Chapter 69

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Hugo POV

"Sofia!" I yelled, rushing after her.

Amber, James, Viv and Des had rushed too, and Amber caught Heather, just in time.

I caught Sofia right before she was about to touch the ground. But I must done that being instable, so I fell. I sat upright on the floor.

"Sofia? Sofia, wake up!" I said.

"Mom!" Edward and Arthur were coming, rushing downstairs.

"Hugo, take Sofia to your room. Baileywick, call the Doctor. Roland, can you take all the children to their room?" Mom asked.

"Miranda, I'll do it. Come along, Queen Vivian, if you can." Uncle Bartleby piped up.

Uncle Bartleby and Vivian took Heather and Sabrina, and took all the kids to Edward and Arthur's room.

I lifted Sofia up.

She had claspen my button - up. Good, she's using her senses.

Papa opened the door to our room, and I made Sofia lay down on the bed.

The Doctor came rushing in.

"Doctor." Papa asked, in a confused tone.

"Is there any chance Sofia can be pregnant again or something?" Mom completed.

"No, Your Highnesses. Queen Sofia gave birth just yesterday, there's no chance of fertilisation today itself." She said, and rushed to the bedside.

She checked Sofia's heartbeat, and blood pressure.

"King Hugo, any reason due to which Queen Sofia was very worried or something?" The Doctor asked.

"Not at all. Why do you ask, Doctor?" I said.

"Queen Sofia's blood pressure has dropped. This usually happens when a person is really worri - Wait." She was saying.

"Doctor?" I asked.

"Can everyone except Former Queen Miranda and King Hugo leave us for a while?" She asked.

Everyone left except Mom and me.

"King Hugo, can you take Queen Sofia's dress off?" She asked.

"Okay, sure." I said.

I took off her dress, and kept it on the table. The Doctor unclipped Sofia's bra. She pressed on her breasts a little, and Sofia's milk flowed out, some milk was in tiny little knots.

The Doctor  clipped her bra again. Me and Mom made Sofia wear her gown.

"King Hugo, I get these cases a lot. Sometimes, some womens' milk gets knotted when they give birth for the second time." The Doctor said.

"Yes, that happened to me the second time." Mom said.

"Indeed, and I've seen so many cases that women get worried if their baby is not getting good milk, and this worrying haunts them, which may cause dip in blood pressure, and fainting."

"But why do these occur?" I asked.

"Hugo, the hormonal changes after giving birth for a second time need to get adjusted well enough. So, they cause some knots the first two days to get adjusted to the sudden changes." Mom said.

"Yes, and these need to be disposed. Please do it, King Hugo. And, I'm prescribing a medicine, to keep Queen Sofia from getting over - worried, and fainting." She said.

"Thank You, Doctor." We said.

She bowed and left.

"Hugo, you must be thinking how to dispose of those knots, right?" Mom asked.

I nodded, as everyone entered the room again.

"Until you find no knots, I'll get a bottle for the babies. You've got to get her milk out, and strain them in the bottle and place cold compresses on the breasts, so no knots remain. You have to this until all knots are gone. Don't worry though, they'll be gone until tomorrow. This doesn't stay long." Mom said.

"Okay, Mom." I said.

"Hugo - " Sofia woke up.

"Sofia - " I hugged her.

"Whoa - what's this?" She chuckled.

"From now on, every worry that haunts you, please tell me." I said.

"What do you mean?" Sofia asked.

I explained her everything.

"Oh, so that's the reason knots were coming in my milk. Okay, we'll do it." She said.

"They're very less right now, so we can get rid of them." I said.

"Mom, could you please get a bottle and a strainer?" Sofia asked.

Mom nodded, went out, and came back.

Everyone except me and Mom left the room.

"Okay, You two. I'll show yo what to do." Mom said.

She pressed Sofia's breasts, and a lot of milk flowed, which Mom strained onto the bottle, and only knots remained.

We did this until Sofia said her breasts felt empty.

"Now, we just have to wait until Sofia produces milk again to check if it's done." Mom said.

Mom left, but Me and Sofia stayed in the room, putting cold compresses. 

After an hour, Mom came back in the room.

This time, when Sofia's milk flowed out, there were no knots. We heaved a sigh of relief.

"Good, now." Sofia said.

"Never hide anything from me ever again." I kissed her.

"Never." Sofia smiled.

We both went downstairs.

Edward and Arthur came running.

"Mom!" They hugged Sofia. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, now. I was just a little tired." Sofia said, kissing the boys on their foreheads.

"Where are your sisters?" We asked.

"With Grand Aunt Tilly and Great Grandma." Edward said.

She went upto them.

"Thank you, Aunt Tilly and Grand Mum." She said.

"They're our kids too, Sofia. It's our duty." They said.

Me and Hugo smiled at each other.

And that was our love story - From Marriage to Everything.

And as they say - We lived happily ever after.

A/N - Hey Hugo! Aren't you gonna tell them? Atleast half of the news?

Hugo - Oh yeah. Readers of hugfia_love, you now have a new book called Truth or Dare taking over, of which after some dares, it'll be truth and dare as husband and wife (married)! So tune in to that!

A/N - Annnd this is not over. An epilogue and hugfia anniversary is left! The last chapter is Chapter 71 or Chapter 72, I'm not sure!

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