Chapter 14

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(A/N) : I'm so soft for HugFia that I always forget to bring the conflict in, which you know is going to be Diana...... But, I promise, I'll start the Diana conflict in full swing, from the chapter regarding Sofia's birthday. For now, enjoy some conflict - free chapters!!!! Also, I never expected to get 2K reads already, on my first story!! I love you all!!!!! Thank you soooo much!!!

Sofia POV

After the couples dance was over, a little time after, the ball was pretty much over too.

Since it was a ball kept in the honor of my and Amber's engagement, well, let me say, Hugo and Des had to stay until everyone was gone, to greet them.

It was very late until everyone was gone.

"Aw, man! Wish I could spend the night! Now I have to spend an hour in a shaky little carriage, go to my room, and sleep..." Hugo groaned

"Same, dear brother - in - law."

All of us laughed except for Hugo and Desmond.

"Well" Dad stepped in "If that's the matter, then stay for the night. I'll inform Garrick and Magnus. Our castle has plenty of empty rooms."

Hugo and Des beamed.

"Thank you so much, papa." They said, bowing.

"Hey. Stop that formal stuff and come over here boys. You're my own sons, especially for making my daughters so happy." Dad said, hugging them.

Mom, Amber, me and James cleared our throats and raised an eyebrow at Dad.

Baileywick chuckled at this.

"Okay, you four, come here! Family group hug!"

All of us hugged Dad and Baileywick smiled.

When we broke apart, Dad made a serious face.

"Now, important point to be noted. Miranda and I needed to talk about Sofia and Hugo's future baby or whatever because we wanted to alert you about Birk. But, no naughty stuff now, okay?"

Amber and Des chuckled but Dad noticed them.

"No need to chuckle, same goes for you both." Dad said, pointing at them.

"Dad, how could you even think we'd do that?" I asked.

Suddenly, Mom and James started laughing, and Dad groaned.

All five of us (including Baileywick) were shocked.

"You owe us fifty bucks! You owe us fifty bucks!"  Mom and James yelled.

"What's happening?"

"Well, Sof, Mom and I bet Dad that you'd all be shocked and angry by all that stuff of 'naughty stuff' Dad was talking about, and Dad said that you'd all know it was a joke. Mom and I won, so Dad has to give both us fifty bucks!"

"Oh, great joke!" Hugo said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

All of us laughed.

"Well, young royals, it's getting late , so you better get to bed now." Baileywick reminded.

"Yes, but I need to speak to Dad. Everyone, wait here for a moment."

Everyone listened to me.

"Dad, can you postpone tomorrow's village trip to day after tomorrow, perhaps? I don't wanna miss it all."

"Sofia, why would you miss it?"

"Well, today's Monday, and Hugo has an ice - dancing recital on Friday. We need to practice, so I had told him earlier that I'll come to his castle on Tuesday, which is tomorrow. Please, Dad?"

"Well then, It's fixed. The village trip will be this Wednesday."

"Thanks, Dad. You're the best. And, to think, you're my biological Dad! I love you!" I hugged him, tears streaming downs my face.

"Sofia, I always told you, even if you were my step daughter, but you'd always be my real, biological daughter."

We broke apart.

"Why are you crying, Sofia?" Dad asked.

"Nothing, Dad! Oh, I love you so much!"

Dad chuckled and cupped my cheek as we crashed into a tight hug again.

"Awww.." Baileywick, Des and Hugo, Amber and James cooed.

I glanced up to Mom, and she was crying too.

"Okay, now you people better get to bed. Sofia, you can leave with Hugo in his coach in the morning for your practice, for, as I know, he has a large ice rink at his castle." Dad said.

Hugo nodded.

"All right, it's settled then." Dad said, and Mom, Dad and James left.

"Your majesties, would you like to show our guests their rooms, or should I lead them there?" Baileywick said, asking Amber and me.

"We'll show them, Baileywick. You better get to bed, today was a long day for you." I said.

"It sure was, and thank you, Princess Sofia and Princess Amber"

Amber put an arm around my shoulder and we smiled.

Hugo broke our conversation with a huge yawn, stretching his arms.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you really supposed to be a Prince?" I asked, while Amber and Des were trying to stifle a laugh.

"Hey! I was the first one here!"

"But - "

Amber broke our fight.

"Okay, enough! You two are fighting as if you're married already. Sofia."

"What? Okay, Sorry."

"Let's show them their rooms now."


After we showed Hugo and Des their rooms, and how to get into, mine, Amber's and James' in case of an emergency, we waved them goodnight. Des left, and Hugo was there, standing.

"What? You were just yawning, and now you don't want to sleep?" I asked, as sarcastic as could be.

Hugo locked his lips with mine.

We broke apart apart a few seconds.

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