"It's okay, Hugo." I said, rubbing his back.

"Thanks, for always being there for me."

"You are also there for me when I'm feeling down. It's what life partners do."

"I love you, Sofia."

"I love you more, Hugo."

We closed the gap between us for long and sweet kiss.

We broke away after a minute.

"Well, lets head back Sof, before papa sends a search party for you."

"I guess you're right."

We went back and went to the kingdom of Corinthia.

"King William, Queen Corrine, Princess Coraline, Princess Clio."

I curtsied and Hugo bowed.

"Great ball, Sof." Cora said, patting my back.

Pulling me aside, she said

"You sure got a very hot betrothed, Sofia."

"Okay. Shut up."

But Hugo heard us and was smirking.

"Thank you, your majesties."

I curtsied.

"Heard what your friend said?"

"Shut up, handsome." I winked.

"Oh, so you do think I'm handsome?"

"I've always felt you're handsome, even when you were arrogant back then at RPA." I blushed.

With that, we finished my rounds, By visiting Tangu, Welshire, Khaldoun, Avalor, Hakalo, Wei - Ling, and much more.

Hugfia - A LOVE STORY - BETROTHEDWhere stories live. Discover now