Chapter 35

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Sofia POV

"I'm exhausted too. But I have just the idea through which we can get relaxed." I smirked.

I started to undress, and I saw that Hugo smirked, and he got naked too.

I walked towards the bed, naked, and crept in the blankets, just when Hugo threw the blanket away from his body.

"What the - Why are you wrapping  yourself?" He asked.

"My idea was sleeping! Do you seriously think of sex all the time?" I laughed.

"I do, actually." He smiled, and crept back in the blanket.

"Can we wake up at 6 again? Although we're sleeping naked, we have to get dressed before Baileywick or the maids arrive." I said.

"Yeah, sure. I'll wake you up." Hugo said.


A/N - Just a little thing. Skip until 'You're Free' if you don't like this stuff.

Hugo then wrapped his arms around my breasts, and I wrapped my hand around his waist, and bought him closer. We were very close to each other, and his dick was lightly touching my pussy. He had worn a condom, so I did not mind that. He always wears a condom these nights. We never know when we get turned on.

The next morning!

I suddenly woke up feeling an immense pleasure running through me.

I looked at the time - 6 a.m.

But what was this pleasure in me?

Well, it appeared like Hugo was fucking me, really slow though.

"Hey, you're finally up!" Hugo said, and stopped moving, his dick still inside me though.

"Yeah, but what's this?" I asked, pointing to our connected bodies.

"Well, I kept calling your name so we could get dressed, but you weren't waking up. I thought of kissing you, but I saw our genitals were touching each other, so that gave me the idea." He smirked.

"Okay, whatever. But, you need to finish what you started. Go really slow though." I winked.

Hugo got on top of me, and I widened my pussy. He smirked, and rammed it in.

I moaned as he moved really slow, but due to the position we were in, he was easily touching my g - spot.

I moaned and moaned and he cummed in five minutes. He was about to exit, when he realised I hadn't cummed yet, and fucked me even slower.

Suddenly, I felt an extreme urge to pee. I cummed, a lot though, and it trickled down my pussy, down my leg.

Hugo collapsed on me, both of us not remembering that his dick was still inside me, and it reached an extreme distance inside my vagina, and I screamed.

Our bodies were totally closed together, not even a gap of 10 cm between us. He fucked me that way, and I squirted.

We both then went to take a bath, and we got dressed, and went to sleep again.

When we got into bed again, it was 7:30 a.m. Wait. We really fucked that long?

A/N - You're Free!

Hugo already fell asleep.

Well, we women sure do experience some pain during sex, and a sore vagina after that, but men sure do get tired.

Soon, I fell asleep too.

"Princess Sofia! Rise and Shine!" Baileywick said.

"Good morning, Baileywick! Well, you always just have to come and wake me up first in my room, don't you?" I laughed.

"Well, I won't do that after you're married, Princess." He smirked.

"Of course you won't." I smiled, and blushed.

"Now, please wake up Prince Hugo fast, you all have to leave for your Graduation!"

"Oh my God! How could I forget?" I gasped.

Baileywick smiled.

"Yes, so you better get ready." He said, and left.

"Oh! We shouldn't have been fucking in the morning! Hugo!" I whisper - yelled.

He didn't wake up.

I bent down and opened his trouser's chain, and kissed his dick, and he woke up.

"Hey, babe. You want another fuck?" He asked.

I punched him in the arm.

"Oww! What gives?" He yelled.

"Crown Prince Hugo Harrison of Enchancia, what is today's date?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Uhm - October 5th? Wait. October 5th? Oh no! The graduation!" He said.

"Exactly. Wake up!" I said.

He woke up, and I saw him running towards downstairs.

"Mama, Papa!" Hugo yelled.

"Hugo! What happened, son? Did Sofia scare you into waking up or something?" Dad asked.

"No! The graduation! Let's go! Baileywick - prepare a coa - " He yelled, and Dad cut him off.

"Hugo, what time is the graduation supposed to start at?" He asked, Him, Mom and James trying to stifle a laugh.

"11 a.m.! Papa, please! We're getting late!"

"Hugo. What's the time now?" Mom asked.

He glanced at the clock.

"8:30 a.m.?" He gasped.

Everyone burst out laughing, and he made a face.

"Sofia, you might want to escort your to - be husband to the room, and ask him to take a shower." Dad laughed.

"I will, Dad." I said, furiously looking at Hugo.

Hugo saw my furious look and tried to run.

I caught him with my enchantlet, bought him towards me, realesed him, caught him by the hand, and walked upstairs.

"What is wrong with you?" I whisper - yelled.

"I'll explain. Let me just take my clothes, and slam the door so it sounds like I went into the other room." Hugo said.

He did that, and walked with me to my room, where I removed my nightgown, and he also removed his outfit.

"Hmm. The explanation?" I said, as we stepped in the shower.

"Well, I fucked you, and we slept at 7:30 again, so I was thinking it must be late, that's why."

"Fine, whatever." I said, giving him a handjob.

"You want a fuck or something?" He asked.

"Maybe, but, we're taking a bath in the shower." I said.

"So what?" He asked.

"You've really gone mad. Do you wear a condom when you shower? It's okay to wear it in the bathtub, but if you wear a condom in the shower and fuck me, it'll slip off, because you're standing."  I lightly hit his head.

"Okay, babe. Let's go fast."

He said, and we went into my closet, and got dressed.

We shared a short kiss, and went out to breakfast.

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