Chapter 13

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Sofia POV

As I finished my rounds, Mom caught our attention.

"Everyone, me and Roland would like to make an announcement. For now, please keep on partying, meanwhile Sofia calls some friends."

She came up to me.

"Sofia, Please call everyone you know from the mystic isles."

"Uh...Okay mom, but what's the matter."

"I'll tell you, just call them."

I spoke onto my enchantlet.

"Orion? Vega? Chrysta?" 

A circle formed, and all the protectors were together tonight.

"Sofia? We're here." Orion said.

"Is something wrong?" Vega asked.

"No...Mom wants you here, in our castle ball room, as soon as possible. She has an announcement."

"Okay, we'll be there." Chrysta said.

"Wait! Please bring all the protectors, fairies, The sugar plum fairy, unicorns including Skye, Azurine too."

"Sure, Sofia. We'll be there."

"Who were they?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow, when I come over to your castle."

"Okay, Sof."

Everyone arrived in about fifteen minutes, and Mom instantly, took notice of them.

Mom and Dad went up  to the stage.

"First of all, Baileywick, all our workers, and Cedric, stop working and listen. And please, anyone who has any questions regarding this, ask us at the end."

"Welcome to our daughters' betrothal ball. Now, since, our daughters will be married soon, I want to share a secret me and Roland have been hiding for 9 years, yes, ever since, Sofia become a princess."

"A secret?" Hugo whispered to me.

"I don't know, what secret Mom's talking about, Hugo."


"You all know, that, Sofia is Roland's step daughter and a step sibling to Amber and James, although they never treated each other that way. But the truth is, Sofia is not Roland's step daughter."

"Mom, you don't mean that I - " I spoke up.

"Yes Sofia, you are Roland's real, biological daughter."

"But, how? Even my name is Princess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow Balthazar. I only added Princess and Sinclaire Marie Winslow beause you're married to Dad."

"No, Sofia, Your name is Princess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow." Dad said.

"Yes, and please listen to how it is so." Mom said.

"Years ago, before Sofia, Amber or James were born, even before Roland was married to Lorelei, I was his first wife. My real name was Princess Miranda William Jacob. I was royalty, and so was Roland. We were married, and I was pregnant, with Sofia. It was my 6th month, and wishing for a vacation, we went sailing. A group of people, most likely tribals, invaded our ship, and began demanding for a sacrifice, and then they'd let us go. I didn't want either of us to die, so I pretended to jump off the ship, and untied the rope to the safety boat and sat there, not making one noise. I didn't know what happened to the tribals, but Roland said, after we were married the second time, that they left him and went away. But, that time, Roland thought me and our baby really were drowned, and, he went to Enchancia. I couldn't stop him, and so i found an island and began living there. In due time, I gave birth to Sofia. But there was a storm, and my baby, she was lost in the sea and dead. I couldn't stop crying for two months, living alone. But, I was not alone. I was pregnant. When we went to Avalor, before returning, I seeked Mateo's help to bring back the human spirit of Alacazar. He told me, my daughter was cursed and booned, so she had to die in some way, and take birth again. By the time I gave birth, Amber and James were one year old and Lorelei passed away, which made Sofia one year younger than both of them. I had come to Enchancia, from a ship I spotted near the island, and began living as a villager. Sofia was only one year old. When she grew up, and learned what a father is, she asked me about it."

"Yes, Mom. I remember. You told me that Birk Balthazar was my father's name and he was a sailor, who had been lost at sea."

"Yes, Sofia, and, let me tell you, I knew that Roland was King, but I didn't want to meet with him, as I heard he had kids, so, I only went when he needed those slippers, and he recognised me. He pulled into his chamber and apologised and explained everything to me. I told him Sofia was his real daughter and we decided to get married, again. But I told him, never to tell anyone about this, as I had told Sofia, that Birk was her father. And then, she became a princess and all that, you already know."

"But, if Dad is my real Dad, then who was Birk Balthazar?"

"A very dangerous enemy, who, when I was living at he island, pregnant once more, met me. He also had a pregnant wife, and, she died due to, I don't know what reason. He thought I was the reason she died, and said, he would be taking revenge from my baby and her child when she grew up. Sofia, Hugo, this is a warning. I don't know if Birk is alive or not, but, still, Hugo needs to be at all time with Sofia, when she's eight months pregnant, until the birth of your baby, because, when Birk's wife died, I was eight months pregnant, too.

Hugo and I started blushing a little at this.

"Hey. Save the dirty thoughts after you guys are married, after four years." Amber whispered.

But I was too happy that Amber, James and I were actually blood - related.

"Oh, Amber, James, I'm so happy that we are -" I said, tightly hugging them.

"Say no more, Sofia, we know, now." Amber and James said.

The entire ball room erupted into cheers.

"Well, anyways, one and all present here, don't worry about Birk now at all. He won't do any harm until Sofia is eight months - " Mom started.

"Okay, Okay mom. Please, now."

Dad smirked.

"What, Sofia? You will be pregnant someday, after fours years, won't you?"

"Here we go, again. Anyways, keep partying now, everyone from the mystic isles, too."

"Congratulations on your betrothal, ex - trainee." Chrysta said, hugging me.

"Congratulations!" Orion,  Vega and Garish gushed. 

"Oh, thank you, ex - trainers." We all laughed.

Suddenly, waltz music began to play, and couples began dancing.

Me and the protectors were laughing and chatting, until Hugo came up to me.

"Excuse me, protectors. Would you mind if I steal Sofia, for a few minutes?" He said.

"Oh, we don't mind." Orion said.

"Princess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow of Enchancia, or, the to - be Duchess Sofia Sinclaire Marie Winslow Harrison of Welshire." I bowed.

"What is it, Hugo? And, Why are you calling me by my full names?"

"Care to dance?"

"Oh, sure."

Hugo pulled me onto the floor.

"Aww...How adorable. My little ex - trainee has grown up so much." Chrysta gushed.

"Wow, Chrysta dear, you sound like me." Mom laughed.

We started dancing.

Hugo POV

I started dancing with Sofia, and was amazed at her, she was so light on her feet, and she was amazing at it. I knew she had a hard time dancing, when she became an official princess, and now, here she is, dancing so gracefully, as if shed been doing it since she was a baby. A lot of men looked at her in awe, and I'm glad, I'm the one engaged to her.

The dance ended, and we bowed and curtsied to each other.

Sofia then gave me a smile.

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