Chapter 52

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Sofia POV

Violet and Suzzete were holding Edward and Arthur.

Dad and Hugo bowed and Mom curtsied, and then I gave a low dip curtsy,

Violet and Suzzete hand me and Hugo one baby each.

"Before we start, there are some certain guests missing, who will be joining us in 5 minutes. Thank you all for your patience." I said.

I went aside with Edward cooing in my arms.

I flicked my wrist, and my enchantlet formed a circle.

"Orion? Vega? Chrysta?"

"Sofia! Congratulations! We're all here." They appeared.

"Than - " I saw Edward had grabbed my amulet and was trying to eat it.

"Oh, no Eddie! Don't do that! Are you hungry or something?" I smiled, gently taking the amulet from him.

But he only giggled. 

"Well, I think he wants to play with someone." I smiled.

The protectors smiled too, but then I saw Hugo.

Arthur, in his hands, was trying to reach Edward, and Edward was trying to reach Arthur. Hugo looked at me and smiled.

"And, that someone happens to be his brother." At this,  Edward cooed, and tried to reach out more.

"Okay, Okay! I'll take you there!" I said, chuckling.

"Guys, I'll call you back." I said.

I gave Edward to Dad, who went closer to Hugo, and both the brothers started cooing and playing, mostly trying to eat their Dad's bowtie.

I went back, and called the protectors.

"As we were saying, Congratulations Sofia! I mean, Queen Sofia! My, you got a pretty charming son. I'm sure the other one would as charming too." Orion said.

"Thank You, and please don't call me Queen! I'm done with that in the castle only, please! And I thought you'd want to see the boys in person, so, if you're free, come over to our Ball Room!" I said.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Orion bowed.

"Orion, you're not allowed to come." I joked.

"Okay, okay, sorry." He said.

Within 5 minutes, the protectors were here. Hugo and I decided to start the Ball. Hugo suggested I give the speech.

"Welcome, one and all, to our sons' Royal Proclamation Ball. Thank You, all of you, who came here, and now, with the blessings of our holy lands of Enchancia, I welcome our sons, Prince Edward Sinclaire Marie Winslow Harrison, and Prince Arthur Sinclaire Marie Winslow Harrison of Enchancia to our family. And, unless future changes, Edward is the Crown Prince of Enchancia!"

I signified Baileywick to give me the crests, and I put it on the boys' clothes, who cooed.

"Now, King Hugo, me and the rest of my family are on our thrones, with Edward and Arthur, so whoever may wish to see them in person, may come forward and meet them. But, first, I'd like to introduce my sons to some friends, whom I know since I was 11." I said, and signified Orion, Vega, Chrysta, Garish and Cody to come forward.

They came up on the altar, congratulated me and Hugo, and met the boys, who grasped Garish's finger in an instant, and we laughed.

They went down, and many Royals came and met the boys.

Soon, the ball was over, and everyone departed. Me, Mom and Hugo went upstairs to feed the boys, and we came down to chat.

Even after burping, the boys didn't feel like to sleep. They were more focused on eating things, and playing.

We grinned at them.

Soon, they fell asleep in their father's arms, and we both kissed them goodnight on the forehead.

We gave each other a short kiss as well.

Mom and Dad asked for Edward and Arthur, and we carefully gave them to Mom and Dad, careful in the sense not to wake them up.

"Okay, let's talk to future. Sofia, go first." Mom said.

"I think I want a daughter in future." I smiled.

Mom and Dad smirked.

"But not now. After a year maybe." I continued.

"Well, then you better keep an eye on your protection while having sex." Dad said.

"Hugo, go." Mom said.

"Before that, Mama, I needed to talk about something to you." Hugo said.

"Yes, Hugo?" Mom asked.

Hugo knelt down, and held Mom's hands.

I smiled at my husband. He'd discussed this with me, and I was sure Mom would say yes.

"Mama, as you may know, I lost my mother when I was three in that car crash."

"Yes, Hugo. I'm very sorry for that." Mom said, in a sad tone.

"It's okay, Mama. Today, when I said that Papa was my own father, I thought you'd be like my own mother." He continued.

Mom nodded.

"Of course, I'll be, Hugo." She smiled.

"So, the thing I wanted to ask, can I call you Mom instead of Mama? I'll call Papa as Papa, or both of my fathers will get confused whom I'm calling." He laughed.

"Of course, Hugo." Mom said.

She put his head on her lap, and ran her hands through his hair.

I cleared my throat, and Dad chuckled.

"You come here, too." Mom said.

I went and sat on the ground, and Mom did the same to me.

Hugo and I looked at each other, and we shared a hug with Mom.

"Thanks, Mom." Hugo said.

"Okay, now you both better get to bed." Dad said.

We nodded, and as I got up, my heel got twisted.

"Ahh!" I yelled, as I was about to fall.

"Sofia!" Hugo yelled, and he rushed to me, catching me in time, and we were in a low dip dance position.

He made me stand on my feet.

"Thank - Ow!" I said.

"Sofia, what's wrong?" Dad and Hugo asked.

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